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Английский в гифках

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Логотип телеграм канала @giffyenglish — Английский в гифках
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Категории: Лингвистика
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Страна: Россия
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Последние сообщения 7

2021-05-25 10:11:00
The paws of the lynx are very large, which allows it to move effectively in the snow. The paws act as snags and make it one of the most effective snow predators.

paw - лапа
lynx - рысь
allow - позволять
snag - снегоступ
464 views07:11
2021-05-24 16:11:04
Robotic fish

Autonomous fish robots can be used in a different way - for example, take part in search and rescue missions and deep sea research.

search and rescue mission - поисково-спасательная миссия
515 views13:11
2021-05-24 13:11:00
Useful technology

Bicycle technology without a chain. Now it will definitely not slip off.

chain - цепь
definitely - точно
slip off - спадать
515 views10:11
2021-05-24 10:11:01
The work of the leaf-cutting ants is in full swing.

Insects carry building materials for their home. Such ants are said to be one of the most evolutionarily advanced organisms.

Leaf cutters exist in symbiosis with mushrooms and build anthills underground.

leaf-cutting ant - муравьи-листорезы
in full swing - в полном разгаре
anthill - муравейник
514 views07:11
2021-05-23 16:11:01
The art group from Copenhagen amazed people with their unique project. A house with six legs which can move itself along the road.

The house walks at a speed of 60 m per hour and is controlled using a special touchscreen monitor located inside.

amaze - удивлять
touchscreen - сенсорный
526 views13:11
2021-05-23 13:11:00
The horse lay down to sleep. Wait, horses sleep while standing? Or not?

It is a popular myth that horses sleep while standing or do not sleep at all. Where did it come from? The fact is that these animals must be on the alert all the time in wild nature so as not to get caught by a predator, and have learned to rest and even doze while standing, “snapping” the knee joints.

But a horse can only sleep well while lying down! It needs a little - just a couple of hours a day. Usually the horse goes to bed in the early morning, although it can lie down at other times if it feels safe. And if the horses graze together, one is sure to stand guard while the others are sleeping.

on the alert - начеку
doze - дремать
snap - защелкивать
knee joints - коленные суставы
graze - пастись
stand guard - стоять на карауле
544 views10:11
2021-05-23 10:11:00
Golden Bridge in Vietnam - touching the sky

The 150-meter Golden Bridge is a new tourist attraction in Vietnam, located in the Na Hills resort near Da Nang. There is an observation deck at an altitude of 1414 meters. The Golden Bridge rests on two giant "hands of God", and tourists walking along it can admire the magnificent mountain scenery.

observation deck - смотровая площадка
altitude - высота
admire - любоваться
magnificent - великолепный
scenery - пейзаж
509 views07:11
2021-05-22 16:11:00
Noticing the enemy, the gecko raises its tail and sprinkles half a meter of odorous, bitter and sticky liquid out of it, trying to get into the predator's eyes. Few people want to mess with a gecko after such a caustic shower, and it can continue to bask in the sun.

notice - замечать
gecko - геккон
sprinkle - брызгать
odorous - пахучий
bitter - горький
sticky - липкий
liquid - жидкость
predator - хищник
mess with - связываться
caustic - едкий
bask - греться, нежиться
277 views13:11
2021-05-22 13:11:00
This is a Portuguese mannitol - a sea inhabitant washed ashore by the waves. Its body consists of colonies of thousands of polyps and jellyfish. During life, its large float drifts on the water surface, and the tentacles go deep under water. On land, the Portuguese mannitol dies, and sea snails begin to feast on its remains.

Portuguese mannitol - португальский кораблик
jellyfish - медуза
float - поплавок
drift - дрейфовать
tentacles - щупальца
feast - лакомиться
remains - останки
313 views10:11
2021-05-22 10:11:00
What do you think they are doing!?? ⠀
The male red-eared turtle tickles the female's face with its claws - this is how he looks after her, wanting to attract attention. The longer the claws of the male, the more effectively he can demonstrate his feelings. The male tries very hard, because if the female does not like his signs of attention, she can bite her admirer.

tickle - щекотать
claws - когти
attract attention - привлекать внимание
bite - кусать
admirer - поклонник
349 views07:11