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Honest historian

Логотип телеграм канала @honest_historian — Honest historian H
Логотип телеграм канала @honest_historian — Honest historian
Адрес канала: @honest_historian
Категории: Картинки и фото
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 10.02K
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History has been rewritten for centuries, but here they know the truth
Collaboration: @MarinaSergeevnaDunec
Partner : @LukaVaki

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Последние сообщения 14

2022-04-19 20:00:25
Everest Cemetery

The highest mountain in the world, Mount Jomolungma (Everest) (8,848 meters above sea level), was and still is a coveted goal for many climbers. But in the known history of the conquest of Jomolungma, more than 300 people have died attempting the ascent. Most of them died as a result of avalanches, falls from heights, ice chips and various health disorders caused by being at high altitude.

The upper part of Everest is in the so-called "death zone". The death zone is a mountaineering term used to refer to a height of about 8,000 meters above sea level and the level of oxygen in the air is insufficient to sustain human life.

In contrast to lower altitudes, where a person can still adapt and acclimatize, in the death zone this is usually impossible, as oxygen is consumed by the body faster than it is replenished through breathing.A prolonged stay there without oxygen devices leads to impaired body functions, loss of consciousness and eventually to death.
1.6K views17:00
2022-04-19 17:15:04
The Dance Plague of 1518

An outbreak of dancing mania that occurred in Strasbourg in July 1518. About 400 people danced on the streets of the city for days on end without rest. During that time many of them died of heart attacks, strokes, or physical exhaustion.

Local doctors declared that the plague was a disease. Local authorities decided that one could be cured by dancing around the clock. Two dance halls and a wooden stage were opened in the city. These measures did not improve the situation and the authorities prohibited all partying in the town (gambling, prostitution, music and dancing).After a few weeks the epidemic waned. Most of the afflicted were able to regain control of their bodies.

One of the modern theories explaining what happened is food poisoning by the psychoactive products of ergot, which affects various grains. The alkaloids in ergot are chemically similar to the psychoactive substance LSD.
1.7K views14:15
2022-04-19 14:18:34
Unusual Name

BOCH rVF 260602 is the name that was denied to the child's parents in Russia in 2002.The parents, painter Vyacheslav Voronin and graphic artist Marina Frolova, decided to name their child, born in Moscow on June 26, 2002, after BOCH rVF 260602 (which stands for Biological Object Human of the Voronin-Frolov Family, born on June 26, 2002).

The boy, as of 2009, lived without a Russian birth certificate and without Russian citizenship. He was given a birth certificate and an international passport on the basis of which a Russian medical policy was issued to him. These same documents enabled his parents to enroll the boy in school.
1.8K views11:18
2022-04-19 08:00:04
Infant Murderer

Amelia Elizabeth Dyer (1836 - June 10, 1896)-English serial killer who murdered infants in her care. Trained as a nurse and widowed in 1869, Dyer became involved in childrearing-the practice of adopting unwanted children in exchange for money-to support herself. Initially she cared for the children legally, in addition to having two of her own, but intentionally or not, some of them died in her care. Then she began directly killing the children she had "adopted," strangling at least some of them and disposing of the bodies.

A bagged infant corpse was found in the River Thames, and the evidence led to Dyer. She was arrested on April 4, 1896. At the time of her death,she was credited with several murders, but there is no doubt that she was responsible for many more such deaths-perhaps 400 or more, making her a candidate for the title of the most prolific serial killer in history.
1.7K views05:00
2022-04-18 20:40:37
The shortest adult male in history

Chandra Bahadur Dangi (November 30, 1939 - September 3, 2015) was a Nepali citizen. He was 54.6 cm tall and weighed 14.5 or 12 kg. Chandra suffered from congenital dwarfism.Dangi was the seventh in a family of six brothers and two sisters. Three of his five brothers were under 120 cm tall, but two other brothers and two sisters were of normal height.

Despite his age, he had never taken any medication and had never seen a doctor before the British medics visited him. It has not yet been determined what condition caused Dungy to grow to less than 55 centimeters.

According to Dungy, he dreamed of traveling and promoting his native village and country around the world through his title as the smallest man on the planet. In fact, Dangi, who had stopped growing before he was 18, had always been the unofficial world record holder for stunting, but didn't take his official measurements until he was 72 years old.He died of pneumonia.
1.8K views17:40
2022-04-18 14:44:03
History of the Doberman

The Dobermann is a breed of short-haired working dogs bred in Apolda, Germany in the late 19th century by Carl Friedrich Louis Dobermann, named after its creator.

Carl Dobermann himself was a tax collector and a member of the German police force, and the breed he created was originally formed as a police service dog. He began work on the Doberman breed in 1870. German Pinschers were chosen as the ancestors of the breed.

The dogs of Carl Dobermann were first introduced as an independent breed at the 1897 show.The original name of the breed was the Thuringian Pinscher. During the next revision of the standard in 1949 from the name of the breed was removed word "Pinscher", and it became known simply as "Dobermann". In Russia the dogs of the Doberman breed first appeared in 1902, when they were brought specially for police work.
1.7K views11:44
2022-04-18 11:00:01
The world's oldest virgin

Clara Midmore is the oldest virgin and longest living virgin from Scotland. Clara's hometown is Glasgow. She was born in 1903. She believed that with her nobility and wisdom she was able to live such a long old age. Amazingly, even at the age of 108, Miss Midmore retained a sharp mind, took a keen interest in world events and was always ready to discuss any news.

Medics believe that Midmore lived to her age because of a healthy nervous system. After all, she never quarreled with a man, was not jealous, did not give birth and did not worry about the child. She had less stress in her life than the average woman. That's why she lived more than a century.

As the long-lived woman said, she had many male friends, but it never came to intimacy. She believed that relationships - it is difficult and time-consuming, the relationship must be worked on constantly. Therefore, Clara made a promise to herself at the age of 12 that she would never marry. Clara passed away at the age of 108.
1.7K views08:00
2022-04-18 08:00:03
Tennis on the wings of a biplane.

U.S. Army pilot Ormer Locklear, while in the service, enjoyed walking on the wings of an airplane to adjust and correct it. Determined to capitalize on his passion for risk, he soon began a lucrative career as a stunt pilot for Locklear's Flying Circus. After that, Locklear moved to Hollywood, where he starred in The Big Air Robbery.

In 1920 he died in a plane crash while filming a second movie. The threat of death, which was a constant companion of "wingwalkers," or wingwalkers, aroused the constant interest of viewers. Flying circuses, where men and women amazed the crowd with risky stunts, became especially popular in the 20s and 30s of the 20th century. The golden age of wing walkers ended before World War II, but pilots still perform similar stunts on restored vintage biplanes today.
1.8K views05:00
2022-04-17 20:00:15

Amphitheater, an architectural monument of ancient Rome, the most famous and one of the most grandiose structures of the ancient world that have survived to this day. It is located in Rome.

The construction of the largest amphitheater in the ancient world, with a capacity of over 50,000 people, was carried out over a period of eight years as a collective construction by the emperors of the Flavius dynasty. The construction started in 72 AD under the emperor Vespasian, and in 80 AD the amphitheatre was consecrated by the emperor Titus. The amphitheater was located on the spot where the pond that belonged to the Golden House of Nero had been.
1.9K views17:00