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Английский в гифках

Логотип телеграм канала @giffyenglish — Английский в гифках А
Логотип телеграм канала @giffyenglish — Английский в гифках
Адрес канала: @giffyenglish
Категории: Лингвистика
Язык: Русский
Страна: Россия
Количество подписчиков: 1.90K
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Последние сообщения 9

2021-05-18 13:11:00
Checking silver for authenticity

Due to its conductive properties, real silver moves along the magnetic slide much slower than silver diluted with various impurities.

authenticity - подлинность
conductive properties - проводящие свойства
slide - горка
dilute - разбавлять
impurity - примесь
615 views10:11
2021-05-18 10:11:01
The average weight of an adult chipmunk is about 100 grams, and one chipmunk usually supplies two or three kilograms of food for the winter.

average - средний
chipmunk - бурундук
supply - заготавливать
165 views07:11
2021-05-17 16:11:00
Koalas are solitary, but they meet with relatives during the mating season.

Fewer males are born, so whole harems of up to 5 females gather around them.

solitary - одиночка
mating season - брачный сезон
417 views13:11
2021-05-17 13:11:00
There are over 600 types of crinoids, all of which fall into 2 different groups - sea lilies or feather stars.

⁣Some species can grow up to 150 arms and regenerate lost limbs.

crinoids - криноиды
sea lilies - морские лилии
feather stars - перьевые звезды
species - вид
limb - конечность
449 views10:11
2021-05-17 10:11:00
Newborn hippo

Do not believe this beauty because the hippo is extremely aggressive. More people die from their teeth than from sharks and lions combined.

hippo - гиппопотам
shark - акула
combined - вместе взятых
481 views07:11
2021-05-16 16:11:00
The best tea garden in Switzerland.

About 1400 bushes blend harmoniously into the park landscape, and there is a small “Zen garden” nearby with gravel and stones in the Japanese style. In the back of the garden, there is a tea house for tastings and ceremonies.

blend - вписываться
gravel - гравий
tasting - дегустация
360 views13:11
2021-05-16 13:11:00

In China, a new kind of extreme entertainment appeared: relaxation on hammocks stretched over the abyss. All hammocks are reserved for several months in advance.

abyss - пропасть
hammock - гамак
stretch - растягивать
389 views10:11
2021-05-16 10:11:00
Owls can rotate their necks up to 270 degrees. This is three quarters of a full revolution. No other living creature on the planet can do this.

owl - сова
rotate - вращать
degree - градус
revolution - вращение
425 views07:11
2021-05-15 16:11:00
It's just a Japanese policeman accompanying a duck with ducklings walking along the road so that they are not accidentally run over by a passing car.

accompany - сопровождать
duckling - утенок
accidentally - случайно
run over - сбить
513 views13:11
2021-05-15 13:11:01
Lake Garda is a special wonderful world. It is located in the very center of Northern Italy.

With a milder climate than the rest of the region, the landscape is stunning: lemon and olive groves, palm-fringed walking paths along the shores of the lake, all set against a backdrop of picturesque mountains.

mild - мягкий
stunning - удивительный
grove - роща
palm-fringed - окаймленный пальмами
backdrop - фон
509 views10:11