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Последние сообщения 15

2021-05-13 20:32:00 Нежно люблю жанр «индустриальный монолог Чацкого»: https://theankler.com/p/the-2021-showbiz-state-of-the-union

> If Hollywood's biggest show had lost three-quarters of its audience in half a decade, you would expect that a community interested in audiences would pull a few fire alarms. (...) Instead, we get, it will bounce back next year. (...) Which is like a President of the United States saying, my approval ratings might be in the toilet, but hey, all politicians are down.

> 'Gen Z Ranks Watching TV, Movies as Fifth Among Top 5 Entertainment Activities'. (...) Queen's Gambit got some buzz and Mandalorian is a hit, but does this really feel like where the center of gravity is? In a world of TikTok and Twitch and Roblox and YouTube? (…) Will they grow up and learn how to sit quietly and watch TV series? (...) Jut ask the newspaper industry.

> The Great Streaming War is on, our studios are (with one exception) betting their futures on winning at least part of it. (...) They are mostly turning off the spigot on the flow of revenue from (...) the rides, the toys, the cruises, etc etc. (...) Let's take it as a given that Netflix and Disney have reached escape velocity. (...) Let’s say that Warners and NBC/Uni come together. (...) Does Paramount sink or swim? (...) How long will streamers pay a premium for Sony to serve as an intermediary (…) when... they've got phones?

> [Hollywood] has amassed a extraordinary level of expertise, (...) from finance to lighting to make up to writing, directing, agenting, marketing to feeding the crew. (...) The vast middle, from a financial perspective, is the very thing that tech companies were designed to eliminate. (…) There is no knowing where the next hit will come from. But you know where it won’t come from: doing more of the same. (...) The winner of the streaming wars will be the one with the highest tolerance for failure.
84 views17:32
2021-05-13 18:45:07
99 views15:45
2021-05-12 23:14:38
156 views20:14
2021-05-12 16:42:13 https://meduza.io/shapito/2021/05/12/my-poprosili-chitateley-narisovat-novye-varianty-znamenitoy-plashki-pro-inostrannogo-agenta-vot-chto-poluchilos
166 views13:42
2021-05-11 16:25:47 И ведь работает: https://dtf.ru/life/721864-sudebnoe-zasedanie-mezhdu-epic-i-apple-otlozhili-iz-za-prorvavshihsya-na-telekonferenciyu-detey-s-krikami-svobodu-fortnite
103 views13:25
2021-05-10 19:49:09 https://t.me/likelikelikelikelike/308
142 views16:49
2021-05-10 19:13:22 В последнем выпуске подкаста АТП обсуждали, помимо прочего, историю с пиар-провалом Бейскемпа на прошлой неделе. Как всегда, интереснее всего в таких историях послушать Джона Сиракьюсу:

Тема начинается в 49:13, речь Джона — в 58:13. Я просто не понимаю, как можно говорить настолько складно и последовательно, не написав себе текст заранее.
136 views16:13
2021-05-08 15:24:56 https://www.future.co/ ← внешняя мотивация as a service
172 views12:24
2021-05-08 15:20:36 https://zamesin.me/ru-machine-that-helps-find-myself
168 views12:20
2021-05-08 14:30:36 > Godzilla vs Kong set new Covid-19 records and then Mortal Kombat beat expectations. (...) Even the good news is only good given the drastically lowered expectations. (...) None of these films has actually passed the $100 million mark at the domestic box office. (...) The next true blockbuster is Fast 9 (scheduled for June 26th) with maybe A Quiet Place II.

> When Comcast and Warner Bros announced their plans to shorten or change windows, lots of commentary announced that the window was shattered. (...) If Netflix, Disney or Warner Bros can make lots of money releasing a film on their subscription platform, but could also make a few extra hundred million by releasing it in theaters for a few weeks, why not do both? Especially if releasing it in theaters actually increases the value on streaming later?

> The shattered windows of the pre-Covid world will not return. Waiting ninety days after theaters is too long. But I wouldn’t bet on day-and-date for theaters and streaming either. Too many folks are moving in the opposite direction (meaning at least three to six weeks before home entertainment/streaming) to not see a trend. Making money in streaming is good. But you know what is better? Making more money in theaters and streaming.

https://entertainmentstrategyguy.com/2021/05/07/are-theaters-dead-or-about-to-come-back-to-life-most-important-story-of-the-week-7-may-21/ ← киноиндустрия приходит в новую норму
167 views11:30