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Логотип телеграм канала @mindvalley — Mindvalley
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Последние сообщения 8

2021-08-17 16:31:01 We’re also excited to share the star-studded line-up of guests who’ll be making an appearance on Mindvalley for all our Members in the coming weeks.

Justin Baldoni, multi-talented actor, director, producer, entrepreneur, and changemaker — LIVE on Mindvalley September 7th.

Dr, Caroline Leaf, world renowned neuroscientist and one of the first in her field to study how the brain can change with directed mind input (a.k.a. neuroplasticity) — LIVE on Mindvalley on October 5th.

David Nurse, NBA life and optimization coach — LIVE on Mindvalley October 7th.

If you want to learn from some of the world’s greatest and most creative minds, perhaps becoming a Mindvalley Member is for you

If you’re not a Member yet, join us here >>
1.0K views13:31
2021-08-17 16:30:16
Exciting New Guests Coming to Mindvalley Membership

If you’re a Mindvalley Member, book your calendar as we’re about to go LIVE with Hollywood actress Mayim Bialik.

You’ll likely recognize Mayim as one of the stars of hit TV comedy series The Big Bang Theory.

While Mayim played a fictional neuroscientist in The Big Bang Theory, she actually has a PhD in neuroscience in real life.

And in our LIVE call together, we’ll be exploring the latest discoveries in mental health which you’d most likely agree is more important today than it has ever been.

Mayim Bialik is LIVE on Mindvalley today.
8am PDT | 11am ET | 4pm London | 11pm Hong Kong

Become a member now and join the LIVE call >>
1.1K views13:30
2021-08-14 16:31:01
In her Masterclass, Jennifer will be taking you through a series of Tapping exercises which blends modern psychology, Chinese medicine, and leading-edge neuroscience.

The immersive guided session is 15-minutes long.

So to get the most out of it, be sure to set aside some uninterrupted alone time for this.

Book your spot with Jennifer before the Masterclass ends tomorrow >>>
956 views13:31
2021-08-14 16:30:11 Just want to let you know that our newest Mindvalley Masterclass on How To Heal Trauma & Master Your Emotions with Tapping ends tomorrow.

Now we understand that the idea of facing past traumas or emotional wounds may feel like too big of a first step.

And perhaps you don’t feel you’re ready yet.

That’s ok.

One of the beautiful things about the style of Tapping Jennifer Partridge teaches is just how versatile it is as a healing practice.

You decide what you want to heal.

You decide which emotion you want to process.

You decide how deep you want to go.

So even if you’re not in a space to want to heal deeper traumas, you can certainly use Tapping to rapidly soothe the stress or anxiety you may be facing right now.
1.0K views13:30
2021-08-12 15:00:19
Imagine you’re walking down the street with a coffee in your hand.

Someone accidentally bumps into you and you spill your coffee.

If we asked you, “why did you spill coffee?”, what would your answer be?

“Because someone bumped into me!”

Well... Not quite

You spilled coffee because you had coffee in your cup.

If you had tea, you’d have spilled tea instead.

Think of the bump as “Life”

And the liquid in the cup as “Your Emotional Weight”

And when life ‘bumps’ into us, something is bound to spill out.

If your emotional weight is heavy it’s likely going to be something negative: maybe an angry outburst.

Or maybe your emotions are lighter. The “bump” from life might hardly cost you anything. You might smile at the humor of the giant coffee stain on your shirt.

So what’s in your cup?

In this week’s Masterclass, Jennifer Partridge will guide you through an immersive guided Tapping exercise to help you acknowledge, process, and release any past emotional traumas weighing you down.

Register for free >>
1.1K views12:00
2021-08-10 12:01:01
And to guide you in this fascinating healing modality is one of today’s most sought-after Tapping experts Jennifer Partridge.

In our new Masterclass, Jennifer will be teaching you how to face, process and release any of the emotional baggage weighing you down through the healing practice of Tapping.

You can listen to the poem ‘The Guest House’ and learn more about the Masterclass here >>
2.0K views09:01
2021-08-10 12:00:13 In a poem titled ‘The Guest House,’ Rumi perfectly captures why we should welcome our darkest emotions like a cherished guest to our own home.

We’re sharing this particular poem with you because this week on Mindvalley, we’ll be exploring one of the most important aspects of what it means to be human…

Yet it’s something we are taught very little (if at all) in schools.

Healing our past wounds and achieving emotional mastery.

If anything, today’s society teaches us the opposite.

We’re trained from young to mask and hide our pain.

To “put on a brave face” or “turn that frown upside down.”

It may be well meaning advice…

But it only encourages us to suppress these unresolved hurts.

Sometimes for years.

Sometimes even for decades.

It’s the reason so many people feel like they have holes to fill in their being...

Rather than feeling whole human beings.

One of the most surprisingly powerful tools that can help us release traumas, heal emotional wounds and make peace with our past is the spiritual practice of Tapping (or known as ‘Emotional Freedom Technique’ or EFT).
1.8K views09:00
2021-08-06 16:30:08
Your personal LIVE coaching session invitation from Vishen Lakhiani:

As you know, Mindvalley recently launched a new offering to our community called Mindvalley Membership Pro.

And it gives our Members access to immersive monthly group coaching sessions with me and special guests who will come on live to coach and work with you.

But these aren’t regular coaching calls.
Instead, they are what we call embodiment practices where I work directly with you LIVE to shift an aspect of your mind or soul.

And my upcoming coaching session on Monday may be something you’d be interested in.

I’ll be teaching one of the most advanced manifesting techniques I use to bring all the biggest goals and visions for my life into reality.

The Art of Bending Reality & How To Manifest Perfect Moments In Your Life

Monday, August 9th 2021
Time: 8am PDT | 11am ET | 4pm London | 11pm Hong Kong

Learn more about Membership Pro here >>

To all our Pro Members, I can’t wait to share this with you next Monday
2.8K views13:30
2021-08-03 16:31:01
A prime example is Kert from Tallinn, Estonia. Kert clearly looks vastly slimmer, healthier and almost a decade younger post-WILDFIT.

What his pics do not show is that he and his wife had been trying (unsuccessfully) to get pregnant for 5 years – even going to fertility clinics for help.

But after Kert got his health back on track through WILDFIT, his wife broke the good news by jokingly announcing…

“I’m pregnant and it’s Eric’s fault!”

Well, this WILDFIT couple was so grateful for what was clearly a life-changing moment that they named their son Eric.

If you want to learn more about how your health could transform through WILDFIT, the best place to start is to check out my new Masterclass with Eric.

So don’t miss this chance.

Ends in 48 Hours: Weight Loss Based on Food Freedom Masterclass with Eric Edmeades >>
3.1K views13:31
2021-08-03 16:30:21 You might assume that WILDFIT is only a ‘weight loss program.’

It. Is. NOT.

Yes, many students experienced profound changes in their body shape and a significant release of excess body fat.

But that’s just merely a side-effect of vibrant health.

Because what WILDFIT really is, is a transformation of your overall health and well being.

Improved mental focus, clearer skin, reduction of aches and inflammation, deeper sleep… and so on.

But one really fascinating trend is that many WILDFITTERS reported experiencing a boost in their libido and sex drive.
2.7K views13:30