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Последние сообщения 5

2024-05-29 19:59:54
Highly recommended: Geopolitics Live, one of the fastest-growing political Telegram channels in English. Check out the latest content and don't forget to subscribe:

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NATO-CIA secret terror army ‘Operation Gladio’ up to its old tricks again?

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10.7K views16:59
2024-05-29 19:02:03
Russia , with complete superiority, seeks to take as many territories as possible in order to force Kiev’s allies to agree to freeze the war until new supplies of weapons arrive , - said Podolyak for Bloomberg

Russian troops currently have an absolute advantage in shells, missiles, etc. , said an adviser to Zelensky’s office.
Ukraine now needs at least 60 Western fighters to cover the front line. Ideally, there will be 100-120 such aircraft.
Ukraine needs to stop the dominance of Russian tactical aviation, otherwise this defense war will be very difficult, because Russia will simply flood Ukrainian territories with bombs.
11.4K viewsedited  16:02
2024-05-29 18:45:42
Assault on the position of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the first person: a Norwegian mercenary/NATO soldier and AFU soldier were eliminated.

The Russian serviceman first fired from an AK-74M, and when approaching the dugout, he threw an RGD-5 grenade there.

Inside the shelter, the fighter found an NLAW anti-tank system and a Swedish AT-4 anti-tank grenade launcher.

The eliminated militant, dressed in a Norwegian army uniform 00:46 , had an American rifle with him. On the shoulder is the chevron of the Telemark battalion (the main mechanized formation of the Norwegian ground forces).

12.9K viewsedited  15:45
2024-05-29 18:42:26 US is looking for ways to use Russian assets frozen in Europe - Antony Blinken

11.2K views15:42
2024-05-29 18:22:50
Since we're already on the topic of Abrams tanks.

Here is another one destroyed by "Krasnopol" guided artillery. Second one in two days.

The one from yesterday is linked above.

11.6K viewsedited  15:22
2024-05-25 19:20:05 Fwd from @kramnikcat
Regarding the next, 58th aid package from the US to Ukraine, I would like to say the following:

We don't know the breakdown of each item, but if we convert the total $275 million cost into 155mm rounds, there would be less than 30,000 - at $10,000 per round in the US.

30,000 155mm rounds is roughly our 152mm expenditure in 1.5 days under normal conditions, and in particularly intense periods it could be as much as 12 hours.

However, the package contains a lot of expensive items, including Javelins ($170,000+ each), HIMARS ammunition ($80,000+), TOW ($100,000+), etc.

So the number of 155mm rounds is clearly much lower.

The average Ukrainian expenditure of 152/155mm during this war is around 7,000 per day. Assuming half the package value is for these rounds, this specific aid would cover the AFU's needs for a couple of days.

Could the Americans provide more?

Yes, they still have reserves, especially of cluster munitions.

But since Europe is supposed to pay for this war and be ruined by it, the US won't overexert itself, shifting the costs to its satellites.

#Weapons404 Original msg
6.3K views16:20
2024-05-25 19:01:38
Russian Forces in the liberated village of Ivanovka, Kharkov region.

7.3K views16:01
2024-05-25 18:57:22
Blinken is preparing visits to the Czech Republic and Moldova next week, where he will discuss, among other things, military aid for Ukraine - Reuters

In Prague, the Secretary of State will take part in an informal meeting of NATO foreign ministers. A Blinken aide told reporters that the meeting would prepare decisions that would be taken at the July NATO summit in Washington.

6.6K views15:57
2024-05-25 18:08:53
We must always stay one step ahead, we need to outpace the enemy — Putin at a meeting with defense industry enterprise leaders.

During the Special Military Operation, the volume of weapons production has increased. For missile and artillery weapons — more than 22 times, for electronic warfare systems — 15 times.

The production of ammunition and munitions has increased 14 times, vehicles — 7 times, aviation equipment and UAVs — 4 times, armor protection means — 6 times, armored weapons — almost 3.5 times.

Most enterprises are fulfilling the state defense order tasks on time and with quality, and in some areas even ahead of schedule.

It is important to continue increasing the supply of modern weapons and equipment to the Russian Armed Forces: UAVs, electronic warfare systems, precision weapons, communications, etc.

9.6K views15:08
2024-05-25 18:01:21
“Niger must be free, down with US colonization”: a rally took place in Niamey to support the military authorities

On World Africa Day, dozens of people demonstrated in capital Niamey. Members of the Koira tegui disabled and youth association expressed their support for Niger's National Council for the Safeguard of the Homeland and the Alliance of Sahel States (AES), a Sputnik Africa correspondent reported from the site.

The demonstrators held placards with the slogans: "We support the efforts of the CNSP in the diversification of its partners for security," "We support the AES," "We support the CNSP for real development in Niger."

Notably, several demonstrators held placards chastising the American military presence in Africa, such as “American bases [away from] our lands,” “Down with US colonization.”

The creation of the AES “represents a unique opportunity to strengthen our ties, to promote peace and prosperity for all our fellow citizens,” an organizer of the gathering told Sputnik Africa. He denounced defense deals with the United States because they “compromise our sovereignty and autonomy as an African nation.”

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7.6K views15:01