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ф у т у р и з м > From what I hear this new Siri will outperf | on product

ф у т у р и з м

> From what I hear this new Siri will outperform Google in at least one hugely important area: It will know what you are looking at, and what you are holding or touching. Imagine looking at my Coke can (…). Using the new Siri you will be able to ask “how much are 20 of these on Amazon?” For the first time a computer will be able to answer.

> The more of [UWB] devices you have around you, the better the location lock can work. What’s that? Well, let’s say you have a new kind of volumetric game, or a screen on your table in front of you. The UWB network builds a “fingerprint” of your home, so that new devices that arrive know EXACTLY where they are, and even where they are aiming. This is something no other company can do yet.

> Вoing 2D virtualized screens is just tablestakes. By the way, they will be WAY BETTER than what Facebook or anyone else can do because of the UWB network. They will be better locked to the real world, and the devices will know where they are without using much of the camera or other battery-hungry technology. (….) Then 3D stuff can “pop out of” the 2D virtualized video screens.

> Imagine a Super Bowl halftime show where a performer can “jump out of” your TV and onto the floor in front of you. (…) It’s stunning, even on the shitty optics the Hololens has. (…) Imagine being able to walk around the stadium, or, even, onto the field while the game is going on so you can study what the quarterback is seeing from his perspective, and, even, try to make the same shot.

> If you listen to surround sound movies today on headphones, as you move your head left or right all the sound moves with you and isn’t locked to the TV screen. (…) Thanks to the LIDAR and cameras on the front of the Apple Holodeck, the computer will know everything about the space around you. (…) Walk around the band.