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> The internet enables us to participate in [the Great Online | on product

> The internet enables us to participate in [the Great Online Game]. Access is still unequal, and past burdens are still preventing some people from fulfilling their potential. But anyone is welcome to play, and you don’t even have to use your real name. (…) The internet enables each of us to earn more than ever before by matching us with the exact people — fans, customers, employers — who value our unique combination of skills and characteristics. It enables each of us to become a superstar.

> But (…) the game is no longer optional. Everyone must play. We have little to lose because we already lost everything: Stable jobs, affordable homes, education that lasts a lifetime, and worry-free retirement are no longer an option. Even money itself ain’t what it used to be. It loses value by simply sitting in the bank.

> This is not the “rat race” our parents and grandparents participated in. That race was run within organizations. Participants sat on a chair and reached for the ceiling. Back then, most people worked for giant collectives and tried to convince themselves that they are individuals.

> Today, we face the opposite problem. We are individuals, at the whims of forces we do not understand, trying to convince ourselves that our old institutions have the power to save us. There is no longer a ceiling above us to restrict our earning potential. But there is also no floor underneath.
