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Последние сообщения 2

2024-05-25 18:57:22
Blinken is preparing visits to the Czech Republic and Moldova next week, where he will discuss, among other things, military aid for Ukraine - Reuters

In Prague, the Secretary of State will take part in an informal meeting of NATO foreign ministers. A Blinken aide told reporters that the meeting would prepare decisions that would be taken at the July NATO summit in Washington.

6.6K views15:57
2024-05-25 18:08:53
We must always stay one step ahead, we need to outpace the enemy — Putin at a meeting with defense industry enterprise leaders.

During the Special Military Operation, the volume of weapons production has increased. For missile and artillery weapons — more than 22 times, for electronic warfare systems — 15 times.

The production of ammunition and munitions has increased 14 times, vehicles — 7 times, aviation equipment and UAVs — 4 times, armor protection means — 6 times, armored weapons — almost 3.5 times.

Most enterprises are fulfilling the state defense order tasks on time and with quality, and in some areas even ahead of schedule.

It is important to continue increasing the supply of modern weapons and equipment to the Russian Armed Forces: UAVs, electronic warfare systems, precision weapons, communications, etc.

9.6K views15:08
2024-05-25 18:01:21
“Niger must be free, down with US colonization”: a rally took place in Niamey to support the military authorities

On World Africa Day, dozens of people demonstrated in capital Niamey. Members of the Koira tegui disabled and youth association expressed their support for Niger's National Council for the Safeguard of the Homeland and the Alliance of Sahel States (AES), a Sputnik Africa correspondent reported from the site.

The demonstrators held placards with the slogans: "We support the efforts of the CNSP in the diversification of its partners for security," "We support the AES," "We support the CNSP for real development in Niger."

Notably, several demonstrators held placards chastising the American military presence in Africa, such as “American bases [away from] our lands,” “Down with US colonization.”

The creation of the AES “represents a unique opportunity to strengthen our ties, to promote peace and prosperity for all our fellow citizens,” an organizer of the gathering told Sputnik Africa. He denounced defense deals with the United States because they “compromise our sovereignty and autonomy as an African nation.”

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7.6K views15:01
2024-05-25 16:39:35
The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia accepted the invitation of the acting Iranian president Mohammad Mokhber to visit Tehran, Iranian MEHR News Agency said Saturday.

9.5K views13:39
2024-05-25 16:28:44
Scholz was called to allow the Ukrainian Armed Forces to use German weapons to strike Russian territory.

"It's about protecting the Ukrainian population. So we shouldn't prevent Ukraine from using the supplied weapons to defend itself against Russian fighters in Russia's airspace," said Anton Hofreiter, a member of the Green Party.

"International law allows a state under attack to attack military targets in the aggressor's country. This is part of self-defense. After all, the Russian army shells the Ukrainian city of Kharkov day and night from its territory, including with glider bombs, which take only 40 seconds to hit."

8.9K viewsedited  13:28
2024-05-25 16:23:31
Epic footage of the assault on the Kupyansky direction

Russian tank destroys the VSU bunker point-blank, literally burying them in the ground. Ukranians are trying to hit the vehicle with an RPG from a neighboring position, but to no avail.

As a result, only one Ukrainian soldier survives and runs away across the field.

The fighters of the 1st Tank Army continue to move forward.

Via: @brussinf

8.8K viewsedited  13:23
2024-05-21 14:14:50 The EU has no doubts about the legitimacy of Zelensky as President of Ukraine - European Commission

6.7K views11:14
2024-05-21 14:12:11
People are being taken straight from enterprises, from workplaces to go and fight for "freedom and democracy".

6.4K views11:12
2024-05-21 14:06:33

6.1K views11:06
2024-05-21 14:06:08
Ukrainian employers will be required to serve subpoenas on employees and deliver them to the TCC(military recruitment centers) - resolution

Businesses will have to not only hand out agendas, but also deliver their employees to the shopping center.

This will need to be done after receiving an order from the TCC or local administration.

It will also be necessary to notify the military registration and enlistment office about those who refused to take summons or quit.

This is stated in Cabinet Resolution No. 563.
6.0K viewsedited  11:06