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Последние сообщения 3

2022-02-25 16:31:38
This Feb 28th, we’re hosting a new Conquer Your Cravings challenge with WILDFIT creator Eric Edmeades.

And everyday for five days, Eric will guide you in rewiring your food psychology to eliminate all your unhealthy cravings.

This challenge is completely free.

By now, most of you know how big food manufacturers use deceptive advertising traps to condition your mind to crave foods that are detrimental to your health.

How do you permanently undo this conditioning?

In our upcoming challenge, Eric will take you through a powerful behavior change model he’s developed to help you get rid of all your unwanted cravings for good.


Take the Conquer Your Cravings challenge with Eric Edmeades this Feb 28th 8am LA / 11am NYC.

Join Eric here
1.3K views13:31
2022-02-18 16:31:12
What if every solution you ever needed was already stored deep in your mind…

… and all you needed to do was to learn how to access it?

Well, we’ll show you how in our newly updated Masterclass:

Accessing Altered States for Rapid Problem Solving

Interestingly, we first created this Masterclass at the very beginning of the lockdown. Which meant we originally filmed this Masterclass in Vishen’s bedroom with a webcam since our film crew (just like everyone else at the time) was stuck at home.

Yet, this turned out to be the most impactful Masterclass of the year in 2020.

Now in 2021, we’ve refilmed and updated this Masterclass with documentary quality production you’ve come to expect from us

Join us in this free Masterclass and unlock your mind’s full potential
737 views13:31
2022-02-11 16:31:12
Are you the type of person who’s not excited about Valentine’s day because you’ve not yet found “The One?”

Well, join us in a free workshop with the legendary Katherine Woodward Thomas, the author of Calling in “The One.”

In celebration of Katherine’s new Calling in “The One” Quest, that’ll be released on Mindvalley this month.

In this workshop, you’ll be going through week one of Katherine’s soulmate manifesting technique.

We’re particularly excited about this 2-hour workshop because in a recent community poll, there was one thing many of you were struggling with as a result of the pandemic.

The aching pain in the form of loneliness.

Especially among those of you who are single.

Making real and authentic human connections has been hard in the last two years.

It’s even harder if you’re looking for a conscious partnership.

This is why we decided to make this workshop free and open to the public.

Date: Sunday, Feb 13th
Time: 9am LA / 12pm NYC / 1am (next day) Singapore

Claim your free spot
897 views13:31
2022-02-04 16:30:33
Vishen used to have an ever-growing stack of books on his bedside table, but never enough time to read them all.

There were so many ideas in these books he wanted to soak up and apply in his life.

But he just couldn’t get through them all.

And yet, he still bought more books.

He somehow convinced himself that seeing more books would spur him to read more.

Nothing changed except he felt even more frustrated.

So he shared a post about this ‘too many books, too little time’ problem he was going through on Facebook.

And the post blew up.

500+ of you shared similar frustrations.

So, he sent a message to the one expert he knew could solve this problem we were all going through.

Learning and speed reading expert Jim Kwik.

And together we created this free Masterclass where Jim will teach you powerful techniques to accelerate your reading you can apply in your life right now.

Watch now
792 views13:30
2022-01-28 17:02:35 The ‘Great Resignation.’

It’s been dominating headlines the last few months.

Over the last year, people have been leaving their jobs in droves.

Whether it’s in search of better pay, more flexibility like remote work, or simply wanting more meaning and purpose in their careers…

One thing is for certain:

Millions upon millions of people are experiencing profound change in their lives.

Which is why this is actually the best time to launch a new career as a life coach.

Think about it…

What do all these people – who are going through a massive life transition – need most right now?

They need a sense of stability.

They need guidance and direction.

They need belief in their own personal power.

All of these qualities and more are what a great life coach can bring to empower and uplift others.

It’s why so many people are actively searching for coaches today. And many companies are hiring in-house coaches to uplevel their employees.

That life coach could be you.

If this idea intrigues you, we want to invite you to a free live webinar we’re hosting on Monday Jan 31 on how you launch a new career as a Mindvalley Certified Life Coach this 2022.

