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Последние сообщения 8

2021-04-23 10:14:01 Эмпирические наблюдения / исследование Майкрософта про работу мозга

Недавно в подкасте я рассказывал, что учусь делать перерывы в своём дне.

Не какие-то огромные двухчасовые, а буквально 5-7 минут между встречами / делами в календаре. Я замечал, что это лучше мне помогает фокусироваться и переключаться.

Примерно к этим же выводам пришли в Майкрософте, исследуя активность мозга в разных сетапах видеосозвонов, через электроэнцефалограмму.

“Our research shows breaks are important, not just to make us less exhausted by the end of the day, but to actually improve our ability to focus and engage while in those meetings,” says Michael Bohan, senior director of Microsoft’s Human Factors Engineering group, who oversaw the project.

Сразу скажу, что выборка всего 14 человек и все любители количественных исследований уже могут закрывать вкладку.

Для всех остальных — три основных вывода исследования:

1] Breaks between meetings allow the brain to “reset,” reducing a cumulative buildup of stress across meetings. Your brain works differently when you take breaks

2] Back-to-back meetings can decrease your ability to focus and engage. Taking breaks helps you engage better

3] Transitioning between meetings can be a source of high stress. Jumping directly from one meeting to another can cause spikes of stress

1.2K views07:14
2021-04-23 10:13:57
1.1K views07:13
2021-04-23 00:41:20 Отказ от мгновенности

Это не очевидно, но можно не отвечать на «личные» сообщения сразу / сегодня / на неделе / в этом месяце.

Разрешить себе относиться к ним как к любым другим видам задач и коммуникаций — уделять внимание, когда есть время / силы / желание.

Первый раз меня ОЧЕНЬ удивило, когда один широко известный в узких кругах человек ответил мне через месяц, при этом довольно обстоятельно и по делу.

Помню, меня тогда удивил такой подход.

Сегодня мне сообщил один родственник, что ему другой родственник сказал, что я не отвечаю третьему родственнику на сообщение (совершенно дежурное, ничего особенного). И меня это удивило, потому что я живу так не первый год и привык к этому абсолютно.

Часть друзей/знакомых сперва конфьюзилась таким подходом, но он со временем стал давать отдачу.

Хочешь — общаешься. Не хочешь — не общаешься.

Без вот этих натужных:
— ты как?
— ок, а ты?
— тоже
— понятно

С кем-то тревожным, возможно это стоит проговорить явно: что вы пробуете теперь так.

В моём случае отказ от мгновенности изменил качество и наслаждение от общение + убрал скуку и насилие на тему «долженствования» ответа.

Я не призываю «игнорировать» людей. Я скорее предлагаю дать себе разрешение реагировать так и тогда, когда вам это хорошо и комфортно.

Try it out.
1.1K views21:41
2021-04-18 22:21:26 Maggie Hott
Enterprise Sales Leader at Slack

After 6+ years at Slack, I wanted to share a few lessons that influenced my journey there. As a founding AE, I was fortunate to scale with Slack from less than $15M to over $1B.

1. Choose the company, not the role.
If you perform in a high growth company, you will be rewarded and there will be ample opportunities to grow. Many people passed up on Slack early days due to titles or promises of higher OTE/equity elsewhere. Majority of these people found themselves back in the interview process in the years following.

2. Give away your legos.
In order to effectively scale and grow, you’ll need to give away pieces of your job. While it can feel challenging, it means the company is growing and it allows you to take on new scope. I helped to build our EBC, EDU, NPO, SMB org, compete programs, and outbound motion, all of which are full functions today at Slack today. How cool is that?

3. Play nicely with others.
How you work with your colleagues (especially cross functional partners) can make or break your success. Internal brand is important for career growth. Everyone is building towards the same goal, so figure out the best way to play nicely and get there together. Do not be a jerk.

4. Advocate for what you believe in, but choose your big rocks.
At a high growth company, something is always broken. If you pick every battle, you will both burn yourself out and tarnish your relationship with others. One of the proudest accomplishments of my career is my data-driven work to change Slack’s sales maternity leave policy, which is now one of the best in the industry(I was able to take 20 weeks full OTE when I had my daughter).

And bonus
#5: Have fun, make friends, hang on and enjoy the ride!
1.4K viewsedited  19:21
2021-04-15 21:37:55 InVision выпустил репорт про деньги в дизайне в первом мире.


1] 608 респондентов

2] 38 индустрий

3] 6 уровней сеньорити (% от всех опрошенных)
— Senior IC, 7%
— Mid-level Manager, 16%
— Head of Design, 17%
— Director / Sr. Director, 42%
— VP, 15%
— C-level, 3%

4] Определения ролей:
Senior IC — These leaders often have strategic input into the broader business but
no direct reports. This category of design leader is often associated with titles such as ‘Lead’, ‘Principal’ or ‘Architect’. They are at the top of the class for their craft.

Mid-level Manager — Front-line managers oversee a team or teams, but not managers. Example titles might include Design Manager, Senior Creative Manager or Associate Director.

Head of Design — a widely varied title with a variety of responsibility types. Some heads of design are the actual design authority in an enterprise, with layers of reports. Others are very senior ICs who are about to grow and build a design function. These leaders often have strategic input on the broader business, and are tasked with executing on a tactical plan.

