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Логотип телеграм канала @mindvalley — Mindvalley
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Последние сообщения 6

2021-09-28 16:30:20 We’re upgrading 2 classic Mindvalley programs that will soon be available to all Members.

Firstly, we’re revamping the 6 Phase Quest.

It is by far the most used meditation among our most active community members.

It’s become so popular that Grammy award winning singer Miguel uses the 6 Phase before going on stage.

The new version of this Quest will be designed to help busy people like you master the 6 unique meditation concepts that make up the 6 Phase.

And by the end of the program, you’ll have a simple, practical and effective meditation practice that’s suited to today’s modern world.

All Mindvalley Members will get immediate access to this program upon release.

Not a Member yet? Go here to join us.
2.2K views13:30
2021-09-25 16:30:07
Imagine scrolling through your social media feed and you’re suddenly met with this “I’m an *sshole.”

Yes, that’s a video of a woman dressed up as, well, an *sshole.

And acting like one.

And if you’re like most people, you probably would have stopped scrolling just to see where this bizarre video would lead to.

That is the genius behind this video ad for one of Miki Agrawal’s $100M+ valued companies.

You can’t help but pay attention.

In this quick video, Miki reveals why finding that sweet spot between education and entertainment is the key to getting your brand or product noticed in even the most crowded marketplaces.

Check it out >>
1.2K views13:30
2021-09-23 16:30:15
The idea of building a $100 million business may seem completely out-of-reach right now.

Perhaps you’re still stuck at the starting line, struggling with harnessing the creativity you need to launch your business idea.

Here’s the truth: creativity is not a personality trait.

It’s a process.

And Miki has refined it to a science that anyone can follow to quickly uncover their big business idea.

Or perhaps you already run a business but you just can’t get noticed in a saturated market, and you’re struggling to raise funding.

Good news: Miki is a genius in guerilla PR and will show you unconventional ways to generate buzz for your product or brand on a shoestring budget.

No matter where you are in your entrepreneurial journey, Miki will meet you where you’re at and show you exactly what you need to do to build the high-impact business you’ve always envisioned.

Let’s get started?
1.6K views13:30
2021-09-21 16:30:12
The world may still be in the midst of a pandemic.

But as crazy as this sounds, this may be the perfect time to launch a new career or business.

You only need to look back to the 2008 Great Recession: think about brands like Pinterest, Whatsapp and Instagram.

They were all founded around that time.

So what is it about a crisis that makes it surprisingly fertile ground for growing wildly successful business?


A lot of that change we’re experiencing now has caused a great deal of discontent in our lives.

But it is the great entrepreneurs who are able to turn discontent into rocket fuel to change the world.

And there’s no entrepreneur who exhibits this quality as much as maverick entrepreneur Miki Agrawal.

Can you think of anyone who turned their own discontent with poop, periods and loneliness into multi-million dollar businesses? Miki has.

This week, Miki will be showing you how to uncover, refine and turn a game-changing idea into the business of your dreams.

Let us introduce Miki to you
1.0K views13:30
2021-09-18 14:41:42 Thank you in advance for participating!
1.3K views11:41
2021-09-16 16:30:18
While this quote is a little tongue-in-cheek... there’s a hell of a lot of truth in it.

Just think about the many traditions and rules about life that we abide by without question.

Rules about marriage, money, work, parenting, health, and more…

Did you come up with these rules on your own?

Or are they just outdated bullsh*t rules (‘brules’ for short) passed down to you, generation after generation, through your culture, society or religion?

To help you weed out the brules in your life that are well past its sell-by-date, put them through the 5 Brules Test.

The 5-step Brules Test is an excerpt from Vishen’s Be Extraordinary Quest, which is available for all Mindvalley Members.

So if you like this idea and you want to not only unlock the Be Extraordinary Quest, but our entire vault of 50+ programs, then a Mindvalley Membership may be for you.

Learn more here
1.2K views13:30
2021-09-14 16:00:25
How would you like to start your week with a dose of healing energy to clear your body and your heart of toxic thoughts, feelings and emotions?

If you said ‘Yes’ then you’ll want to check out this meditation on the Mindvalley App: Hypnotic Exercise for Healing the Energy Vortex by world renowned hypnotherapist Marisa Peer.

As you know, we recently concluded Marisa’s week-long Masterclass where she guided our community through a full 20-minute Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy session.

If you missed it, this is the next best thing.

Because Marisa uses the same ‘RTT’ methodology that has made her such a sought-after expert in the field of belief modification.

So download the Mindvalley app for free (on iOS or Android) if you haven’t already and give it a try.

(For Mindvalley Members, all meditation tracks and sounds are automatically unlocked for you.)

Listen now
351 views13:00
2021-09-11 16:30:10
Why we’re wired to be negative (and that’s ok)

You would assume – based on the millions of #positivity and #positivevibes posts on social media – that we should avoid negative thoughts at all cost.

But here’s the truth…

Your brain is hardwired to be negative.

And as hypnotherapist Marisa Peer explains in this video, that’s actually a good thing.

Our innate negativity bias is what helped our hunter-gatherer ancestors survive when mortal threats could be lurking at every corner.

And while that same bias can still keep us safe today…

It can also become very easy for us to fall into the habit of negative thinking.

So what’s the solution?

Marisa suggests something called the 90-10 Negativity Rule.

Check it out
767 views13:30
2021-09-09 16:30:12
In this video Marisa Peer debunks the following statement:

“The more effort I put in, the better the results.”

How many of you believe that your results have to do with effort? Or hard work? Or your frequency of practice?

What Marisa says is that effort secondary to your beliefs.

In other words, you first have to fix the belief system in your head.

Because when you do, results come incredibly fast.

But effort has no bearing on success.

If you understand how to rewire the grooves in your mind so your beliefs shift first, you can make breakthroughs in any dimension of your life.

Watch this quick video and if you find this idea interesting, join us for this Masterclass with Marisa, airing all this week. Totally free. And in this class, you’ll receive an actual Rapid Transformational Therapy Session. Completely Free.

Attend the Class here
649 views13:30