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Последние сообщения 5

2021-10-16 17:02:02
Next, we'll have...

Calling in “The One” with Katherine Woodward Thomas (starts December 6, 2021)

How do you manifest your soulmate? After more than a year of ‘social distancing,’ people are yearning to find that deep connection to a special someone.

And there’s no one more qualified to show you how than Katherine Woodward Thomas, who’s book Calling in ‘The One’ became an international sensation.

The Art of Astral Projection with Jade Shaw (starts December 20, 2021)

Curious to learn how to have a conscious out-of-body experience? If you said ‘yes,’ then Mindvalley’s most spiritually advanced program is for you.

Let Jade Shaw, a rising star in the field of Astral Projection, guide you through this fascinating spiritual practice, and how to use it for profound healing and transformation.

Become a Mindvalley Member now
1.0K views14:02
2021-10-16 17:00:23
As we move into the final stretch of 2021, we're excited to announce four extraordinary new Quests coming to Mindvalley Membership very soon.

A Yogi’s Guide To Joy with Sadhguru (starts October 18, 2021)

Sadhguru is one of the modern world’s most venerated yogis and visionaries whose teachings have helped transform the lives of millions.

You’ll gain access to his wisdom as he guides you through one of the most vital aspects of the human experience: the freedom from suffering, and the attainment of unconditional peace and joy.

Modern Qigong with Lee Holden (starts November 15, 2021)

For millions of Americans, their first introduction to the ancient energy practice of Qi Gong was almost certainly thanks to one man: Qi Gong master Lee Holden.

Through his many TV programs, Lee made these taoist teachings more accessible to a modern audience. You’ll learn how to bring this beautiful energy practice into your life for more health and vitality.

Become a Mindvalley Member now
1.0K views14:00
2021-10-14 17:00:25
If you’ve ever felt you were undeserving of success, praise or recognition given to you at work…

Then we’re willing to bet you’re all too familiar with the term ‘Imposter Syndrome.’

If this describes you, we have good news and bad news.

Bad news: Impostor syndrome won’t magically disappear no matter how successful you get.

Good news: There are powerful strategies you can apply in your life right now to break free from this negative thought pattern, boost your confidence at work, and supercharge your life.

Even better news: Vishen recently sat down with peak performance expert Shadé Zahrai to explore 3 key strategies to help you ditch the imposter syndrome in this 50-minute discussion.

Watch Vishen’s conversation with Shadé Zahrai here on YouTube

Or subscribe to the Mindvalley Podcast on your favorite Podcast platform: listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify
585 views14:00
2021-10-12 16:30:23
It didn’t take long for this short clip of Mindvalley author Michael Bernard Beckwith’s interview on The Ellen Show to rack up well over 3.5 MILLION views.

And when you hear how he answers Ellen Degeneres’ question…

“What would you say to people who want to better their lives?”

… You’ll understand why this message resonated with so many people.

In typical Rev. Beckwith fashion, the man dropped some serious wisdom bombs – including a beautiful technique that’ll help you tune into your soul for guidance and direction.

If you’d like to learn how to live life with more inspired intention, then I recommend exploring his incredible Life Visioning Mastery Quest.

This program is available to all Mindvalley Members.

Not yet a Member? Enroll here
878 views13:30
2021-10-09 13:00:19
“You’re not you when you’re hungry.”

Do you remember that tagline from the famous Snickers commercial?

The one where a guy turned into a very sassy Betty White because of his hunger but quickly returned to normal after a quick bite?

It’s a brilliant piece of advertising.

But it also speaks volumes about our relationship with hunger and food.

And how most of us are deeply conditioned to eat at the first sign of hunger – even if our bodies are not actually asking us for any food.

So it’s no surprise that for many, the idea of intermittent fasting simply sounds like self-imposed starvation.

The truth is, when you learn how to fast the right way and adjust this practice to fit your lifestyle...

You can enjoy the benefits of fasting without starving yourself.

In our Intermittent Fasting Masterclass, Ronan Oliveira uncovers the truth about intermittent fasting and how to bring this practice into your life in a safe, healthy and sustainable way.

Watch now
1.7K views10:00
2021-10-07 16:30:10
Imagine you could burn extra body fat without changing the foods you currently eat.

Wouldn’t that be nice?


Turns out, according to researchers from the University of Surrey, UK, it’s possible.

Most people think losing weight is a matter of changing what and how much you eat.

But as you’ll see in this quick video with your new intermittent fasting coach Ronan Oliveira, there’s a much easier way to burn body fat than depriving yourself from the foods that satisfy you and going to bed hungry.

Watch this video and you’ll understand what we mean
1.1K views13:30
2021-10-05 16:30:09
Breakfast in the morning.

Lunch at noon.

Dinner in the evening.

Perhaps a snack or two in between.

This is how the vast majority of people eat today.

Because that’s what we were taught was healthy.

But what if we told you that eating this way isn’t only suboptimal for your health...

But it can even disrupt and confuse the natural function of your body.

Here’s what happens to your body when you eat like that in this quick video.

And why Vishen now prefers eating breakfast at 1pm.

We’re sharing this video as part of the launch of a new intermittent fasting program we’ve just released to all Mindvalley Members.

It’s called Beyond Fasting by our in-house health and fitness expert Ronan Oliveira.

To give you a taste of what this program is about, Ronan and Vishen are hosting a free Masterclass to teach you how to build your ideal intermittent fasting practice.

But for now, check out this video to understand why your health is not only influenced by what and how much you eat but when you eat
1.6K views13:30
2021-10-02 16:30:15
Why men need to cry

Boys growing up are often fed messages about what it means to be a man.

“You throw like a girl.”

“Big boys don’t cry.”

“You should man up.”

All these messages reinforce the damaging idea that showing anything but strength, courage and toughness somehow makes you less of a man.

Justin is on a mission to rewrite these scripts.

In this discussion with Vishen, he offers some powerful ideas on how to define for ourselves what it means to be “man enough”.

Watch our conversation with Justin Baldoni here on YouTube

Or subscribe to the Mindvalley Podcast on your favorite Podcast platform:

Listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify
2.3K views13:30
2021-09-30 16:30:23
Let’s talk about “the birds and the bees.”

The fact we even use this phrase to describe sex to our children really speaks volumes about how much sexual repression still exists in our society.

For many parents, bringing up topics like sex, masturbation and orgasms is…well… awkward as hell.

So we invited an extraordinary love and sexuality coach Annie Lalla, to show our Mindvalley Members how to create the perfect space to openly talk about sex.

Whether it’s educating your child about sex, expressing your deepest sexual desires with your partner, or setting boundaries with your date without shutting down potential intimacy...

This conversation is the sex education you wished you had in school >>

There is no topic too taboo for Annie, and no land she won’t explore.

Polyamory, cheating, pornography and reconciling religious beliefs with deep sexual desires – she’ll cover it all.

Feeling a bit uncomfortable? That’s even more of a reason for you to watch this
2.3K views13:30
2021-09-28 16:31:01
Up next is the new 3 Most Important Questions Quest.

This exercise is a fundamentally different take on traditional goal-setting which often leads you to getting obsessed about the ‘how’ of attaining your goals… rather than the passion, the vision, and the beauty of the goal itself.

In short, we get obsessed with the 'means', rather than the 'end'.

Instead, the 3 Most Important Questions are designed to give you clarity, help you dream big, and show you how to set goals that truly sing to your soul.

So if you want to gain access the moment it's released, we invite you to become a Mindvalley Member today
2.3K views13:31