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Just Habits

Логотип телеграм канала @only_habits — Just Habits J
Логотип телеграм канала @only_habits — Just Habits
Адрес канала: @only_habits
Категории: Новости и СМИ , Психология
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 8.76K
Описание канала:

Channel about useful habits for every day. Change your life by taking simple steps.
For advertising, contact @Anna_a_Baeva or https://telega.io/channels/only_habits/card

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Последние сообщения 56

2022-01-01 18:00:04
Good Telegram channel worth to JOIN
Daily Dose Of Laughter.

One Of My Favorite Channels On Telegram.
You won't last after 5 memes


2.1K views15:00
2022-01-01 16:00:01
Trust life to paper!

There are many apps that can plan our day, but don't forget the planner.

What's the first thing to write in it?

- Important dates
Write down significant events and circle them so you don't forget.

- Goals and objectives
Write down daily tasks and tick off the completed ones.

- Budget planning
Make sure your expenses don't exceed your income!

- Health control

Keep a medication schedule and write your doctor's appointments.
2.1K views13:00
2022-01-01 15:00:05
One guy got so bored that he created the largest list of sites on the Internet for cases when bored. There are more than 400 sites where you can:

- Find out the weather on Mars
- To measure height with presidents
- Go to a virtual bar
- Look into a thousand surveillance cameras
- Find a person with the same face
- Listen to the radio of any era
- Learn the language of the deaf and dumb
- Spend all Bill Gates ' money
...and 400 more ways to have an interesting time.

The list is updated daily, and in order not to lose it, you can subscribe to the Educational_Library channel and it will always be at hand.
Go to the channel: https://t.me/Educational_Library
46 views12:00
2022-01-01 08:00:00
To sleep or not?

The benefit is that such sleep relieves stress and relaxes you. It also improves your mood and attention span, and fatigue is gone.

However, daytime sleep is not suitable for everyone and can sometimes cause a disturbance in your night's sleep.

Only lie down for 30-35 minutes and no more. You won't have time to fall into a quick sleep and your body will be able to "reset" itself in that time. You won't disrupt your night's sleep with this technique
799 views05:00
2021-12-31 20:00:02
Transform your life

Introducing some healthy habits that don't require much effort but can transform you.

Put away your gadgets half an hour before bedtime.

Go out 15 minutes earlier than you planned.

Don't socialise with people who don't mean you any good.

Don't second-guess — ask straight out.

Call your parents at least once a week.

Take a restart periodically, slow yourself down.

Write your feelings in a diary.

Don't wait for a miracle to change your life — change it yourself.
1.2K views17:00
2021-12-31 19:00:04
You use your computer by only 5-7%.

2 signs that you don't know how to use a computer:
Use only CTRL+C and CTRL+V from the combinations.
When the computer hangs, just reboot it.

Just go to the "It Beginner channel. Every day they share tricks.

This post will be deleted in 24 hours, subscribe now! Hurry up
1.2K views16:00
2021-12-31 09:30:00
Work less, manage more

Work a lot and soon you will work even more.

It has long been known that working a lot, you not only do not become rich and successful, but also risk overwork and depression.

It is possible to work less, be efficient and still manage to live your life by following some simple recommendations:

Set time limits.
Try to set yourself tight deadlines for the tasks you need to do and meet them.

Include multitasking.
Splitting your attention negatively affects your productivity, concentration, and energy.

Select a time and place to think.

In that place, where no one will disturb you, you can think about everything except work.
1.7K views06:30
2021-12-31 08:00:00
Why is it important to meet a deadline?

There is an empirical Parkinson's law: work takes all the time it takes.

How it works:

Work that is allotted more time than necessary will be completed, but some of the time goes incomprehensibly elsewhere.

Sound familiar?

In that case, you can use Parkinson's Law:

Allocate as much time to work as you need.

Don't move the deadline! Otherwise, it won't work, because you'll know that the actual deadline isn't soon enough. A more effective way is to shorten your time on a task by doing something useful before it.
1.6K views05:00
2021-12-30 17:00:01
How to increase team productivity? Add more greenery!

Conducted studies where they found that in an office decorated with plants, employee productivity can increase by 15%. A "green" office conveys the message to subordinates that the employer cares about their well-being.

For three months, researchers recorded employee job satisfaction and concentration. The results suggest that investing in office landscaping will pay off by improving the quality of life and productivity of employees.

It turns out that the experiment's findings contradict the popular idea that minimally equipped spaces increase productivity.
1.7K views14:00
2021-12-30 13:30:00
Training self-discipline

Scientists say that discipline and determination are like muscles.

The more and stronger you train them, the stronger they become in the long run. Train these muscles and you will be on equal footing

Let's start with this technique:

You need to know your weaknesses so you know what to fight.

This is the first and most important step: identify on your own or with the help of your loved ones your losing points.

By identifying them you will not only begin to struggle with your weaknesses, but also get a special key to manage your life
1.7K views10:30