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Honest historian

Логотип телеграм канала @honest_historian — Honest historian H
Логотип телеграм канала @honest_historian — Honest historian
Адрес канала: @honest_historian
Категории: Картинки и фото
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 10.02K
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History has been rewritten for centuries, but here they know the truth
Collaboration: @MarinaSergeevnaDunec
Partner : @LukaVaki

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Последние сообщения 6

2022-05-13 20:00:02 Boeing 2707

A project of an American supersonic passenger airliner, phased out in 1971.The development was conducted by Boeing as part of the program to create a domestic supersonic passenger airliner (National Supersonic Transport), announced by President John F. Kennedy on June 5, 1963. The aircraft was expected to have a cruise speed of 2,900 km/h with a range of up to 6,740 km and a passenger capacity of up to 277 people. On December 31, 1966, Boeing's project was selected by a state commission.

During the development of the project was performed a large amount of scientific and technical work. But with the further development of the program there were difficulties, and not only technological. Thus, considerable public attention was drawn to the problem of sonic booms that are characteristic of supersonic airplanes. During the testing of the military XB-70 aircraft near Oklahoma City in 1965, because of the sonic boom along a flight path about 26 km wide, homeowners filed a large number of lawsuits against the Air Force - over fifteen thousand in all, totaling $12845.32, mostly for damages for broken windows and inconvenience.

The costs of the program and the outbreak of the Vietnam War played a part in the U.S. Senate refusing to continue funding the program in 1971. Development was discontinued .
576 views17:00
2022-05-13 14:00:01 Vadoma

A people (tribe) living in northern Zimbabwe, predominantly in the Urungwe and Sipollo regions of the Zambezi River valley. It has minimal contact with the surrounding ethnic majority Bantu.

Some members of this tribe are characterized by a genetic trait called ectrodactyly, in which the three middle toes are missing and the two outermost toes are turned inward. Because of this peculiarity, members of the tribe were nicknamed "bipedal" or "ostrich-footed.

The Wadoma tribe is a clear example of the genetic consequences of small group isolation in the form of genetic defects and mutations as a consequence of inbreeding depression. Due to the tribal isolation of the Vadoma, the phenomena of ectrodactyly will continue to exist and develop in them, and due to the relatively small gene pool the anomaly will appear much more frequently than in other places.
882 views11:00
2022-05-13 08:00:00 Toynbee's Tile.

Messages of unknown origin appearing on the paved roads of some twenty-four North American and four South American cities. Several hundred such messages have been discovered since the 1980s. These "tiles" are usually the same size as American license plates (approximately 30 × 15 cm), but in some cases they can be much larger.

Each "tile" contains the following text:
IN MOTION `2001.

The material from which the tiles were made could not be determined at first, but it was later determined that they were made from pieces of linoleum and putty to seal cracks in the asphalt. Press articles about these "tiles" began to appear en masse in the mid-1990s, although the first mentions of them date back to the mid-1980s.Since the 1990s, there have been repeated attempts to identify the creator of the "tiles" and the purpose for which they were made, but so far they have not yielded positive results
1.1K views05:00
2022-05-12 19:00:01 The dog with the world's longest tongue

A St. Bernard named Mochi holds the world record for the longest tongue of any dog alive today. Her tongue is 18.58 centimeters long. Now the dog is being filmed for catalogs, but the life of the unusual dog did not start so rosy. The owners took Mochi from a shelter where the dog was rejected by dozens of people. Living with such a long tongue is not easy.

Mochi lives in the U.S. state of South Dakota with Carla and Craig Rickert. She was two years old when the couple took her St. Bernard from the shelter. People who came to the shelter thought Mochi was too strange, and they didn't want her. Mochi's tongue becomes the source of many problems. When she gets nervous, she starts salivating a lot, and dirt and fallen leaves stick to her long tongue. When Mochi was a puppy, she risked choking several times when her tongue folded in her mouth.
1.3K views16:00
2022-05-12 14:00:01 "The Ascension of the Virgin Mary.

An outstanding work of world art, this painting by Titian was painted in 1516-1518. It is the largest (6.90 x 3.60 m) altarpiece in Venice and the largest work by Titian. It is painted in oil on wood (from several planks glued together). It is in the main altar of the Basilica of Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari.

Titian received the commission for the altarpiece in 1516. It was completed on May 19, 1518. "The Ascension of Mary" was Titian's first major commission in Venice, where he soon became a leading artist.

