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Логотип телеграм канала @mindvalley — Mindvalley
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Последние сообщения 2

2022-06-03 16:32:01
Coming soon: ‘The 6 Phase Meditation Method’ book

Vishen’s long-awaited third book on his beloved 6 Phase Meditation Method is now available for pre-order.

From athletes and artists to singers and CEOs, the 6 Phase Meditation is a hyper-condensed, magic-making, joy-creating, productivity-inducing protocol that empowers you to get focused, find peace, and achieve the impossible.

Pre-order The 6 Phase Meditation Method now
1.4K views13:32
2022-05-27 16:31:24
Imagine being so magnetically charismatic that the moment you step into a room – whether it’s a boardroom or a cocktail party – you’re able to effortlessly turn heads.

But your newfound charisma is not some kind of superficial act.

Nor are you trying to be someone you’re not.

Instead, your charisma is fuelled by every trait, quirk, and quality that makes you, you.

So even if you’re an introvert or soft-spoken, you can’t help but radiate an authentic and unforgettable presence that draws people in.

By following Vanessa Van Edwards science-based formula for nurturing your charisma, you’ll quickly learn how to harness this authentic magnetism to inspire, impact and influence the people around you.

Discover the science of human behavior with Vanessa Van Edwards and unlock what may just be your ultimate social and professional superpower
1.1K views13:31
2022-05-20 16:31:32
When billionaire entrepreneur and Mindvalley author Naveen Jain talked about how he raised his kids, he said that he never built a wall between his “adult” world, and his children’s education because he realized it was that very world that could accelerate their learning.

So they got to mingle with the people their billionaire dad mingled with, not just people of their own generation.

They grew up with endless possibilities.

This is why the concept of trans-generational learning is such an important element of the Mindvalley University experience.

So, if you’re bringing your kids with you to Tallinn this summer, we’ve set up incredible youth programs.

But just know that your kids won’t be restricted either: whether it’s the parties or talks on the main stage or networking events, we encourage you to bring them along too.

Because when children are exposed to extraordinary adults, they learn to think in extraordinary ways.

Bring your family and come connect with this inspiring tribe.

Learn more
1.2K views13:31
2022-05-14 16:32:03
Coming up…

What if the biggest gap between you and your greatest life… is just three simple questions?

Discover the revolutionary goal-setting methodology that has captured the minds of millions of people and thousands of companies around the world – and why asking yourself the 3 Most Important Questions may just launch you towards a life you only previously dreamt about.

Watch the trailer here now
1.3K views13:32
2022-04-22 16:31:10
Paul Mckenna is probably the most famous hypnotherapist in the world.

But hypnosis is actually just one of the techniques that Paul employs to create the astounding changes in his clients.

In Total Self-Confidence, over 15 days, Paul uses three interlaced techniques:
1. Hypnosis
2. Psychosensory techniques
3. Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)

…coupled with an incredibly powerful and unique set of Hypnotic Trance Audios to help you automatically increase your skills and your confidence in areas like:
- business
- social connection
- communication
- learning
- and general outlook on life

So Mindvalley Members, enjoy your new program today.

Just head to the app. Head to the programs tab. And search ‘confidence’.

If you’re not a member yet, you can learn more about the program by clicking here.

And since Total Self-Confidence is exclusively available through Mindvalley Membership, for launch week we’re offering a $100 discount.

Join us now
639 views13:31
2022-04-08 16:31:42
We recently ran a massive poll on our Mindvalley community to find out what area of human transformation you wanted to learn the most about.

One of the top topics was career growth.

This is why we’re particularly excited about the upcoming release of our Mindvalley Certified Business Coach program.

Some of you are thinking: “But I’m not a coach. Does this apply to me?”

Actually, yes.

If you’re a small business owner, you’ll gain the skill of self-coaching and also discover powerful strategies to rapidly scale your business.

