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Reception Psychologist

Логотип телеграм канала @reception_psychologist — Reception Psychologist R
Логотип телеграм канала @reception_psychologist — Reception Psychologist
Адрес канала: @reception_psychologist
Категории: Психология , Без категории
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 2.54K
Описание канала:

Working on yourself is the hardest task. If you want to change your reality, you must change your mindset.
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Последние сообщения 8

2022-05-25 19:00:08
How do you know if a person is interested in you?

This question is relevant not only to romantics, but also to the inhabitants of the mature world. There are three main clues:

The first is eye contact. People tend to make eye contact with those they like. So does averting one's gaze from those one does not like.

Eye contact adds comfort. However, when it is not close, it is already either impolite or contemptuous.

The second is an emotional disposition. If a person likes you, he will involuntarily reach out to you: turn his body in your direction or bow his head.

The third is mirroring. Sympathy is subconscious imitation. Repetition of each other's gestures and words.

Eye contact, body language and imitation are simple and unobvious ways of deciphering a person.

Don't ignore what's on the surface: facial expressions, speech patterns, tone and words also reveal a person's interest in you.

And the final decision about your interest is made by combining facts with intuition.
142 viewsps, 16:00
2022-05-25 17:00:03

In Japan, in a village there lived a wise old samurai. One day, while he was training his students, a young fighter, known for his rudeness and cruelty, approached him. His favorite trick was to provoke his opponent, and, blinded by rage, he took up the challenge, making mistake after mistake and losing the fight as a result.

The young fighter began to insult the old man: he spat and swore curses. But the old man remained unperturbed and continued his training. At the end of the day the irritated and tired young man retreated. The students, surprised that the old man had borne so many insults, asked him:
- Why did you not challenge him to a fight? Were you afraid of defeat?
The old samurai replied:
- If someone comes to you with a gift and you don't accept it, to whom will the gift belong?
- to its former owner, replied one of the disciples.
- The same goes for envy, hatred and swearing. As long as you don't accept them, they belong to the one who brought them.
204 viewsps, 14:00
2022-05-24 19:00:07
How can I develop critical thinking?

Ask questions|
A person who can think critically is constantly analyzing information and questioning absolutely everything. This is the only way to understand every aspect of any question and get reliable answers.

Personal beliefs
When you think critically, you identify your views and form beliefs by examining information. And a person without beliefs is easily manipulated.

Think ahead
First, it's good exercise for the brain. Secondly, you will learn to anticipate and be prepared for any development.
377 viewsps, 16:00
2022-05-24 17:00:04
Silence is the best rest

Modern people living in the city are in a constant state of noise. While we sleep - cars driving, neighbors banging away. 24/7 there is a lot of activity going on around us.

It is crucial for our health, and in particular our psyche, to have at least one hour of silence a day, and one day a week.

The best place is nature

Nature created us and everything around us and no medicine will cure you better than fresh air and silence, even if it is permeated by the sounds of nature
383 viewsps, 14:00
2022-05-24 13:00:04
The Zeigarnik effect

The effect consists in remembering an interrupted action better than a completed one.

If a person isn't allowed to finish what he has started, there is a kind of tension that does not let go until he has solved the problem.

But this only works if someone interrupts you, not if you yourself don't want to follow through.

Advertisers often use this effect in the form of innuendo; it makes the viewer remember the product better.
174 viewsps, 10:00
2022-05-24 12:01:57
Hey bro, there is a very cool channel for you!

Here you will see something that will turn your view of the world!

Here for you
195 viewsps, 09:01
2022-05-23 19:00:14
If you can't help yourself, nobody can help you

Many people look for a mate in an attempt to solve their problems.

They naively believe that a love relationship will cure them of their boredom, sadness and lack of meaning in life.

They hope that their partner will fill the void in their lives.

What a gross delusion! When we choose a mate with such expectations, in the end we cannot avoid hating the person who does not fulfil our expectations.

And then? Then we look for the next partner, followed by another, then another and another...

Or we decide to spend the rest of our lives alone, complaining about cruel fate

To avoid that, we should deal with our own lives without expecting anyone to do it for us.
137 viewsps, 16:00
2022-05-23 17:00:06
Why is it worth waking up early?

The earlier you get up, the more productive you are. The later one gets up, the less productive one is.

It's not even that a person has less time to do important things during the day. It's that those of you who get up late do so because you stay up late.
And they do it not because they are busy doing something productive, but because they do a lot of unnecessary things before going to bed that take away energy and time.

For example, it might be surfing the Internet
or playing games. As a result, time is not spent efficiently and sleep is not good enough.

Try replacing the internet with a book before going to bed, the quality of sleep will improve and you will be able to fall asleep quicker and therefore wake up earlier.
208 viewsps, 14:00
2022-05-22 19:00:03
Tying habits together

Changing your life in 21 days is even easier if you group habits together. The desire to wake up early is linked to the desire to exercise daily.

The same chain is related to the habit of eating right, making time to go to the gym for exercise.

To strengthen one habit, you need to link it to a parallel habit. Such a technique will greatly simplify the process of developing willpower, will advance a person on the road to self-development.

The absence of tardiness will help to fulfil the daily routine plan, a person will be free earlier and will be able to fall asleep not too late and wake up on time.
152 viewsps, 16:00
2022-05-22 17:00:03
Give in to your passion

Inspired people pursue their passions relentlessly. There may always be someone more talented than you, but the lack of talent can be compensated for by passion.

Through passion, the pursuit of excellence in inspired people never falters.

Warren Buffett advises finding your passion through the 5/25 technique. Make a list of 25 things that are important to you.

Then cross out 20, starting from the bottom. The remaining 5 are your true passions. Everything else is just entertainment.
190 viewsps, 14:00