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Английский в гифках

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Логотип телеграм канала @giffyenglish — Английский в гифках
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Язык: Русский
Страна: Россия
Количество подписчиков: 1.90K
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Последние сообщения 3

2021-06-07 13:11:00
The shoebill is a large bird of the stork order that lives in the tropical swamps of East Africa.

The height of an adult is about 1.2 m, the wingspan reaches 2.3 m. Despite its impressive height, the shoebill weighs mainly up to 7 kg.

shoebill - китоглав
stork order - отряд аистообразных
swamp - болото
wingspan - размах крыльев
impressive - внушительный
445 views10:11
2021-06-07 10:11:00
Fastest snow start by bike

56-year-old Frenchman, nicknamed Eric Baron, accelerated on a bicycle to almost 228 kilometers per hour, thereby setting a world record.

nicknamed - по прозвищу
accelerate - ускоряться
thereby - таким образом
448 views07:11
2021-06-06 16:11:00
The most dangerous waves are called rip current.

These are waves that carry people from the coast to the very depths of the sea. You can cope with them only by swimming away from the dangerous wave.

rip current - отбойная волна
cope with - справляться
250 views13:11
2021-06-06 13:11:01
Huge fins

The wing-like fins of the manta ray can completely wrap a whale shark, the largest fish in the world.

fins - плавники
manta ray - скат манта
wrap - заворачивать
whale shark - китовая акула
314 views10:11
2021-06-06 10:11:00
The most dangerous hiking trail in the world is arranged on Huashan Mountain in China.

It is made of narrow boards that are laid over an abyss, without railings or handrails.

hiking trail - пешеходная тропа
arrange - организовывать
narrow board - узкие доски
abyss - пропасть
railings - ограждения
handrail - поручень
340 views07:11
2021-06-05 16:11:00
Record swing - 30 stories high

A stunning and challenging new engineering facility in China - on the edge of a 701 meter cliff, a giant super swing ride that allows daredevils to fly at speeds up to 85 km/h

swing - качели
stunning - ошеломляющий
challenging - сложный
facility - сооружение
edge - край
daredevil - смельчак
405 views13:11
2021-06-05 13:11:00
In most cases, the shark attacks only a weaker opponent.

That is why usually the shark circles around the victim before the attack - it studies it and considers whether it is worth messing with it.

shark - акула
circle around - кружить вокруг
victim - жертва
consider - прикидывать
worth - стоит
mess with - связываться
394 views10:11
2021-06-05 10:11:00
The birth of the tropical butterfly Morpho helenor

Blue Morpho is a pearl of the Amazonian jungle. In some Indian tribes living in the Amazon, the Blue Morpho is considered a sacred butterfly. According to legend, it is the messenger of Heaven to Earth and can convey the most secret desires to the Gods. Its elegance and beauty are inimitable, the unrealistically bright wings sparkling in the crowns of trees just drive you crazy!

pearl - жемчужина
tribe - племя
sacred - священный
heaven - небеса
convey - передавать
inimitable - неподражаемый
sparkling - сверкающий
crown - крона
421 views07:11
2021-06-04 16:11:00
Clouded leopard is a representative of the feline family, which, according to scientific classification, is classified as a large cat. In fact, this animal of unusually bright and amazing colors occupies an intermediate position between large and small species. At the same time, the animal has nothing to do with true leopards.

clouded leopard - дымчатый леопард
feline family - семейство кошачьих
intermediate - промежуточный
species - вид
have nothing to do with - не иметь ничего общего с
464 views13:11
2021-06-04 13:11:00
China, Longley Province. A waterfall from the dragon's mouth.

According to Chinese beliefs, water is closely related to dragons and symbolizes a good beginning.
Dragon heads can be found everywhere and are believed to bring good luck and prosperity.

beliefs - поверья
prosperity - процветание
471 views10:11