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Reception Psychologist

Логотип телеграм канала @reception_psychologist — Reception Psychologist R
Логотип телеграм канала @reception_psychologist — Reception Psychologist
Адрес канала: @reception_psychologist
Категории: Психология , Без категории
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 2.54K
Описание канала:

Working on yourself is the hardest task. If you want to change your reality, you must change your mindset.
For Ads: @Biret2

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Последние сообщения 11

2022-05-13 17:00:05
Difficulties teach you lessons

Every problem comes with its own solution - you just have to find it. You have to learn from life's failures the lessons they teach you. For instance, if someone treats you badly, you don't have to be a victim. Use the situation to practice setting personal boundaries or the art of forgiveness.

Difficulties make you stronger

No person is born with the ability to withstand the hardships of life-you have to develop your resilience experientially. The essence of all your challenges is to make you stronger, bolder and more confident.

To be continued....
439 viewsedited  14:00
2022-05-13 15:00:09
5 reasons why difficulties are important

Challenges keep you from achieving your goals. They are limiting factors, but they are also factors in your growth. Here's why.

Difficulties help you discover who you really are.

Some challenges in life will tear you apart, and when they do, you get a chance to find out who you really are. Coward or brave? Honest or mean? Strong or weak?

Sometimes you don't really know all the facets of your personality. Challenges are there to test you and take you beyond your usual self image.

To be continued....
442 viewsedited  12:00
2022-05-13 13:00:04
Getting away from being proactive

Do you understand the difference between efficiency and productivity?

Efficiency answers the question from a process perspective.
The focus here is on doing it right, optimally, quickly. For example, you have taken an online course and managed to complete it quickly, without a hitch. That is, you completed it effectively.

But at the same time, you completed the course and it did not help you to develop new connections or get a promotion or a new job. Although the process of taking the course was effective, the course itself was not productive for you.

We are all skilful at being efficient instead of being more productive. Productivity concentrates on what we choose to do rather than on how we can best do something.

Busyness and fussiness are just an excuse, and under it we avoid more important tasks that make us emotionally uncomfortable.
Being efficient is much easier and more enjoyable than being productive.
391 views10:00
2022-05-12 19:00:08
From time to time a person needs to be alone.

Without people. Without faces. Without emotion.

A person needs time when they can get their thoughts, feelings, desires in order.

Time to sort out what the heart wants and what the head wants
216 views16:00
2022-05-12 18:00:04
Ever been prescribed antiviral medication?

Congrats, you're a victim of a money-grubbing health care system. 70% of the pharmacies are full of bullshit drugs which already shortened your life by 5 years.

Название канала is a channel about the mistakes you take for your own health. These little details will add 10-15 years to your life:

• how to communicate with a doctor who is a salesman, not a healer
• why the "norm" of two liters of water a day is nonsense
• 90% of doctors are silent about antibiotics

For those who wish to live longer and healthier, leave the link below, subscribe to Doctor's Secret
238 views15:00
2022-05-12 17:00:03
About decision and action

A teacher once asked his students:

- There were three frogs sitting on a log. One of them decided to jump into the water. How many frogs are left on the log?

- Three... - one of them answered uncertainly.

- Three frogs, of course," smiled the Master. - As the frog had just decided to jump but had not taken any action to do so.

Never confuse action with decision making. Sometimes you think you have already jumped, but in fact you are still sitting on a log.
253 views14:00
2022-05-12 12:16:46
How can I develop analytical thinking?

If you want to find a quick way out of difficult situations, train and develop your brain in the following ways.

Do the maths. Open your school maths book. Choose examples and equations with variables, and try to solve them.

Solve crosswords and puzzles. And when the dozens of solutions are behind you, make up your own puzzle or charade. A great workout for the mind.

Recall chess. Find yourself a worthy opponent and refresh your memory on the rules of the game. Chess is an excellent training tool for the development of the analytical mind.

Analyse situations from everyday life. Try to think critically about different life situations. Find out new information, find out details. Be interested in details, compare facts, look for connections between different events.
310 views09:16
2022-05-12 11:00:03
American drew sneakers just for fun and posted them in the Adidas metaverse store. They were bought for $30k

Metaverses are a new trend that even a lazy person will earn on. How to go into them if you're not very great at this topic?

Check out the MetaWorlds channel. Everything here is for beginners. How to buy a piece of digital land for a dollar and sell it for $8,000? Or maybe draw a meta-apartment and sell it for a real price?

Don't miss another trend where you can make jack: @metawolds
288 views08:00
2022-05-11 19:00:09
How does the Inner Child affect adulthood?

Someone who does not receive love, attention and care from their parents gets upset, feels hurt, lonely and rejected. That's when the protective mechanisms of the psyche kick in, and the decision comes to close the soul and not to let others into your inner world so as not to be hurt.

At the same time there is a ban on feelings and emotions. Such people are very unhappy. They can't enjoy life to the fullest, they suffer. Resentment, the pain of past experiences accompanies their life, slows them down, undermines their trust in the world.

Parents, in raising their children, are guided by the knowledge and experiences they have at the moment. They cannot always give their children what they need psychologically and physically.

Not because they do not want to, but because they are not ready for it at the moment - they cannot, do not know, do not understand or do not feel it. No one has the right to judge them for that.
361 views16:00
2022-05-11 17:00:04
Self-confidence and insecurity

Self-confidence = self-love !
An insecure person
is always asking permission, constantly apologising, making excuses... Insecurity is always fear and anxiety "am I worthy".

Confidence is the absence of fear, a person is simply confident in what they know and in what they do. Being confident means sticking to the decision one has made.

When a person cannot make a choice it is always uncertainty.
A confident person does what he likes, works in a job he likes. He chooses the one he loves and is worthy of, not the one who paid attention to him (her).

How can you deal with uncertainty?

Execute all the first decisions you make.

Try to ask people around you less about your choices "does this hairstyle look good on me... or clothes". The most important thing is that you like it... first and foremost you.

Try to give up the habit of constantly proving something to someone and making excuses.
336 views14:00