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Just Habits

Логотип телеграм канала @only_habits — Just Habits J
Логотип телеграм канала @only_habits — Just Habits
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Категории: Новости и СМИ , Психология
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 8.76K
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Channel about useful habits for every day. Change your life by taking simple steps.
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Последние сообщения 63

2021-11-09 19:02:10 The four envelope method

Forget forever about debt and the lack of a financial cushion

The method is simple enough:
Calculate your average monthly income.
Create a reserve fund and set aside 10% of each paycheck there. Ideally, that money should be invested in something.
Deduct mandatory payments: mortgage, rent, cell phone bills, etc.
Divide the remaining amount into four parts and put them in four envelopes, one for each week of the month.

Important: Don't let yourself take money from the envelope from the following week if you run out of money, even if you promise yourself to pay it back
7.8K viewsedited  16:02
2021-11-04 20:10:16
Anti-stress exercises

Scientists have proven that any repressed emotions (both negative and positive) "settle" and remain in our bodies.

Result: psychosomatic diseases. The easiest way to discharge is through physical activity.

If you don't want to surprise your co-workers with exercise, you can use the following ways:

Sitting at your desk, tense your whole body (or any part of it), then relax sharply. Repeat, but at a slower pace.

Every half an hour or an hour stretch.

This way you will release tension and release negativity
8.6K viewsedited  17:10
2021-11-01 20:00:56 Scent for work

You probably won't even remember by now exactly when you started associating the smell of coffee with the start of the day. You can do the same with work

Scientists have proven: a strong new scent(mint, citrus, vanilla) associated with a certain activity will allow you to create new nervous connections!

Have a few bottles of different scents with you throughout the week. Each time you start a certain activity, inhale one of these scents.

This way you will feel better and be more energetic
8.8K viewsedited  17:00
2021-10-29 10:00:52 Discipline and happiness are incompatible?

This is the belief of precisely those who believe that healthy food is only unpalatable and that all work is inferior

That is, everything that requires discipline and self-control is associated with negative emotions, and therefore incompatible with happiness and a vibrant life.

No persistence is rewarded, physical activity increases the release of the happiness hormone, any tastes can be changed, and food can be made tasty. And any healthy habits will soon begin to bear fruit, the main thing is to persevere a little.

Get better every day and be proud of your achievements, and consequently of yourself. Isn't that happiness?
7.9K viewsedited  07:00
2021-08-22 20:00:13 Frequent meals

A big lunch overloads your body and it prevents you from concentrating on your work

If you feel sleepy after lunch, divide your usual portion into two meals.

Important: Include foods in your diet that help develop attention. For example, vegetables, greens, oily fish, nuts and bitter chocolate.
5.6K viewsedited  17:00
2021-08-17 20:00:59 The main key to success is persistence

Successful people know that the more and more often we become aware of our own success, the more persistent we become.

You need to learn how to benefit from everything you do by accumulating experience. For more motivation, I recommend doing the following:

Write down on a sheet of paper what you have learned from the last failure to today. Every detail is important

Now revisit the list. What would you change if you could start over? Now move toward your new goal by correcting past mistakes
5.3K viewsedited  17:00
2021-08-05 16:15:06 Get into the habit of taking action

Place some visible object near your workplace that will remind you to move forward. You can use anything: a post-it, a poster, a postcard, or even a stuffed toy.

Important: the object should inspire you and serve as a reminder to take action.
4.9K viewsedited  13:15
2021-08-04 15:00:06 The "Butleroy" app

Your personal assistant for time planning

The main advantage:
The app itself can build a schedule based on approximate data .

Also, soon the app will start taking into account not only the time and priority of tasks, but also criteria such as: weather for outdoor entertainment

Plan with all the nuances in mind
4.8K viewsedited  12:00
2021-12-10 15:00:02
Is it worth using many techniques for productivity?

More does not mean better, cause mostly, they only take time
And it should be the other way around!

Consider the Inbox Zero system. At first glance it seems useful, as its purpose is to make sure that in the evening there are no emails left in the inbox. But to do this, you have to spend a lot of time creating a complicated label system and checking your inbox during the day

TOTAL: You've got your mail in order, but you're no closer to achieving your important goals.

Limit yourself to a few apps that work best for you.
The main thing is to prioritize. And based on your objectives, pick the right apps and techniques. Give up things that don't help you reach your goals, even if they are on everyone's lips.

That’s your personal result. And only YOU decide how to achieve it
124 views12:00
2021-12-10 09:00:01
The four envelope method

Forget forever about debt and the lack of a financial cushion

The method is simple enough:
Calculate your average monthly income.
Create a reserve fund and set aside 10% of each paycheck there. Ideally, that money should be invested in something.
Deduct mandatory payments: mortgage, rent, cell phone bills, etc.
Divide the remaining amount into four parts and put them in four envelopes, one for each week of the month.

Important: Don't let yourself take money from the envelope from the following week if you run out of money, even if you promise yourself to pay it back
160 views06:00