After the seizure of Venice by Austrian troops, in 1816 the painting was removed from the church and placed in the Gallery of the Academy, which had been established under Napoleonic rule since 1797 and into whose premises works of art were taken from closed monasteries and churches. However, according to Theodore Hetzer, Titian's masterpiece was not exhibited well. The painting lacked light. During this time, it was restored by the artist Lattanzio Kerena. In 1919 the painting was returned to its old location in the church of Frari. A restoration in 1974 confirmed the painting's excellent condition.
1.3K views11:00
2022-05-12 08:00:00 The richest fictional character according to Forbes.

Uncle Scrooge or Scrooge McDuck is a cartoon, fairy tale and comic book character, an anthropomorphic grayling billionaire of Scottish origin, the main character of the Disney cartoon series Duck Stories.Scrooge can be considered one of the most famous symbols of enterprise, temperament and survival skills in the reality of American cartoons and comics.His imaginary wealth is estimated at 65.4 billion dollars.

In 1952, the Uncle Scrooge comic book series was launched. As his popularity grew, the character began to appear on television, in movies and video games. Scrooge, along with several other Duckburg characters, began to gain popularity around the world. His comic books have been translated into many languages.
1.4K views05:00
2022-05-11 20:00:03 Cranial trepanation

A surgical procedure to create an opening in the bone of the skull to gain access to the underlying cavity. Typically, the surgery is used to provide access to intracranial masses (tumors) in order to remove them later.

This operation was known in ancient times and is described in detail by Hippocrates. There is evidence that humans were already familiar with trepanation in the most remote times, starting from the Neolithic period. This is evidenced by numerous skulls collected in various places and bearing traces of artificial perforation. According to some data, we can think that primitive man resorted to trepanation even more often than civilized people.

Trepanation of Neolithic times was first ascertained in 1773-1774, when several skulls with round or oval holes cut in them were shown in Lyons. Known cases of prehistoric trepanation in Russia were described at the end of the XIX century.
1.8K views17:00
2022-05-11 14:00:01 Saved 669 children from death

Sir Nicholas George Winton (19 May 1909-1 July 2015) was a British philanthropist who, on the eve of World War II, organized the rescue of 669 children (mostly Jewish) between the ages of two and seventeen from German-occupied Czechoslovakia in an operation later called the Czech Kindertransport.

Nicholas Winton found shelter for the children and arranged for their removal to Great Britain. The press in the United Kingdom dubbed Winton the "British Schindler. For 49 years he kept the secret of saving the children.
1.6K views11:00
2022-05-11 08:00:01 The Lovers of Hasanlu, or "A Kiss 2,800 Years Long."

Two human skeletons that were found by a team of archaeologists from the University of Pennsylvania in 1972 during the excavation of the ancient city of Teppe Hasanlu in northwestern Iran. During the excavation it was determined that Hasanlu had been destroyed by fire. The burial dates back to about 800 B.C. Human skeletons were found in a garbage pit.

They are buried next to each other, the skeleton on the left reaching out his right hand to touch the face of the lover on the right. They both embrace each other and show clear signs of the severe mutilation that caused their deaths. Experts believe that they died during the destruction of the Teppe Hassanlu citadel.

The skeleton on the right lies on its back. The dental examination showed that it was a young man, perhaps 19-22 years old. The pelvis belongs to a man. The second skeleton lies on the left side. His age is up to 30-35 years old. The gender from the bones is ambiguous, but scientists are inclined to believe that he was also male.
1.7K views05:00
2022-05-10 22:00:02 The tallest man in human history.

Robert Pershing Wadlow (February 22, 1918 - July 15, 1940), also known as the Giant of Alton and the Giant of Illinois.Wadlow was 8 feet 11 inches (2.72 m) tall while his weight reached 439 pounds (199 kg) when he died at age 22. His large size and continued growth as an adult was due to hypertrophy of his pituitary gland, resulting in abnormally high levels of human growth hormone (HGH).

An infection in his ankle led to his death,he died in his sleep on July 15.

His casket measured 10 feet 9 inches (3.28 m) long and 2 feet 8 inches (0.81 m) wide and 2 feet 6 inches (0.76 m) deep, weighed more than 1,000 pounds (450 kg) and was carried by twelve porters and eight helpers.
1.8K views19:00