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Honest historian

Логотип телеграм канала @honest_historian — Honest historian H
Логотип телеграм канала @honest_historian — Honest historian
Адрес канала: @honest_historian
Категории: Картинки и фото
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 10.02K
Описание канала:

History has been rewritten for centuries, but here they know the truth
Collaboration: @MarinaSergeevnaDunec
Partner : @LukaVaki

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Последние сообщения 7

2022-05-10 16:00:13 Samovar

A metal vessel for boiling water and making tea. Originally the water was heated by an internal furnace, which was a high tube filled with wood coals. Later appeared other types of samovars - kerosene, electric, etc. In the second half of the XX century they were almost universally replaced by electric kettles and stove top kettles.

The first samovars appeared at the end of 1730th in the Urals. In Tula, which became "samovar capital" of Russia, samovars began to be made from 1778.

The device of a fire samovar, in other words one that works on wood fuel, has been formed in the very beginning of its production and remained till now. Only the artistic decoration of the details has changed.
1.8K views13:00
2022-05-10 14:00:01 Teletubbies

A British children's series produced by the BBC with the participation of Ragdoll Productions and DHX Media. The series premiered on March 31, 1997. The actual "teletubbies" are the four characters in the series - humanoid plush creatures with antennae on their heads and TV screens on their bellies. The show ended on January 5, 2001, with a total of 365 episodes. The series was re-released 58 times on video and later on DVD.

On January 7, 2014, the official YouTube page for the series appeared, with new episodes being produced and planned as of 2015. Also in 2014, the series was purchased for broadcasting by Korean Central Television.
1.7K views11:00
2022-05-10 11:47:24
You've been asking for a news channel with no censorship and no lies for a long time. So - take a deep breath and stop by, all the shit from around the world is now here:

Content is heavy and not suitable for everyone
1.7K views08:47
2022-05-10 08:00:01A fox that is a frightened fox.

A frayed stuffed fox with bulging eyes, sitting on a chair. The fox was nicknamed "the stoned fox" because of its resemblance to the stereotypical image of drug addicts. The stoned fox became a well-known Internet meme. It took about a year to make the stuffed fox. The corpse of an animal caught in a trap was used. The scarecrow acquired its appearance because of mistakes made by the craftsman during the work.

One year after the scarecrow was completed, it was sold on eBay on October 14, 2012 for £330. After a while, the fox became a popular character of "photojabs" in Runet.

In December 2012, the fox became the prototype of a plush toy. Became the hero of exhibitions in Russia.
1.9K views05:00
2022-05-09 20:00:02 Paintings by Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler was involved in the visual arts. During his life he created several hundred works and sold his paintings and postcards to earn a living while living in Vienna from 1908 to 1914. He was not, however, a successful artist.

After World War II, some of his paintings were discovered and sold at auctions for tens of thousands of dollars. Others were seized by the U.S. army and are still in the special vaults of the American government. In total, according to some estimates, in the world today there are about 720 paintings of Hitler, including sketches (in total, according to a number of estimates, Hitler as an artist was created about 3400 paintings, sketches and drawings).
2.0K views17:00
2022-05-09 14:00:01
Castrati singers

Performers of vocal parts who were castrated at an early age and as such possessed a high, effeminate voice. Castrato voices are usually soprano and contralto.

Castrati singers became prominent in the ninth century. and were popular until 1204, when Constantinople was taken and ravaged by the crusaders during the Fourth Crusade. Later, nearly three hundred years later, the tradition of singing castrati was revived and perfected in Italy, appearing there in the early seventeenth century.

Initially they were performers of high parts in the papal chapel, where women could not be admitted. The first castrato (named Girolamo Rosini) appeared in the papal chapel in 1601. Despite the fact that castration itself was forbidden, conservatories found ways around this prohibition, and castrati singers were quite numerous.
1.9K views11:00
2022-05-09 08:00:01

The first cat to go into space. The black-and-white cat Felicette is the only member of the species whose flight into space has been reliably confirmed. The cat was launched on October 18, 1963 by the French Center for Training and Research in Aeronautical Medicine (CERMA). The Véronique AG1 rocket was launched from the Hammagir spaceport and reached an altitude of 160 km in less than 15 minutes. This is where the separation of the cat capsule took place. The capsule then parachuted down to the ground where it was found by a search team.

In order to control the cat's condition during the flight, electrodes were implanted into her brain. After the flight, she was taken to CERMA, where she was studied for two to three months. She was put to sleep for further studies.
1.9K views05:00
2022-05-08 20:00:17 This is how Queen Elizabeth changed - images from the banknotes

Queen Elizabeth II, full name Elizabeth Alexandra Mary (21 April 1926, London) is the reigning Queen of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth Realms of the Windsor Dynasty, Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of Great Britain, Supreme Governor of the Church of England and Head of the Commonwealth.

The current monarch in fourteen independent states: Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, Bahamas, Belize, Canada, Grenada, Jamaica, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu.
2.0K views17:00
2022-05-08 14:00:01
An antique book

A type of antique, rare book, published before the middle of the 19th century, of significant value. The reasons for the rarity of a book: when the book was published; circulation; artistic design (embossing, lacing, binding, type of paper and typeface); content.

The term "antiquarian book" is derived from the Latin word "antiquarian" (antiquarius). The meaning of the term changed at different periods of history: in the XVIII century, antiquarian considered the first printed and handwritten editions. Since the middle of the XIX century, publications of the beginning of the XVIII century were called antiquarian, and in the early XX century, books published before 1850 were considered antiquarian.
2.0K views11:00
2022-05-08 08:00:01 Brewster's Armor

Steel armor for infantrymen. The armor was developed in the summer of 1917, patented on August 13, 1917 and offered to the United States Army.

The armor was a breastplate and a blind helmet made of chromium-nickel steel up to 5.5 mm thick, fastened to the body by means of a belt system. The breastplate had a broken shape. It covered the area from the neck to the groin inclusive. It weighed 18 kg and could withstand a bullet from a rifle cartridge. It came with a massive helmet, which covered the face and neck and was crowned by a conical hood. Despite its ability to withstand bullets, the bib and helmet set weighed 18 kilograms and significantly hindered soldiers' movements
2.2K views05:00