Register for free
461 views14:02
2022-01-21 16:30:36
We just entered an era where every year is equivalent to 25 years of innovation and disruption as the previous century.

This chart explains what is about to happen.

We’re on the cusp of massive disruption in the way we traditionally live, work and function as human beings.

How do we keep up?

Our latest online workshop this Quarter for Mindvalley Members is about dealing with this ever-evolving world we live in by learning how to navigate, guide and coach yourself through change.

Empower yourself with the new set of skills required to guarantee you won’t just survive, but thrive in the emerging, post-pandemic reality.

Reimagine your career, money, and mission for a fast-approaching future where the old rules are dust: and prime yourself with next-level strategies for claiming an epic new life of abundance, freedom, and impact in the new world

Learn more
1.4K views13:30
2022-01-12 14:30:54
New year resolutions suck.

And at this point, most of you know it.

But that doesn’t mean you should stop aiming for bigger and bolder goals this year.

Instead, what you really need to create lasting change in your life is a set of radically different tools that shift you in mind and spirit.

Which is why we believe you’re going to love our first-ever 6-day 2022 New Year Challenge.

So how will this live Challenge work?

And why are we so confident that joining this will help make 2022 the greatest year of your life?

Watch the video to learn more
1.0K views11:30
2022-01-07 17:01:45
Here's a powerful tip to attract more abundance and money in 2022 from Japanese money expert Ken Honda.

The Arigato Money Technique.

Ken advises us to appreciate money just like we appreciate all good things in life.

Counterintuitively, this means appreciating it even as you're giving it away.

So if you want to get into the millionaire mindset, try this simple tip.

Whenever you are paying someone - “Arigato” the money (Arigato is the Japanese word for ‘Thank You’.)

Mentally tell yourself that you are grateful for the services, product, experiences that this money is bringing you.

And every time you see new money come in - Arigato that money.

Ken has studied, interviewed and documented the habits, beliefs and attitudes of over 12,000 millionaires, and he says just like we know gratitude works for increasing happiness, the arigato technique works for changing our money mindset.

If you find this idea interesting, check out this beautiful new video that we released: The Zen Millionaire’s Secret’.
580 views14:01
2021-12-29 16:31:22 It’s around this time of the year that we all start noticing articles like ‘The Best Books of 2021’ popping up everywhere online.

But what about the books to look out for in 2022?

Well, we do have one recommendation.

And once you know what this book is about, we have a strong feeling you’ll want a copy yourself.

Because it’s unlike anything else that’s currently sitting on your bookshelf.
This may sound strange at first but…

Everything in this book will speak directly to your soul. It’ll give you the answers you’ve been looking for for your life. And it may just help turn your biggest dreams into reality.

We get it.

These are some seriously bold claims.

But we can say this with confidence because Vishen has had his for over 10 years.
And it was worth every penny.

Because his copy has been responsible for the many successes he’s enjoyed in just about every dimension of his life for the last decade.

It quite literally shaped his life as we know it now.

So how on earth do you get your hands on this book?

Well, you won’t find it in your local library or any bookstore.

And forget asking someone who has one to lend it out to you.

They will almost certainly turn you down.

You’ll understand why here
693 views13:31
2021-12-22 16:30:34
Astral projection is the idea that we can have our souls leave our body on command.

And explore the physical world, the astral world and the multiverse as a soul entity.

Today, this is no longer a far-fetched idea.

It’s the subject of Netflix shows like Behind Her Eyes and in the most recent Marvel movie Spiderman: No Way Home.

And recently, astral projection was all over the news when VICE magazine published a remarkable report on the CIAs research on this phenomena.

This week, we’re bringing you one of the most remarkable teachers in this field.

And also introduce you to the unique sounds that stimulate this state by the Monroe Institute – the same organization that worked with the CIA in their research back in the 80’s.

If you’re interested in these ideas, watch our new Masterclass with Jade Shaw where you’ll learn how to begin your astral journey
714 views13:30