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Последние сообщения 7

2021-09-07 16:31:01
And just over a month later, the cancer began to subside.

But this wasn’t even the first time she had bounced back from cancer.

In August 2015, she was diagnosed with cancer of the uterus.

And yet, less than a month later, she was already speaking on stage at A-Fest Costa Rica.

So what really went on here?

How did Marisa reprogram her mind so profoundly that she was able to bounce back from not one, but two major health crises?

In our Masterclass on The 5 Steps To Reprogram Your Mind For Abundance, Marisa will reveal the exact technique she used to shift her beliefs so powerfully that her body began to heal by itself at an accelerated rate.

Sign up here
551 views13:31
2021-09-07 16:30:16 Can your mind actually kickstart your body's ability to heal?

In 2017, we flew to San Diego to shoot our Masterclass with world-renowned hypnotherapist Marisa Peer to find out.

But when we arrived, we quickly learned that just days before our scheduled shoot, Marisa was diagnosed with cancer.

We went to visit Marisa shortly after to see how she was doing.

And in typical Marisa Peer style, she simply responded with unwavering confidence:

“Oh don’t worry darling, it’ll be gone in a month.”

When she first heard the diagnosis, she told herself that it was merely “a blip.”

And she declared that, no matter what, she was going to bounce back.

The crazy thing is…

She did just that.

Marisa programmed her mind to direct her body to not just feel better, but to accelerate its own healing.
592 views13:30
2021-09-04 16:00:22
Mindvalley Introduces Global Pricing

We're happy to say that Mindvalley has become more affordable than ever.

Every year, as we grow as a company, we do our best to make things more accessible by adding more features and content…

While lowering prices.

And I'm proud to announce that this month, we developed a new pricing model to truly help Mindvalley become accessible for people outside the USA and Western Europe.

By using the United Nations census data and GDP per capita models, we have now adjusted our pricing for every country in the world.

So when you go to mindvalley.com/membership, it will auto-detect where you’re browsing from and adjust the pricing accordingly.

When you join, you will also be added to our local chapter for your country, so you can meet other members in your country in our private social network and arrange meetups, collaborations or make new friends.

Ready to get your life to the next level? Enroll today >>
1.7K views13:00
2021-09-02 16:30:25
Today we want to share an absolutely brilliant conversation between Vishen and one of the stars of The Big Bag Theory, Mayim Bialik on:

How to take care of our mental health and emotional well-being.

What you may not know about Mayim is that while she did play a fictional neuroscientist Amy Farrah Fowler on The Big Bang Theory

Mayim actually has a PhD in neuroscience.

Having wrestled with depression most of her life, Mayim has always been a staunch advocate for mental health.

But the stress of the lockdowns, as you can imagine, did nothing but fuel the fire of her own inner battles.

Pair that with her huge fixation with the brain and how it fires and wires; you’ve got a perfect recipe for highly effective (and emergency) self-help.

So if you’ve been feeling the stress and anxiety of the pandemic weight down on you, check out the full conversation available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify
1.9K views13:30
2021-08-31 16:30:16
This 4-minute video will give you goosebumps.

It’s a soul-expanding narration from one of the most influential spiritual teachers of our time…

Neale Donald Walsh, author of the Conversations With God series.

Having sold 15 million copies of his books sold worldwide, Neale’s ideas have helped millions find their own definitions of spirituality, of God, and of their purpose on this planet.

It is his beautiful way with words that has allowed people of all walks of life to find clarity over who they truly are, and to help awaken them to their true potential.

And in this video, you may just catch a glimpse of the Divine within you.

Go here and have a look
986 views13:30
2021-08-28 16:30:15
“Won’t speed reading lower comprehension?”

This is probably one of the biggest questions we’ve gotten about this week’s speed reading Masterclass with Jim Kwik

And it’s understandable.

After all, if you’re blitzing through a book, do you even have the capacity or focus to absorb what you’re reading?

Well, what if I told you your comprehension is not only unaffected

…it actually improves when you read faster.

Jim Kwik explains why in this quick video
1.0K views13:30
2021-08-26 16:30:17
What if YOU could read 100 books in 12 months?

How much faster would you grow as a result?

Now some of you are thinking: who has the time to read 100 books in a year?

It’s actually a lot easier than you think.

And no, you don’t need hours in a day to achieve this.

Let’s say you started using Jim Kwik’s speed reading techniques to boost your reading rate to 650 words per minute.

If you only spent 30 minutes reading every day, that’s just under 20,000 words read a day.

A typical personal growth book is around 65,000 words long.

So if you mastered the skill of speed reading, you’d comfortably be able to read a book every 3-4 days.

And that translates to 100 books a year

Even if you achieved just half of that, you’ll still end up reading 50 books a year.

And there’s no denying that mastering the skill of speed reading can give you a profound edge in your personal growth and your career.

So if you want to learn how, join Jim and Vishen in this week’s Masterclass: How To Read Faster & Learn Better
1.2K views13:30
2021-08-24 16:30:15
How fast can you really read?

The average person usually clocks in about 200 - 250 words per minute

But speed reading coach Jim Kwik says you can easily double your reading speedwithout sacrificing comprehension and retention.

And in this fun speed reading challenge, we’ll prove it to you.

So how fast can you really read?

Try this and you might surprise yourself >>
1.3K views13:30
2021-08-21 16:30:12
Have you tried today’s featured meditation of the day on our Mindvalley app yet?

It’s by hypnotherapist and behavioral scientist Paul McKenna called ‘The Hypnotic Trance.’

And until the end of tonight, you can listen to this powerfully immersive meditation to help you control stress, reduce anxiety and experience profound relaxation.

Every single day on the Mindvalley app, you’ll be recommended a free daily meditation.

With a vast library of meditations in our vault for just about every category of life – from stress relief to deep sleep to abundance mindset to healing and more – you’ll never get bored with your practice.

However, if you want to gain unlimited access to our entire 600+ audios, the best way to do that is to become a Mindvalley Member.

Just go to this page to learn more: mindvalley.com/membership

In the meantime, go ahead and check out today’s free meditation by clicking the ‘meditation’ tab on the Mindvalley app.

Experience The Hypnotic Trance by Paul McKenna here.
1.3K views13:30
2021-08-19 16:30:24
Has your brain been stuck in ‘hyper-vigilance’ mode for far too long?

Today we want to talk about how stress is affecting your health.

You see, the lizard-part of our brains naturally gets triggered to perceived threats – even if we’re not in any immediate mortal danger.

It was a necessary reflex for our caveman ancestors to outwit predators… or get eaten.

But not needed as much in a modern sabretooth tiger-free society.

Problem is, with the state of the world today – from the resurging pandemic to the uncertain job market – that same part of our brain that kept our ancestors safe is now in a state of ‘hyper-vigilance’ almost 24/7.

And we’re more stressed out than we’ve ever been.

As hypnotherapist and behavioral scientist Paul McKenna explains in this video, if left unchecked, these stresses can have a debilitating effect on your mind, body and overall well-being.

Watch now >>
860 views13:30