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The horse lay down to sleep. Wait, horses sleep while standing | Английский в гифках

The horse lay down to sleep. Wait, horses sleep while standing? Or not?

It is a popular myth that horses sleep while standing or do not sleep at all. Where did it come from? The fact is that these animals must be on the alert all the time in wild nature so as not to get caught by a predator, and have learned to rest and even doze while standing, “snapping” the knee joints.

But a horse can only sleep well while lying down! It needs a little - just a couple of hours a day. Usually the horse goes to bed in the early morning, although it can lie down at other times if it feels safe. And if the horses graze together, one is sure to stand guard while the others are sleeping.

on the alert - начеку
doze - дремать
snap - защелкивать
knee joints - коленные суставы
graze - пастись
stand guard - стоять на карауле