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Английский в гифках

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Логотип телеграм канала @giffyenglish — Английский в гифках
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Категории: Лингвистика
Язык: Русский
Страна: Россия
Количество подписчиков: 1.90K
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Последние сообщения 8

2021-05-21 16:11:00
Watch carefully: trees bend to one side, and chairs fly to the other.
Why does the wind blow at all? Different parts of the earth are heated by the sun in different ways, giving off heat to the air. Somewhere the air becomes warmer and lighter, somewhere colder and heavier. Air tends to mix in order to become the same everywhere: that's how the wind appears.

bend - гнуться
tend - стремиться
434 views13:11
2021-05-21 13:11:01
What happens if you don't cut your hair for a long time?

A strange animal has been spotted in the Australian forests. It turned out that this is a lamb that strayed from the herd and wandered alone in the wild for five years. The grown wool, which eventually matted and hardened from dirt, served as armor: wild dogs could not bite through it.

lamb - барашек
stray - отбиться
herd - стадо
wander - бродить
mat - сваляться
harden - затвердеть
armor - броня
bite through - прокусить
455 views10:11
2021-05-21 10:11:00
Do you like caviar?

In nature, salmon comes to spawn in oxygen-rich rivers and streams, although some of them live the rest of the time at sea. Fish spawning always attracts predators: bears, otters, birds. And people also appreciate the taste of red caviar.

caviar - икра
salmon - лосось
spawn - нереститься
stream - ручей
otter - выдра
appreciate - ценить
485 views07:11
2021-05-20 16:11:00
The Lingshi City Bridge in China has attracted the attention of visitors and has gone viral on the Internet due to its unusual mix of both traditional Chinese and Western buildings. The buildings on the bridge mainly consist of shops built to increase local tourism.

go viral - стать вирусным
consist of - состоять из
increase - увеличивать
566 views13:11
2021-05-20 13:11:00
Giant isopods.

Isopods feed on anything that catches their eye. If there is no food at all, the isopod is not upset because it can live without it for up to five years.

isopod - изопод
upset - расстроенный
544 views10:11
2021-05-20 10:11:00
The flat and wide beak of the platypus is an organ of smell on land and a receiver of electrical impulses under water. With its help, this semi-aquatic animal finds itself worms, larvae and crustaceans for food.

beak - клюв
platypus - утконос
semi-aquatic - полуводный
worm - червяк
larvae - личинки
crustaceans - ракообразные
554 views07:11
2021-05-19 16:11:01
As the old legend says, all the inhabitants of Vietnam are children of one formidable dragon and a beautiful fairy. And really, looking at these calm, pleasant and unusually good-natured people, one might think so. And the country that these people created is just as interesting and very open to everyone.

inhabitant - житель
formidable - грозный
fairy - фея
good-natured - добродушный
573 views13:11
2021-05-19 13:11:00
3D printing is not only amazingly mesmerizing but it can also be delicious. There are already several 3D printed food restaurants operating around the world.

amazingly - удивительно
mesmerizing - завораживающий
573 views10:11
2021-05-19 10:11:00
Every morning, the worker bee flies out of the hive to the flowers, where it drinks sweet nectar with its long proboscis. And while it drinks, pollen sticks to its head and body.

hive - улей
proboscis - хоботок
pollen - пыльца
stick to - прилипать
567 views07:11
2021-05-18 16:11:00
Iceland is the only NATO country with no armed forces

With all this, Iceland is the safest country in the world - only 1.8 murders are committed per 100 thousand people. The crime rate is so low that the Icelandic police do not carry weapons and the prisons are often empty.

armed forces - вооруженные силы
murder - убийство
commit - совершать
crime rate - уровень преступности
weapons - оружие
prison - тюрьма
606 views13:11