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Последние сообщения 7

2024-04-25 22:29:41
Chronicles of the special military operation
for April 25, 2024

Russian forces continue to methodically strike at enemy targets. In Smila in Cherkasy Region, in Balakliia in Kharkiv Region, and in Udachne in the temporarily occupied part of the DPR, railway infrastructure was hit, and on the outskirts of Dnipro, the territory of one of the former military units, now reoccupied by the AFU, was targeted.

On the Bakhmut direction, fighting continues in the Kanal neighborhood. Due to the redeployment of reserves and mining of the area, the enemy is still holding positions on the eastern outskirts of Chasiv Yar. In the area of Stupky-Holubivski-2, west of Krasne, and in Klishchiivka, there are ongoing clashes.

On the Avdiivka direction, the enemy's local defense collapse continues. The Russian Armed Forces liberated Soloviovo, and the AFU retreated further west towards the village of Sokil. By evening, the Russian Armed Forces cleared the northern outskirts of Ocheretyne, from where the enemy retreated to Arkhanhel's'ke, where fighting is currently underway.

On the Donetsk direction, Russian troops are storming the industrial zone of Krasnohorivka, having entered the territory of the refractory plant. At the moment, fighting is taking place directly in the industrial zone, but given the number of buildings and their area, the assault is unlikely to be quick.

A detailed analytical report on the events in the Special Military Operation zone is available on our closed channel @rybar_plus_bot

High-resolution maps:

Situation in the special military operation zone (
ru; en)

Liberation of Soloviovo (
ru; en)

Battle for Krasnohorivka (
ru; en)

#Bakhmut #digest #report #Donetsk #map #Odesa #Russia #Vuhledar #Ukraine

Original msg
12.8K views19:29
2024-04-23 23:05:39
Further addendum to this saga

Reporting credit: @RVvoenkor

UNIAN - a Ukrainian information channel (yes they write in Russian, not the 'mova') was making fun of the mistake that Russian soldiers and TG channels made when the body of the fallen Russian hero Andrei Shinkarenko was discovered. They claimed it was just a bunch of Russians who killed each other. As RVvoenkor points out the video shows every soldier in the shot except for Shinkarenko is wearing AFU camouflage not Multicam or Ratnikcam which are both used by the Russian Armed Forces. Shinkarenko was wearing lightly coloured multicam.

The Ukrainians can be such ghouls sometimes.

13.2K views20:05
2024-04-23 20:37:20 The Secretary of the Security Council of Armenia will not participate in the International Meeting of High Representatives on Security in St. Petersburg, according to the state agency "Armenpress."

12.7K views17:37
2024-04-23 19:47:09 The commander-in-chief of the Norwegian troops said that the Russian army is improving at a faster pace than he expected.

Russia has “essentially transitioned to a war economy” and is now capable of producing weapons at a faster rate than in 2023, Eirik Kristoffersen told Breaking Defense.
“The modernization of the Russian armed forces is now closer than I would have said a year ago, also based on what they are getting from Iran, from North Korea and how they were able to practically avoid sanctions,” the general said.
He warned that, doctrinally, Russia is also learning lessons from the failures of 2022.
“They have learned their lessons and are using their findings. I think it will take them a little while longer... But if you have a very hierarchical system, once you have some lessons learned that you really want to implement, you can do it quickly,” he said.
“So if they (decide) to move from manned to unmanned systems in one area, when they decide to do it, it will happen quickly,” Christoffersen added.

15.8K viewsedited  16:47
2024-04-23 18:49:42
The Ukrainian consulate in Hamburg will continue to give previously issued passports to men of military age, despite the order of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

This is reported in the newsletter for the refugees in Germany. However, it confirms that new documents will not be accepted from men of military age anymore.

This information is not available on the consulate’s website or on its social media pages.

So far, the consulates in China and Poland have already confirmed that they have suspended the processing of documents.

13.5K views15:49
2024-04-23 18:42:32
DW covered the story of the Russian bombardments in Velika Pisarevka, but there's a catch.

The footage shows wooden crates that the military uses for storing weapons and ammunition in one of the civilian buildings that were bombed.

13.0K viewsedited  15:42
2024-04-23 17:45:16
Caption this!

12.9K views14:45
2024-04-23 17:42:49
Stutterberg: "We promised Russia not to expand to it's borders, but we did anyway. And now we realized this sh*t is expensive to do so you have to pay!"

15.7K viewsedited  14:42
2024-04-21 17:06:17
We don't usually post these, but this one is too funny not to post. Everything you would imagine from a NAFO and more!

Disclaimer: This info was taken from an account on Twitter/X, but we decided to blur out his full name and some personal info, just because...

So we will do this post in the style of his hero, Daddy Doxxer Pekka.

Meet Richard W. from Hereford, Herefordshire, England, or "Dollar Store Pekka"

Richard describes himself as OSINT, but basically posts gore videos and engages in doxxing of "pro-Russian" accounts on his "Kentucky Fried Russians" Telegram Channel. Just recently he went after Scott from Kalibrated, where he posted private info of his family.

Richard is a proud NAFO, that is also a male prostitute who enjoys different sexual activities, including those that involve liquids.

Now, Richard will probably get into some legal trouble back home so we will end this post here and keep it respectful.

Update: One of his Twitter accounts (the one with the link to his porn) has been deactivated/deleted.

The other, KFR one, says it's not him, but that he also might go "dark and fellas can find him on Instagram"

13.2K views14:06
2024-04-17 01:51:26
This little boy from the Azov camps is all grown up and was KIA recently.

Think about it before you laugh or cheer. This kid didn't stand a chance. He was yet another victim of the monstous ideology of Ukrainian "nationalism", which has done nothing but kill Ukrainians for the benefit of the west.

It is truly sad what has become of Ukraine. Once the beating heart of Soviet power and one of the highest standards of living in the world, today the country is poorer than Albania and is feeding an entire generation of it's people into a meat grinder for the addled fantasy of some Bandit warlords and their Western masters.

Ukraine deserves better than this.

17.8K viewsedited  22:51