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Malaysian Palm Oil Council Russia

Логотип телеграм канала @oilpalm — Malaysian Palm Oil Council Russia M
Логотип телеграм канала @oilpalm — Malaysian Palm Oil Council Russia
Адрес канала: @oilpalm
Категории: Еда и кулинария
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 638
Описание канала:

Официальный канал крупнейшего в масложировой отрасли СМИ - Малайзийский Совет Производителей Пальмового Масла.
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Последние сообщения 6

MUMBAI, June 17 (Reuters) - India slashed the base import prices of palm oil and soybean oil for a fortnight, the government said in a statement late on Wednesday, as prices of the cooking oils fell sharply in the global market.

The move was in contrast to the country's decision on Tuesday to keep the base import price of all edible oils unchanged.

India has put on hold a proposal to reduce import taxes on edible oils as cooking oil prices started to fall in the world market after hitting record highs, two government and one industry officials told Reuters.

The government revises base import prices of edible oils, gold, and silver every fortnight and the price is used to calculate the amount of tax an importer needs to pay.

Commodity New price in $ Old price in $

Crude palm oil 1,136 1,222

RBD palm oil 1,148 1,245

RBD palmolein 1,153 1,265

Crude soya oil 1,415 1,452

Base prices for all commodities are in $ per tonne. (Reporting by Rajendra Jadhav; Editing by Aditya Soni)

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75 views09:08
2021-06-21 12:07:00
В пятницу фьючерсы на малайзийское пальмовое масло подешевели более чем на 3%, достигнув минимума с начала февраля, так как цена конкурента — американского соевого масла — резко упала, а Индия — главный покупатель на рынке — отложила планы по снижению налогов на импорт.

Сентябрьские контракты на пальмовое масло на малайзийской бирже деривативов (Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Exchange) упали на 3,4% до 3 262 ринггита (787,73 доллара) за тонну, снизившись третью сессию подряд. Бенчмарк снизился на 10,8% за неделю, после падения на 11% неделей ранее. Фьючерсы на сою в США могут продемонстрировать самое сильное падение за неделю за более чем 7-летний период. Снижению цен способствуют прогнозы благоприятной для сельскохозяйственных культур погоды. Контракт на соевое масло вырос на 0,8% после падения на 9,2% в четверг.

Контракты соевого масла и пальмового масла на Далянской товарной бирже упали на 3,4%.
90 views09:07
2021-06-21 08:42:53 *Malaysia 1-20 Jun vs. 1-20 May palm oil export (in metric tons)*

AmSpec: 937,135 vs. 953,860 (-16,725 or down 1.75%)

ITS: 945,745 vs. 953,474 (-7,729 or down 0.81%)
77 views05:42
2021-06-21 07:45:21 *Indonesia to Issue Revised Palm Oil Levy Rules Soon, Lutfi Says*

(Bloomberg) -- Indonesia is preparing to issue new regulations in the coming days that will revise the palm oil exports levy in a bid to boost shipments of the commodity, Trade Minister Muhammad Lutfi says in interview with Bloomberg TV’s Haslinda Amin and Yvonne Man.
• Sees export volumes of CPO and its derivatives increase by 9%-10% in 2021
• Lutfi sees biggest trade risk this year is vaccination progress in Indonesia and its key trading partners
o Indonesia could inoculate about 30% of its population before end-Aug. and reach herd immunity before end-1Q 2022
• Indonesia will not import rice this year due to good harvest during March-May
• Indonesia could import the same amount of sugar this year from last year, and increase it by close to 3% in 2022
• Planned cryptocurrency bourse could be up and running before end of the year, the ministry is already finalizing regulations for bourse and ecosystem
81 views04:45
2021-06-17 09:24:44 *China flags new rules for commodity price indexes from August*
17-Jun-2021 02:13:29 PM

BEIJING, June 17 (Reuters) - China said on Thursday it will issue new rules on the management of price indexes for key commodities and services, a move which comes as the government steps up scrutiny of the country's commodity markets.

The measures, effective from Aug. 1, will standardise how price indexes are compiled and will improve transparency around how information is released, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) said on its official WeChat account.

China's fast-growing commodity markets are served by many, mostly private index providers who sell price data for major raw materials like grains, metals and crude oil to traders and analysts.

In some cases, the pricing data is used to settle physical trades of commodities.

Under the new rules, price index providers will need to be independent of direct stakeholders in the commodity and service markets covered by the index. Information about the providers and the methods used to develop and formulate the indexes will also need to be fully disclosed.

The commission added that authorities will have the right to review compliance with the rules and take disciplinary measures for non-compliance.

"Financial liberalisation is still a major push and this seems like an effort to make sure investors are confident that private firms providing important data don't have conflicts of interest," said Darin Friedrichs, a Shanghai-based senior Asia commodity analyst at brokerage StoneX.

The announcement follows a pledge by the NDRC last week to step up monitoring of commodity prices and strengthen supervision of markets. Producer inflation in the country recently hit its highest in more than 12 years, driven largely by surging commodity costs.

One provider, Cofeed, is believed to have fallen foul of authorities, having suspended its operations without explanation at the end of April and leaving a gap in highly valued information on grain and oilseed supplies in the world's biggest soybean buyer.

Cofeed had been operating from a villa in the northern outskirts of Beijing, a person familiar with the firm has said. Doors at that address had been sealed by police on April 29, Reuters found.
50 views06:24
2021-06-17 07:39:37 Malaysia 1-15 June vs. 1-15 May palm oil export (in mt)

*SGS: 657,474 vs. 714,014 (-56,540 or down 7.92%)*

ITS: 658,900 vs. 685,114 (-26,214 or down 3.83%)

Amspec: 652,770 vs. 695.764 (-42,994 or down 6.18%)
56 views04:39
2021-06-16 15:07:42
48 views12:07
2021-06-16 14:33:20 2021 June Update UOB KH slides
52 views11:33
2021-06-16 14:32:54 CPO prices expected to see quick and sharp recovery, says Dorab Mistry

KUALA LUMPUR (June 15): Crude palm oil (CPO) prices are expected to see a quick and sharp recovery following the declines that have been seen in the past few trading days, opined veteran vegoil analyst and Godrej International Ltd director Dorab Mistry.

Speaking during a webinar hosted by UOB Kay Hian today, Mistry stated that CPO prices could recover by RM200 to RM250 per tonne.

“This is because we have fallen too far. At that level, palm would very well be priced to recapture some of the markets, which it has lost due to high prices, in the Indian subcontinent for example,” he said........ https://www.theedgemarkets.com/article/cpo-prices-expected-see-quick-and-sharp-recovery-says-dorab-mistry
50 views11:32
2021-06-16 09:53:38 *SPPOMA 1-15th Jun est:*
FFB : +13.63%
OER : +0.64%
*Prod : +17.50%*

SPPOMA 1-10th Jun est:
FFB : -13.77%
OER : +0.70%
Prod : -10.50%
33 views06:53