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Just Habits

Логотип телеграм канала @only_habits — Just Habits J
Логотип телеграм канала @only_habits — Just Habits
Адрес канала: @only_habits
Категории: Новости и СМИ , Психология
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 8.76K
Описание канала:

Channel about useful habits for every day. Change your life by taking simple steps.
For advertising, contact @Anna_a_Baeva or https://telega.io/channels/only_habits/card

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Последние сообщения 59

2021-12-25 08:00:01
Surround yourself with optimists

Each person is the arithmetic mean of the people with whom they interact the most. If you are surrounded by pessimists, skeptics or whiners, their mood will envelop you after a while.

So surround yourself with people who are pulling themselves up — next to them and you will get an acceleration of their development.

Communicate with those who make you smile, inspire and from whom there is something to learn.

Organize your life so that people around you energize you, inspire optimism and are able to help in any situation.
824 views05:00
2021-12-25 07:00:00

The accuracy of the test is 97.9%

Which way does the mask rotate?

Clever! Follow us to be smarter.
893 views04:00
2021-12-24 20:00:02
Set reminders

The need to do something at a certain time generates internal anxiety, which distracts from the main work. And the subconscious fear of forgetting to do something may not even be felt.

So put sound reminders of things that are tied to a specific time. This will free you from constant glances at the clock and unnecessary nervousness.
1.2K views17:00
2021-12-24 14:00:01
An unconventional way to get rid of bad habits

In order to get rid of bad habits or introduce useful ones, a simple solution is not enough. Boost your confidence to win with a special app

Habitica is an app that turns managing your habits into a game: you can pump up your character, team up with other people, take quests.

This way you can not only get rid of bad habits, but also have fun with your character
1.3K views11:00
2021-12-24 08:00:01
Study your idols

There are 100% people in the world who have already achieved what you are only dreaming of. They probably have books or interviews where they share their secrets of success.

This approach will help you learn their effective strategies, techniques and tactics for doing business.
1.4K views05:00
2021-12-23 20:00:04
Life without negativity

Believe me, the negativity coming from you is bound to come back in the near future, and vice versa. This is how the law of attraction works. A good old-fashioned technique will help you improve your relationships tremendously

Whenever you have the urge to argue with someone or say something offensive, count to 20 in your mind. This way you will definitely avoid the wrong words and actions

Bonus this way you will develop your self-discipline, which guarantees success
1.5K views17:00
2021-12-23 15:00:06
Consciously limit the time you spend at work

Work is just one aspect of life. It is usually an activity that you perform to earn money and provide a comfortable life for yourself. But don't forget that there are other areas of your life.
For example, relationships, friendships, hobbies, health, etc. Unfortunately, these are often ignored in favor of work.
1.5K views12:00
2021-12-22 20:00:01
Don't be afraid to feel like a beginner at something

Ask yourself, when was the last time you were new at something? When was the last time you thought you looked stupid?

If you want to continue to develop your character, when it comes to atypical activities/situations, you must not stay in your comfort zone.

So don't be afraid to do something that scares you. It shouldn't make you feel ashamed. Trying it out is a good thing.
1.6K views17:00
2021-12-22 15:00:01
Set aside money on a regular basis

Start saving a certain portion of your regular income (e.g., your monthly salary) into your notional savings account.

This way you will be able to predict the appearance of the necessary amount within a certain period of time.

For example, if you want to save 1,000 dollars to buy a new computer. Steadily allocate 500 per month for this purpose. You are guaranteed to do it in less than a year.
1.5K views12:00
2021-12-22 08:00:01
Learning to overcome temptation

Don't know how to do it? Remove all objects of affection. Don't use what you consider to be your weakness

If you want to eat healthy, don't buy junk food.
If you want to increase your productivity, turn off your cell phone, get off social media.

Against goals = maximum concentration = free time.

Also, choose only one thing to do that you focus on as much as possible. That's a big part of the success of any endeavor
1.5K views05:00