Director / Sr. Director — play a strategy- focused role, though
they may still be called upon to lean into their tactical background. Directors shoulder the responsibility of aligning with the business on their department’s strategic focus, then they lead teams on strategic execution.

VP — spend their time analyzing company strategy and design’s ability to contribute to that strategy.

C-level — a rare position typically paired with a title like Chief Design Officer or Chief Creative Officer.They may have influence over the entire end-to-end product or brand experience. They’re sometimes tasked with transforming the entire company’s employee experience, too. And of course they’re still supporting and maturing the design organization. The CDO is in the best organizational position to make change happen for design.

5] Годовая ЗП до налогов:
— Senior IC, $128 803
— Mid-level Manager, $136 672
— Head of Design, $139 670
— Director / Sr. Director, $172 871
— VP, 213 006
— C-level, 223 833

1.7K views18:37
2021-04-15 17:40:38 Коммуницируйте проблемы, изменения и отказы

Это то, с чем фейлятся большинство дизайнеров и начинающих менеджеров.

Уметь ясно и вовремя говорить «нет», передоговариваться, проактивно информировать об изменениях заранее, а не постфактум — это какие-то как будто бы базовые навыки работы с командами, но большинство людей этого не умеют делать.

Забывают, забивают, боятся.

Научитесь предсказуемо коммуницировать с вашими клиентами, менеджерами, сотрудниками и коллегами.

Всё. Вы на коне. Все любят и хотят с вами работать.

Я серьёзно.

Bonus track:

Следующий уровень — планировать реалистично.

Следом — деливерить в срок.

1. Коммуницировать
2. Планировать
3. Деливерить

И вам открыты двери в любой компании.


Делать это на масштабе:
— команды
— направления
— функции
— компании


Хочу сделать серию заметок про менеджмент и лидерство.

Полезно ли вам?
Что интересно услышать?

Напишите запрос и дайте обратную связь: @vladzely
5.7K viewsedited  14:40
2021-04-08 23:12:47
Наташа Шендрик пишет:
«прекрасная чистота линий и минималистичность цветового решения. работы Виталия Мельничука, сделанные для храма преподобного Серафима Саровского в Билибино, на Чукотке»
1.2K views20:12
2021-04-06 15:46:38 Беседа с Ценципером

[ещё не смотрел, здесь будут заметки]

1.1K views12:46
2021-04-03 08:58:41 Julie Zhuo on My identity ≠ My job

Очень поддерживающе слышать, как кто-то конвенционально успешный с близкими тебе подходами озвучивает что-то непопулярное, но чем ты занимаешься последние пару лет.

"You were at one company for nearly 14 years?!?!"

Yes, I'd say. Here's why:

1) I loved the people
2) I was continuously challenged and learning
3) The mission spoke to me
4) I felt deep loyalty

But there was another big reason that was hard for me to admit then...

The hard-to-admit reason was this: my sense of identity was deeply tied to my job.

I felt I *belonged* there.
I had a great career there.
I'd made many wonderful friends there.

And so, it was terrifying to imagine: who would I be if I *didn't* work there?

"My identity = My job" is a common thought pattern for folks (more likely founders or young) who...

1) have invested tons of time/capital/energy into the job
2) are ambitious
3) are recognized for their job
4) have mostly work friends
5) believe deeply in job's mission

"My identity = My job" can make you swell w/ pride, knowing you are a part of something bigger. It can spur you to achieve miracles. It can spin an intoxicating camaraderie.

Now, thinking of my 20s spent cranking 2am w/ Daft Punk, I am awash with nostalgia. I loved that time.

But. "My identity = My job" has a dark side:

1) You burn out prioritizing it over everything else
2) Your self-esteem is tied to your success, which you can't always control
3) You don't learn your own values
4) Your relationships skew superficial
5) You miss other oppts

In the end, "My identity = My job" is unsustainable. The sooner you can see yourself as more than your job, the happier you'll be.

On their deathbed, most people don't think: "I wish I'd gotten promoted to VP sooner," or "I really regret us not becoming a unicorn."

Actual 5 Regrets of the Dying:
— I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to me.
— Iwish I hadn’t worked so hard
— I wish I’d had expressed my feelings.
— I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
— I wish that I had let myself be happier.

Of course the job matters. But it is not everything. What about...

1) Your relationships with family/friends/community

2) Your integrity, and whether your daily actions match your values

3) Your spirituality and connection to the larger world

As for me, I rode the highs and lows of "My identity = My job" for years. And the lows were painful.

But with time, I let more in. I became a wife, a mom, an author, a learner, an appreciator. I came to define myself more by what I love and value.

We are more than what we do or achieve in our jobs. And if it's hard to see that:

1) Remember "The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying"
2) Read "Designing your Life" and do the exercises
3) Spend time with people you really like

1.1K views05:58
2021-04-01 12:46:13 Miro открывает офис в Берлине и ищет людей (Берлин, Германия)

Miro is an online collaborative whiteboard platform that enables distributed teams to work effectively together. The company is actively growing and now it opens a few interesting positions in its brand new office in Germany.

There are job opportunities for specialists from different fields, for instance, the company is searching for a Product Director, a Senior Tech Recruiter and a Senior Product Designer.

Подробнее по ссылке

#ит #германия #Miro
1.2K views09:46