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Honest historian

Логотип телеграм канала @honest_historian — Honest historian H
Логотип телеграм канала @honest_historian — Honest historian
Адрес канала: @honest_historian
Категории: Картинки и фото
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 10.02K
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History has been rewritten for centuries, but here they know the truth
Collaboration: @MarinaSergeevnaDunec
Partner : @LukaVaki

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Последние сообщения 8

2022-05-06 08:00:02
The story of a volcano

Taal is one of the smallest active volcanoes on Earth and the second most active volcano in the Philippines. Taal is an active volcano in the Philippines.On January 30, 1911 there was the strongest eruption of Taal volcano in the XX century - 1335 people were killed. A cloud of ash was visible from a distance of 400 km. The volcano threw out not lava, but masses of white hot ash and superheated steam.

About 200 people died as a result of the 1965 eruption.

On January 12, 2020, the volcano released a column of ash 1 kilometer high, which could mean a volcano awakening. Manila International Airport was temporarily suspended. On January 13, 2020 at 3:20 a.m. local time there was an emission of lava, 80 thousand residents in the danger zone (within a radius of 14 kilometers) were evacuated.
The last eruption took place in March 2022.
163 views05:00
2022-05-05 20:00:11
Lake "Holy" in the Ryazan region.

It is round in shape, there are no streams or rivers flowing into it. It has no tributaries, the water in the lake is constantly clean and clear. There are no algae or other aquatic plants in it, even its bottom actually contains no silt.

The Russian Academy of Sciences says that the lake is of meteoric origin, a little over a thousand years old. An interesting point: on old maps, this lake is not marked at all (for example, on the maps of 1816, 1832 this lake is not), it appears only after 1865.

What happened in the middle of the 19th century, tell us about the analysis of soil samples from the lake - in the samples taken from depth, was found Cesium-137. In samples taken from the upper layers there is no Cesium-137. It is formed only during nuclear decay of uranium or plutonium, it does not appear in any other way
1.0K views17:00
2022-05-05 14:00:02

AC-4 was an American ship built for the U.S. Navy a few years before World War I, named after a character from Greek mythology. On March 4, 1918, the ship disappeared without a trace near the Bermuda Triangle. Thirty-six crew and passengers were missing. There were suggestions that the ship was sunk by a German submarine, but Germany denied this information. A more common version is that the ship sank in an unexpected storm, but the real reason for the disappearance of the Cyclops has never been established.

On February 16, 1918, the ship left the port of Rio de Janeiro and headed towards the North Atlantic States. The Cyclops was also carrying 10,000 tons of manganese ore. The ship was last seen near Barbados, where it made an unscheduled stop due to overloading, although the Rio de Janeiro stated that it was loading properly. No alarms were sent by the crew.
1.1K views11:00
2022-05-05 08:00:01
The fatal connection between Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy.

Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846 and Kennedy in 1946. Lincoln was elected president in 1860 and Kennedy in 1960. Both were shot in the head. Both were shot on Friday. Lincoln's secretary's name was Kennedy. Secretary Kennedy's name was Lincoln. Lincoln and Kennedy's successors were named Johnson. Lincoln was assassinated in the Kennedy Theater. Kennedy was assassinated in a Lincoln automobile. Assassin Booth escaped from the theater and was captured in the attic. Killer Oswald escaped from the attic and was arrested in the theater.
1.5K views05:00
2022-05-04 21:49:30 The blogger showed how to make $2310 per month on walks

STEPN charges from $77 to each player per day ($2310 dollars per month);
This Move-to-Earn game also gives you the opportunity to earn from $110 per day if you like to run.

Information on gaining access to the game was posted by an influential cryptanalyst in his blog.

Anyone who submits an application before May 5 will be able to receive it.
1.6K views18:49
2022-05-04 20:00:17
A seventeenth-century engraving

The engraving of Jesus Christ wearing a crown . Indeed, what from a distance resembles an ordinary drawing is, up close, an image created with a single line that spirals in a spiral. All details of the face and the transitions of light and shadow are created by the thickening of this line. The artist was Claude Mellan from France.

For the artist's contemporaries, his method of engraving remained a mystery, and no one has been able to repeat it
1.7K views17:00
2022-05-04 14:00:01
Temple of the Rock

The Kailasanatha temple took a long time to build. It probably began during the reign of Dantidurg of the Rashtrakut dynasty and ended under Krishnaraja II.

The Kailasanatha temple is carved into a monolithic, solitary rock, the rock mass was hewn from top to bottom, without the use of scaffolding. It is located in the center of a 58 m long and 51 m wide yard carved in the rock, extending 33 meters into the rock. The temple itself is 55 meters long and 36 meters wide, with a surface area of 1980 square meters. Originally the entire temple was covered with white plaster, which made it stand out against the rocks, and was called Ranga Mahal.

The lower part of the temple is an 8 meter high plinth, in the center of which there are monumental statues of elephants and lions about 3 meters high, serving as the base for the upper part of the temple. From top to bottom the temple is covered with stone carvings made with great skill.
1.7K views11:00
2022-05-04 08:00:01
The Rapunzel Story.

The Seven Sutherland Sisters was a singing group that included the seven Sutherland sisters of New York.They performed in the early 1880s through the early 1900s.Their hallmark was their long hair; advertising about the length and texture of their hair allowed the Sutherlands to create a successful line of proprietary hair and scalp care.

Published reports show that the sisters did not save and invest wisely, and some of them later became destitute.When the last living sister, Grace, died in 1946 at age 92, she was buried in an unmarked grave.
1.9K views05:00
2022-05-03 20:00:10
Teddy bear toss.

In December 2018, fans threw 34,798 stuffed toys on the ice during an American Hockey League game between the Hershey and Binghamton clubs and set a world record.

Teddy bear tosses are a popular annual fundraiser that was first held in 1993. The collected toys will be sent to local charities and orphanages.
1.8K views17:00
2022-05-03 14:00:05
2000-year-old mosaic discovered in the Turkish city of Zevgmy

Several ancient mosaics, which are 2,000 years old, have been discovered in the Turkish city of Zevgmy. Because of the threat of flooding of ancient ruins, a team of archaeologists from Ankara began to excavate in the area and came across perfectly preserved mosaics showing us Greek and Roman art.

As the archaeologists found out, the excavations took place on the ruins of the city of Seleucia, founded in the 3rd century BC by the Greeks. Part of the ancient city is now under water, however, and on the unflooded part can be found perfectly preserved artifacts. These bright glass mosaics decorated the homes of the wealthy, depicting scenes from various literary works of the time or characters of ancient myths.

In 64 BC the city was conquered by the Roman Empire and renamed Zeugmi. In 253 A.D. the city came under the rule of the Persian king.
459 views11:00