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Английский в гифках

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Логотип телеграм канала @giffyenglish — Английский в гифках
Адрес канала: @giffyenglish
Категории: Лингвистика
Язык: Русский
Страна: Россия
Количество подписчиков: 1.90K
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Последние сообщения 4

2021-06-04 10:11:01
Onbashira Festival In Japan.

One of the most dangerous holidays in the world is held every 6 years. Ombashira takes place in the Suwa Lake area in Nagano Prefecture.

Participants must sit on a large log and slide down the mountain. Compared to the number of injuries, Ombasira is not inferior to the bull run in Pamplona.

log - бревно
slide down - скользить
injuries - травмы
be inferior to - уступать
bull run - забег быков
503 views07:11
2021-06-03 16:11:00

Thanks to their excellent sense of smell, they can smell moisture or fresh water at a distance of up to 40-60 kilometers.

moisture - влага
fresh water - пресная вода
522 views13:11
2021-06-03 13:11:01
Sneakers that change color depending on the environment.

When you can't decide on the color of your shoes, these sneakers will be just right.

sneakers - кроссовки
depend - зависеть
572 views10:11
2021-06-03 10:11:00
The length of a cheetah's jump at its maximum speed can reach seven meters.

In addition, the cheetah can accelerate from 0 to 97 km/h in three seconds, which outperforms many sports cars.

cheetah - гепард
accelerate - разгоняться
outperform - превосходить
540 views07:11
2021-06-02 16:11:00
Chipmunks are skinflints.

In addition to food, they willingly carry various trifles to their holes, which are unlikely to ever be useful to them, but natural thriftiness takes its toll.

chipmunk - бурундук
skinflint - "плюшкин"
willingly - с удовольствием
trifles - мелочи
thriftiness - бережливость
take its toll - брать свое
318 views13:11
2021-06-02 13:11:01
System for fast filling of beer through the bottom of the glass.

The glasses have a hole in the bottom, which is hermetically sealed with a round magnet. The appliance lifts the magnet, fills the container with a drink and reseals the opening.

hermetically seal - герметично закупорить
appliance - прибор
reseal - повторно закупорить
351 views10:11
2021-06-02 10:11:00
Cuckoos are famous for putting their eggs into other birds' nests. And as soon as the cuckoo chick hatches, it begins to eliminate competitors.

In the video, a cuckoo chick hatched in a nightingale's nest and began pushing out nightingale eggs to get all the food that the adults would bring. Nightingales do not notice the catch and feed it until it leaves the nest.

nest - гнездо
cuckoo chick - кукушонок
hatch - вылупляться
eliminate - уничтожать
competitors - конкуренты
nightingale - соловей
catch - подвох
392 views07:11
2021-06-01 16:11:00
If you think it's a great idea to wait for the storm to calm down under a tree...

In the North of India, 4 people hid under a tree from the rain and all were struck by lightning. All survived, but ended up in the hospital.

strike - ударять
lightning - молния
survive - выживать
297 views13:11
2021-06-01 13:11:02
There are several versions why the Ostankino tower is called like that. The first version is connected with the fact that there was a small village of Ostankino earlier on this place, which later became part of Moscow. The new building was named after the Ostankino district of the capital. However, there are legends that there used to be a cemetery at the construction site and the tower got its name from the word "remains".

cemetery - кладбище
construction site - стройплощадка
remains - останки
372 views10:11
2021-06-01 10:11:00
It is only with such a thin and long body that you can hide in the narrowest cracks among the stones in the daytime. After all, moray eels hunt mainly at night, in almost complete darkness. Moray eels have poor eyesight. Their keenest sense of smell and other senses are enough for them to remain dexterous hunters.

crack - трещина
moray eel - мурена
keen - острый
dexterous - ловкий
384 views07:11