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Последние сообщения 10

2021-06-05 11:18:10 Гениальное изобретение инсты - дабл тап лайк сообщения

У вас бывало, что вам скидывают мем, комментарий или что-нибудь ещё в личные сообщения, а вы не знаете что ответить? Приходится импровизировать. Отвечать односложно («ок», «)))))», «понял») иногда может означать для собеседника, что вы не очень заинтересованы в общении.

Причём, если кто-то оставит комментарий в публичном месте (под постом), то на него окей не ответить. Но если вы прочитали сообщение в лс - оставить сообщение неотвеченным означает игнор или неуважение.

В инсте решили эту проблему просто: можно просто поставить лайк входящему сообщению: «Я тебя увидел». Так как это , а не в реакцию добавляются позитивные обертона, а значит, этим можно ответить почти на любое сообщение.

82 views08:18
2021-06-05 10:26:29 https://twitter.com/TechEmails/status/1400270458608664577
93 views07:26
2021-06-04 09:17:35 > The internet enables us to participate in [the Great Online Game]. Access is still unequal, and past burdens are still preventing some people from fulfilling their potential. But anyone is welcome to play, and you don’t even have to use your real name. (…) The internet enables each of us to earn more than ever before by matching us with the exact people — fans, customers, employers — who value our unique combination of skills and characteristics. It enables each of us to become a superstar.

> But (…) the game is no longer optional. Everyone must play. We have little to lose because we already lost everything: Stable jobs, affordable homes, education that lasts a lifetime, and worry-free retirement are no longer an option. Even money itself ain’t what it used to be. It loses value by simply sitting in the bank.

> This is not the “rat race” our parents and grandparents participated in. That race was run within organizations. Participants sat on a chair and reached for the ceiling. Back then, most people worked for giant collectives and tried to convince themselves that they are individuals.

> Today, we face the opposite problem. We are individuals, at the whims of forces we do not understand, trying to convince ourselves that our old institutions have the power to save us. There is no longer a ceiling above us to restrict our earning potential. But there is also no floor underneath.

68 views06:17
2021-06-04 09:06:53 > I’ve spoken with a lot of folks recently about a challenge imposed on us by increased remote work: losing time to think. Because of an increased need to communicate and align with peers and teammates—and few, ineffective tools for doing so (video-conferencing meetings and documents)—we find ourselves spending more time communicating than executing and, more critically, thinking.

> When we can co-locate phases of work—thinking, execution, and communication happening all at once—it dramatically improves our efficiency and morale. (...) Practically speaking, this has meant having a 45-minute meeting once a week where our design team meets with key partner designers and works cooperatively in a Figma file on a shared problem.

> After 10 consecutive days of just 7 hours of sleep a night, we suffer a similar loss of brain function as individuals who stay awake for 24 hours straight. Even taking a short nap in the afternoon can help the brain. (...) Even performing menial errands like putting on a load of laundry (...) can grant the away-from-screen time we need to limit distractions and process information.

> Remember that thinking is work. Try to let go of the guilt associated with not being tethered to a screen and recognise that in many modern workplaces, knowledge is the primary capital, and processing that knowledge can only be done by one tool: your brain. Give your brain the time it needs to do the thing that Mother Nature spent billions of years designing it for: thinking.

> It is entirely reasonable to set a schedule so that in 24 hours, 8 hours are spent sleeping, 8 hours are spent working, and 8 hours are spent living. Any work that can’t be achieved in 8 hours can—must—wait until the next day.

68 views06:06
2021-06-03 23:29:20

102 views20:29
2021-06-03 23:25:06 > Подсказки в лаунчере и его красивое оформление абсолютно не влияли на юнит-экономику. А изменение цены на 30% в любую сторону влияло колоссально. Например, люди могли платить столько же, а играть меньше — нам было нужно меньше серверов. (...) Мы на протяжении трёх лет занимались экспериментами, понесли сильные репутационные издержки.

