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Английский в гифках

Логотип телеграм канала @giffyenglish — Английский в гифках А
Логотип телеграм канала @giffyenglish — Английский в гифках
Адрес канала: @giffyenglish
Категории: Лингвистика
Язык: Русский
Страна: Россия
Количество подписчиков: 1.90K
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Последние сообщения 12

2021-05-08 13:11:20
When the temperature of liquid water falls below freezing, it immediately freezes upon shaking.

liquid - жидкий
immediately - немедленно
shaking - взбалтывание
425 views10:11
2021-05-08 10:11:00
Persimmon has different names: winter cherry, Chinese peach, plum of the gods, heart apple, and even gods' food (this is how its name is translated from Latin). Persimmon is really tasty and has a lot of beneficial properties!

persimmon - хурма
peach - персик
plum - слива
beneficial properties - полезные свойства
437 views07:11
2021-05-07 16:11:00
Mysterious Ninh Binh, Vietnam

Ninh Binh is a real find for the traveler! This is the true Asia - ancient, mysterious, not fussy and peaceful. Stunning mountains, rice fields, caves.

find - находка
fussy - суетливый
peaceful - умиротворенный
stunning - потрясающий
cave - пещера
309 views13:11
2021-05-07 13:11:00

An Iranian desert that has earned the reputation of being the hottest place in the world. Deshte-Lut is the kingdom of inexpressible hell: the highest surface temperature on Earth is recorded here - + 71°C (air temperature is lower).

inexpressible hell - невыразимое пекло
378 views10:11
2021-05-07 10:11:00
Whiskers or, more correctly, vibrissae are modified sensitive hairs. Many mammals have them, but the vibrissae of the seals are the most sensitive: they have ten times more nerve fibers than a cat's whiskers!

whiskers - усы
vibrissae - вибриссы
mammal - млекопитающее
seal - нерпа
nerve fibers - нервные волокна
423 views07:11
2021-05-06 16:11:00
Mysterious stone of Al Naslaa

This stone block is located in Saudi Arabia. It was first discovered in 1883, and since then there has been a debate over a perfectly even cut that divides the stone in half. Scientists claim that the rift was not formed by human hands, but they cannot explain its origin.

stone block - каменная глыба
debate - спор
rift - разлом
233 views13:11
2021-05-06 13:11:02
Note-taking device

The Chinese have recently created an apparatus that transfers text from electronic documents to notebooks. It all works like a typewriter, save that electronics 'prints' for you, just change the pen in time.

note-taking device - устройство для написания конспектов
transfer - переводить
typewriter - печатная машинка
save that - за исключением того, что
337 views10:11
2021-05-06 10:11:00
The hamster is so flexible that it can turn around completely in a cramped burrow.

It often saves its life. For example, it easily changes direction when it senses a predator at the burrow, or finds itself in a dead end.

hamster - хомяк
flexible - гибкий
cramped burrow - тесная нора
predator - хищник
dead end - тупик
376 views07:11
2021-05-05 16:11:00
The alpaca is a very shy and intelligent animal that does not like to be aggressive.

In this sense, alpacas are very different from llamas who can spit at the offender or kick him. Alpaca gets along well with humans.

shy - застенчивый
spit - плевать
offender - обидчик
kick - пинать
get along well - хорошо ладить
509 views13:11
2021-05-05 13:11:00
Did you know that the shell of turtles has a lot of nerve endings and is sensitive to even small touches?

Therefore, the owner decided to build a small scratching station for his pet.

shell - панцирь
nerve endings - нервные окончания
sensitive - чувствительный
therefore - поэтому
owner - владелец
scratching - чесание
511 views10:11