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Последние сообщения 12

2021-05-28 12:21:01 Unpopular opinion: попытки натянуть простые фреймворки (юзер-интервью — костыльный MVP — быстрые итерации) на сложные индустрии (авиация, транспорт, медицина, психология) приводят как к новым бизнес-моделям (привет, Убер!), так и к проблемам, которые «остались за скоупом» в надежде, что регулятор что-нибудь придумает через год (привет, травмы и наезды из-за самокатов!)

Если у вас есть сильное мнение — присылайте аргументы, очень интересно

142 views09:21
2021-05-27 19:06:15 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1U--DxFrwmR8PuAJfyaTlrViCTuL0ZQev/
103 views16:06
2021-05-27 11:08:25 https://t.me/temablog/4218 Кайф
120 views08:08
2021-05-26 18:24:14
111 views15:24
2021-05-26 17:27:05 https://twitter.com/turbojedi/status/1397470717655068675
126 views14:27
2021-05-24 21:03:48
И немного о грустном (интересно, кто-то уже запустил Поиск Сложных Авиабилетов?)
103 views18:03
2021-05-24 20:58:32 > Once upon a time, Apple was the iPod company [and] a dominant force in the music industry. (...) The switch to streaming also meant that music lost the strategic leverage (...) - if you switched between stores you lost all the music you’d already bought, but if you switch streaming services you only lose your playlists, if that. Music stopped mattering as a way to lock people into an ecosystem, and it stopped being a strategic lever.

> Apple TV never really went anywhere, and today, Apple doesn’t matter much more in TV than it does in music. (...) Disney, Netflix and HBO own their shows, their apps and their subscriptions, and Amazon is big in TV because it spends billions of dollars buying TV shows, not because of software. (...) Perhaps it’s because the dynamics of a market with hundreds of shows is different to a market with million of tracks, and perhaps it’s because big media companies had seen what happened to music.

> In 2020 Apple had $15bn in revenue from App Store, (…) and another $10bn of pure margin from Google [to be the default search engine in Safari]. Netflix’s total revenue in 2020 was… $25bn, and it had to spend $15bn buying TV shows to get that. (...) The EU has already decided against [Apple] in Spotify’s complaint. (...) [But even if] Epic, or perhaps Tencent, reputedly 10% of Apple’s commissions, persuade people to enter a credit card, Apple’s system will still have lower friction. (…) Maybe missing TV and streaming music turned out OK for Apple.

> Apple is tracking a lot of user data [to serve ads in the App Store, Stocks and News apps], but nothing leaves your phone. (...) [In] Google’s proposed FLoC, [Chrome] uses the web pages you visit to put you into anonymised interest-based cohorts without your browsing history itself leaving your device. (...) What happens if Apple opens up its cohort tracking and targeting (...) on a platform with at least 60% of US mobile traffic, and over a billion global users?

> Google gives away a free smartphone operating system to support its ad business, and Amazon gives away free TV shows to support its ecommerce business. (...) Apple looks for businesses it can transform with simplicity and control, and take a cut, without owning anything itself, and where it can use that to leverage hardware sales. That worked for music, failed for TV, succeeded massively in smartphone apps and especially games, and has done OK in payments. How about advertising?

> On the other hand, this may be a case of what [Steven Sinofsky] likes to call the ‘Dr Evil’ theory of company strategy. The press used to see five or ten things going on in different parts of Microsoft (...) and say “Aha! We have worked out their evil brilliant plan!” (...), except [Microsoft] could never make it work. (...) Google and Facebook (…) have whole city blocks in Manhattan full of advertising people. (...) You can’t launch an ad platform in iOS 15 next month and then wait a year to add new stuff in iOS 16. And even more, Apple has always been ambivalent about the web itself.

101 views17:58
2021-05-24 20:31:15 > Discovery CEO David Zaslav signaled that a more Hollywood-friendly management team was taking the reins of WarnerMedia. (...) [WarnerMedia's CEO Jason Kilar] alienated the creative community in the past year by his decision to simultaneously debut movies on Warner’s streaming service HBO Max and in theaters. Kilar also had endeavored to remake WarnerMedia as a consumer-first company instead of one that focused on serving advertisers and cable operators.

> Zaslav also plans to work hard to make sure that Hollywood talent see the combined entity as “family,” he said. “We haven’t lost one person to Netflix, Disney or Amazon”. As such, he said he will be spending more time in Los Angeles. (...) Discovery would end up with $55 billion in debt. (...) Cash generated by the combined business—$8 billion in free cash flow, he estimated—would allow Discovery to reduce debt fairly quickly. But maintaining that level of cash generation is likely to restrict [money spent on] programming.

> Zaslav (...) got his start at NBC more than 30 years ago, and was hired to run Discovery in 2007. Aside from having a friendship with [CNN chief Jeff Zucker], Zaslav is close to other media industry executives who rose to power in the 1990s, such as Richard Plepler, the former HBO chief who quit after AT&T bought WarnerMedia and now runs his own production firm. That background should serve Zaslav well in dealing with producers and directors in Hollywood. But whether it helps him in the streaming wars is a different question.

> [Since the] entertainment companies (...) rely on the cable channel industry for the bulk of their profits, they try to keep the cable operators on their side by not undercutting their cable channels in areas like pricing. (...) HBO cable channel is priced at $15 and it would be strategically difficult to undercut the cable service that carries a similar name. (...) Most of the cash the new company generates is coming from its extensive portfolio of cable channels, which face long-term decline as more people cut the cord.

97 views17:31
2021-05-24 20:31:08 > For years, Amazon and Apple steered clear of buying entertainment and media companies. (...) [Apple] contemplated a purchase of Time Warner. (...) CNN, TBS and TNT account for much of the company’s value, generating between half and two thirds of its profit. (...) Apple might have been more interested (...) if it could have acquired just HBO and Warner Bros. (...) That didn’t matter much until recently, as most of the major Hollywood studios were willing to license their shows and movies.

> Netflix will show Sony movies soon after they’ve been in theaters and Disney will show them after they go off Netflix. (...) With Sony’s content off the table for several years, MGM, which owns a library of 4,000 movies, including the Pink Panther, Rocky and James Bond titles and a TV production arm, likely looks much more appealing. (...) Amazon recently paid $125 million to license (...) “Coming to America 2”. (...) If Amazon owned a library, it could make such sequels itself.

> All this raises the question of whether Apple may become more interested in buying a film studio. (...) Apple historically hasn’t done major acquisitions. Its biggest purchase so far was its $3 billion acquisition of Beats. (...) But as one industry veteran said this week, without a library of content, Apple will find it harder to fill the service’s programming schedule. “If they want to be serious, they’re going to have to buy something,” the veteran said.

107 views17:31
2021-05-24 14:14:56
Еще один зум-киллер со своим встроенным miro и notion. Конечно, же там waitlist, потому что нормально сделать такую штуку довольно сложно.

119 views11:14