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Just Habits

Логотип телеграм канала @only_habits — Just Habits J
Логотип телеграм канала @only_habits — Just Habits
Адрес канала: @only_habits
Категории: Новости и СМИ , Психология
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 8.76K
Описание канала:

Channel about useful habits for every day. Change your life by taking simple steps.
For advertising, contact @Anna_a_Baeva or https://telega.io/channels/only_habits/card

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Последние сообщения 61

2021-12-18 20:00:01
Experiment with your personal schedule

Find your ideal daily routine and make more time. But it's best to do it on weekends

For several days in a row, try waking up at different times 30-60 minutes apart.

Has this been helpful to you? Are you getting more time, or are you deprived of energy?

Use this knowledge and plan things at certain hours of the day
331 views17:00
2021-12-18 15:00:01
No Prejudices

More often than not, we approach life with many preconceptions.

The result: we limit our progress and become comfortable with habitual ways of thinking.

Knowing new things will help you always stay a leader and look at problems from multiple angles, which will help you solve problems quickly
610 views12:00
2021-12-18 08:00:00
Method (10 + 2)*5

10 minutes of work + 2 minutes of rest for 5 repetitions = an hour of maximally productive work.

If you follow this rule accurately, over time you'll get used to not tearing yourself away from work and start skipping most breaks.
864 views05:00
2021-12-17 20:00:02
Productivity = Concentration

The equation that will lead to success

Move through your task list with ease and leave yourself more time to relax after the workday

On a piece of paper, slowly draw a line with a pencil. Your task is to think ONLY about that line. If you get distracted, immediately make a small peak on the line, like on a cardiogram, and continue to draw the line.

Practice as much as you have free time. It's ideal if you don't make a single peak in 3 minutes.
228 views17:00
2021-12-17 18:00:03
Techno Home - the channel about the future technology!

- Apple is to release an unmanned electric car without steering wheel and pedals as early as 2025!

-The world already knows special killer drones
with a fly-like design
Technology is advancing at an incredible pace, and if you want to keep up with trends - subscribe Techno Homes
287 views15:00
2021-12-17 17:00:04
Tired of being overweight?

Being in bad physical shape?

The Health promotion channel is for you.

A trainer with 20 years of experience of training will tell you:

-How to lose weight without resorting to tiresome diets;

-Make a beautiful body without grueling workouts;

-Get results. Whatever sport you play.

It's time for action! Get in the channel!
315 views14:00
2021-12-17 15:00:02
Alternate between different activities

Be fit both mentally and physically

Simply alternate mental activities with physical ones.

This will help you increase your productivity and not get overwhelmed by monotonous work.
311 views12:00
2021-12-17 08:00:00
For those who want to change their lives
Scheme 60/10/10/10/10

It's important to be able to plan not only your time, but also your budget
This will be extra motivation to improve your performance!

The following chart will help with this:

60% - basic expenses(food, clothing, transportation)
10% are retirement savings.
10% - long-term purchases and payments (car purchases, debts)
10% - irregular expenses (repairs, large gifts)
Entertainment: 10% - Recreational spending.

If you have a lot of debt, you should redirect 10% of your retirement savings to that area until the debt is paid off or your financial situation improves.

Learn to plan your budget and you can improve your life many times over! I will not enumerate the magical properties of money
425 views05:00
2021-12-16 20:00:03
Keeping your brain energized

Variety is not only the key to an interesting and memorable life, it's also key to boosting brain activity!

Develop and bonus create experiences with the following tip, too:

Do everyday things in new ways: cook an unknown dish, take a different route to work, find a new hobby.

This way you will give your brain the food it needs to think and get new experiences
481 views17:00
2021-12-16 15:00:03
Persistence or inability to change?

Feel the difference between a firm stance and unnecessary persistence

Not backing down from a plan is persistence. Refusing to correct it when circumstances change is inflexibility. Standing up for what is right is virtue. Believing in one's own infallibility is blindness.

Flexibility is one of the main qualities of a successful person of the 21st century. After all, it is important to be able to adapt to situations and always be on top of things!

The first sign of inflexibility is resistance.
A person acts and thinks as he or she used to, although conditions have changed and the old approach has outlived itself.

This is how creativity and the ability to solve problems fade. And with it the chances to change something in your life
550 views12:00