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Последние сообщения 4

2021-12-15 16:32:19
How is it that some people can experience immense chaos (like a pandemic) in their lives and yet emerge the other side better and greater in every way?

While others end up feeling completely stuck?

It’s not because one group is smarter than the other.

Or more resilient. Or more creative.

The difference lies in just one thing: clarity.

You’ll understand what we mean in this quick video.

Watch now
877 views13:32
2021-12-07 16:30:55
As we come to the end of 2021, can you guess which was the topic on Mindvalley that received the most amount of interest?

It turns out, it was Jim Kwik’s Superbrain.

And we can understand why.

Since you’re following us, you love learning.

And it’s very apparent that if you love learning, the first thing you should learn is how to enhance your learning.

Because this will enhance everything else you learn.

So with that perspective in mind, we wanted to release this beautiful new video.

If you’re a big fan of Jim, or the topic of meta-learning and speed reading, watch this new YouTube feature:

The Boy with the Broken Brain

You don’t need to sign up for anything and it’s completely free.

Watch the video here and pay close attention to the surprise at the end.
846 views13:30
2021-12-02 16:30:59
What is the most unusual spiritual experience you’ve ever had?

Vishen recently put up a post to ask people to share their spiritual experiences.

Check out what people are sharing and maybe you have one to share as well.

The comment thread is going to be fascinating.

So what is the most memorable or profound spiritual experience you’ve ever had?

Maybe it was an unexpected synchronicity.

Or an awakening so profound it changed your life.

These spiritual experiences – big or small – can profoundly shift our physical reality.

Want to learn how to have these powerful experiences on-demand?

Join our brand new Masterclass with energy master Jeffrey Allen below:

How to embrace your energy body.

P.S: This week our most popular spirituality program in Mindvalley history, Duality, just had a complete remaster for 2021.

It’s now available for Mindvalley Members.

Learn more here
686 views13:30
2021-11-23 16:31:21
Why are you reading this message?

Did you plan on checking Telegram right now?


Did you get that ‘itch’ to open the app because you ‘needed’ the distraction?

Well, if you’re the latter then you’ll want to get to know one of the world’s leading experts in the psychology of distraction and procrastination, Nir Eyal.

We decided to bring Nir to Mindvalley after so many of you told us that staying focused was your biggest problem you wanted to solve – especially when life gets really chaotic.

What you’ll learn from him is how to gain superhuman focus and become completely immune to overwhelm.

This is a state Nir calls ‘indistractibility.’

Being indistractable is so much more than just being hyper-productive at work.

It’s ultimately about being as honest with yourself as you are with others.

Watch now
771 views13:31
2021-11-17 16:30:00
Is it true that some east Asian cultures age slower than others?

You’ve probably heard of this stereotype before. You may even have Asian friends who just refuse to age.

Turns out it’s not a matter of perception.

Studies have shown that American Asians do live longer on average than other ethnic groups.

So what’s the secret to their youthfulness and longevity?

Is it their genetics?

Their diet and lifestyle?

Or does it have to do with the fact that many of these cultures view their bodies as more than just muscle and bones…

… But also as a vessel that channels an unlimited flow of energy.

An energy known as ‘Qi’.

Learn more on how to unlock your youthful energy here
1.2K views13:30
2021-11-11 16:31:11
We’re proud to announce Mindvalley’s newest coach certification: 10x Fitness Coaching Certification.

We already have over 500 coaches going through it.

So what can you expect when you enroll in our newest coaching certification program?

Firstly, you’ll go through a 3-month total body make-over with Lorenzo Delano and other chief experts at Mindvalley.

If you’re 30 years and above, expect to see your strength increase by as much as 50%. (Those of you under 30 can expect around a 25% increase.)

Plus, you’ll enjoy new levels of fitness, mobility, and health.

And you’ll actually see your body get younger.

This system has gotten really popular with elite CEOs and Hollywood actors we have trained and now we’re opening it up to the public.

As you go through this body transformation, you’ll also become certified to teach this transformation.

Yes, you become a 10x certified coach, which immediately opens up new opportunities for you to earn more income and change lives.

Enroll now: mindvalley.com/certs/10x
1.5K views13:31
2021-11-05 18:02:48 There’s been so much interest in our upcoming Body For Life Seminar happening tomorrow.

And we’re really excited for you to learn from our incredible guest speakers joining this event.

But what is ‘Body For Life’ you ask?

Mindvalley is developing the world’s most advanced curriculum for turning back the clock on aging and increasing human longevity.

And it looks at solutions in areas that many people are simply unaware of, such as:

Body Identity shifting
Sexual Vitality & Optimization
Imagery Therapy
ART (Adaptive Responsive Training)
How to reverse hair loss
Lifestyle design

At the Body For Life seminar, you’ll explore all these topics (and more), and learn how to bring them all together into a bulletproof strategy for longevity and a high quality of life well into your 80s.

Curious? Register Now

This seminar is completely FREE for Mindvalley Members.

But if you’re not a Member yet, you can either buy a ticket on its own or join Mindvalley Membership (recommended).

Learn more
835 views15:02
2021-10-30 16:00:20
We’re thrilled to introduce a brand NEW online seminar that will level you up across 4 key pillars of optimal wellness.

The problem with mainstream wellness today is that people end up obsessing over just two things: physical exercise and nutrition.

Yes, these are important.

But until you incorporate aspects like your neurology, psychology, and lifestyle into your overall wellness plan, you’ll likely burn out before you can enjoy the results you crave.

This is why the Body For Life Seminar will equip you with cutting-edge tools to help you gain mastery over these 4 key pillars:

1) How you look
2) How you feel
3) How you function
4) How you live

In this seminar, we’ll be exploring cutting-edge neuroscience and positive psychology to help you build extraordinary emotional resilience and a positive mindset.

If this is something you’d be interested in learning, we invite you to join the Body For Life Seminar happening this Sat-Sun November 6-7.

Register here
703 views13:00
2021-10-26 16:30:21
In our newest Mindvalley Quest with Sadhguru, you’ll learn how to walk down a new path of perpetual joy and bliss.

Introducing: The Yogi’s Guide to Joy (starts Monday, November 1st)

This Quest is so much more than just spiritual reflection.

It's a deep introspective journey. Sadhguru awakens profound transformations in every aspect of your being as you discover:

~ Your true self and your place in the cosmos
~ The most productive way to navigate your thoughts and emotions
~ The key to achieving true balance and stability in all areas of your life
~ How to define and embrace your personal definition of freedom and fulfillment

You can enjoy full access to A Yogi’s Guide To Joy when you become a Mindvalley Member.

And all for as low as $1.36 a day.

Click here to find out more and claim your access
788 views13:30
2021-10-19 17:00:19
The man in the image above is the yogi Sadhguru and Mindvalley’s newest teacher.

(And in case you’re wondering, yes, this wise sage’s preferred mode of transportation is a badass motorcycle.)

We’re thrilled to invite you to a special Masterclass Vishen recorded with him that airs this entire week on: The Yogi’s Guide To Living In Bliss.

Sadhguru is the author of the New York Times bestseller Inner Engineering: A Yogi’s Guide to Joy.

He has spoken at leading educational institutions, including Oxford, London Business School, IMD, Stanford, Harvard, Yale, Wharton and MIT.

And is listed as one of India’s 50 most influential people.

In short: Sadhguru is a living legend.

Join us for this extraordinary new Masterclass on how to rise above suffering, and experience life with boundless and unconditional bliss.

Get started here
988 views14:00