> Не надо бояться очереди, потому что она есть везде. Попробуй куда-нибудь в 9 утра поехать на машине или в метро либо в новогодние праздники сходить в кинотеатр. (...) Здесь единственное решение — модель динамического ценообразования, похожая на Uber. Когда один игровой слот, а желающих четверо — тот, кто заплатил много денег, пошёл играть.

> Благодаря децентрализованной платформе мы смогли очень быстро найти сервера. (...) Если заказывать оборудование у Nvidia, то будешь ждать четыре месяца, пока оно приедет к тебе. В случае децентрализации можно найти партнёра с десятью машинами за два-три дня.

> Порог входа очень высокий. (…) Для этого нужно собрать команду минимум из 10 человек, которые будут работать как минимум год, чтобы собрать прототип, причём он будет сильно отставать от всех конкурентов на рынке. Игровой стриминговый сервис — это не продукт, который может вытянуть какой-то стартап, попав в акселератор.

> Пока я не понимаю, зачем нужен мобильный облачный гейминг и в чем мотивация игрока. Если ты хочешь играть в классную игру с красивой графикой, то выберешь ПК или консоль. (...) Возможно, ситуация как-то изменится и ценность найдётся. Но пока я её не вижу вообще.

106 views20:25
2021-06-03 21:34:58 > The idea that the App Store is responsible for most customers of any reasonably well-known app is a fantasy.

> This argument only makes sense — and even then, only somewhat — when apps are installed by a customer browsing the App Store, finding an app they hadn’t previously heard of, and choosing to install it based on App Store influence alone.

> But in the common case — and for most app installations, the much more common case — of searching for a specific app by name or following a link or ad based on its developer’s own marketing or reputation, Apple has served no meaningful role in the customer acquisition and “deserves” nothing more from the transaction than what a CDN and commodity credit-card processor would charge.

109 views18:34
2021-06-03 21:04:39 ф у т у р и з м

> From what I hear this new Siri will outperform Google in at least one hugely important area: It will know what you are looking at, and what you are holding or touching. Imagine looking at my Coke can (…). Using the new Siri you will be able to ask “how much are 20 of these on Amazon?” For the first time a computer will be able to answer.

> The more of [UWB] devices you have around you, the better the location lock can work. What’s that? Well, let’s say you have a new kind of volumetric game, or a screen on your table in front of you. The UWB network builds a “fingerprint” of your home, so that new devices that arrive know EXACTLY where they are, and even where they are aiming. This is something no other company can do yet.

> Вoing 2D virtualized screens is just tablestakes. By the way, they will be WAY BETTER than what Facebook or anyone else can do because of the UWB network. They will be better locked to the real world, and the devices will know where they are without using much of the camera or other battery-hungry technology. (….) Then 3D stuff can “pop out of” the 2D virtualized video screens.

> Imagine a Super Bowl halftime show where a performer can “jump out of” your TV and onto the floor in front of you. (…) It’s stunning, even on the shitty optics the Hololens has. (…) Imagine being able to walk around the stadium, or, even, onto the field while the game is going on so you can study what the quarterback is seeing from his perspective, and, even, try to make the same shot.

> If you listen to surround sound movies today on headphones, as you move your head left or right all the sound moves with you and isn’t locked to the TV screen. (…) Thanks to the LIDAR and cameras on the front of the Apple Holodeck, the computer will know everything about the space around you. (…) Walk around the band.
122 views18:04
2021-06-03 20:52:22
https://scobleizer.blog/2021/05/15/the-new-3d-apple-arriving-at-wwdc/ ← выглядит так же безумно, как годы слухов про телевизор, но хочется на всё посмотреть!
116 views17:52
2021-06-03 16:02:40
Nostra и шрифт Apoc в проекте «Сохрани мою речь навсегда» студии @ redpepperfilm и @ romaliberson
133 views13:02