If you’re providing a service as a solopreneur, you’ll learn proven strategies to attract high-paying clients, scale your impact, and magnify your income.

If you’re an employee, you’ll gain new tools that’ll unlock new career opportunities and allow you to command a greater salary.

To find out if our newest certification program is for you, join Evercoach co-founder Ajit Nawalkha and I this Sunday (9am LA | 12pm NY) for a special live presentation.

Claim your free spot here
1.4K views13:31
2022-03-31 16:31:03
This summer… skip your regular idea of a holiday.

Sure, a stay in a hotel by the beach in Mallorca or Florida sounds nice.

But what if you spice things up a little and instead take the most unusual holiday of your life by joining Mindvalley University in Tallinn, Estonia.

Back when we brought Mindvalley University to Pula, Croatia in 2019, we thought to ourselves: “Why don’t we rent one of the world’s greatest surviving Roman coliseums for our welcome party?”

That’s exactly what we did.

People from all around the world engaged in one of the most exciting community projects you can possibly imagine.

Watch what happens when thousands of Mindvalley Members come to a city together and co-create a community of the future from scratch.

By the way, everyone, kids included, are invited.

Now, three years later, Mindvalley University is back.

We’re expecting up to 2,000 Mindvalley Members to move to Tallinn to create a pop-up community to hack life itself and bend our collective realities.

Learn more here
2.3K views13:31
2022-03-24 16:31:10
Everytime we bring a new Quest to Mindvalley, we invite a group of 100 or so Mindvalley Members to go through it as beta testers.

Their job is simple.

Tear apart the program and find any flaws we need to fix to make it better before we release it to the world.

Our beta users are an incredible group.

And they typically send detailed and mind-blowing feedback that helps both us and our Mindvalley trainers refine our Quests.

When we launched A Journey to Infinitheism with India’s leading spiritual teacher Mahatria to our beta users, we were expecting the same.

But this time, there was barely any feedback on things they felt needed to be improved.

Many even said this was the best Quest they had ever done.

For our Mindvalley Members, you can enroll in the program right now.

If you’re not a Member yet, this is a great reason to become one.

Become a Member
2.7K viewsedited  13:31
2022-03-16 16:31:23
Vishen started A-Fest in 2010 because he was lonely. He wanted to find a way to connect.

He started A-Fest as an attempt to convince entrepreneurs to come spend a few days with him at a beach in Costa Rica – to surf, discuss personal growth, and hopefully connect as friends.

What emerged was something very unusual – sort of a link between TED talk and the most beautiful festival you can imagine.

A-Fest continued happening every year. Way before Mindvalley was even a known brand.

Today we’re excited to invite you to attend A-Fest.

Since the point of A-Fest is to bring deep human connection, and we haven’t figured out how to do this beyond 300 people, we only have limited spots available.

But if you’re someone who feels like you need more inspiration in your life or you need more connections with people who can elevate you, A-Fest is the place to be.

Join Mindvalley authors in what will likely be a life-changing experience in Jordan, near the Dead Sea.

It happens this May 18-21.

Apply here now
3.2K views13:31
2022-03-04 16:30:42
Can you get high without the substances?

You don’t need any substances to reach states of ecstasy, bliss and highs that you’d never thought you could experience in life.

The most important thing you need to know is the right meditation practice.

If you think: “Well yeah. I tried meditation and I just fell asleep.”

You are likely doing an outdated, passive approach to meditation.

And fMRI scans studied by Dawson Church has shown that these types of meditation practices often don’t really do much.

But if you experience the right meditation approach, you can actually rewire the neurochemistry of your brain to create:

- States of bliss,
- States of internal gratitude,
- States where you feel connected to life itself.

To appreciate how this happens, you need to understand two things:

1) The exact brain chemicals that create these states.
2) The exact technique to cause your brain to release these chemicals on demand.

This is what we’ll be covering in this Masterclass with Dawson Church.

Watch now
3.7K views13:30