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Malaysian Palm Oil Council Russia

Логотип телеграм канала @oilpalm — Malaysian Palm Oil Council Russia M
Логотип телеграм канала @oilpalm — Malaysian Palm Oil Council Russia
Адрес канала: @oilpalm
Категории: Еда и кулинария
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 638
Описание канала:

Официальный канал крупнейшего в масложировой отрасли СМИ - Малайзийский Совет Производителей Пальмового Масла.
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Последние сообщения 3

2021-06-29 09:17:07 Кыргызстан принимает меры для обеспечения продовольственной безопасности

Кыргызстан вводит запрет на экспорт пшеницы, пшеничной муки, сахара, риса, растительного масла и куриного яйца. В связи с повышением цен на корма вводится полный запрет на вывоз сена, комбикорма, кукурузы и ячменя. Также принято решение освободить от НДС ввозимый в страну сахар, растительное масло и мясо.
По словам председателя кабмина данное решение уменьшит поступления в бюджет на 200 млн сомов, однако оно необходимо для обеспечения граждан продуктами питания.
Также председатель отметил, что при своевременном принятии мер МСХ КР проблем по обеспечению продовольственной безопасности не было бы.

Лукашенко поручил запретить вывоз семян рапса из страны

По словам Президента вывозить из страны сырье, из которого получается хорошая продукция, и не переработать рапс по полному циклу на собственных предприятиях - это преступление.
Дано поручение отрегулировать вопросы по ценам и запретить вывоз рапса.
Кроме того, как заметил Президент, в этой сфере очень развито недобросовестное посредничество и государство теряет большие деньги.

Запасы подсолнечника в Украине за год уменьшились на 39%

По состоянию на 1 июня составили 1,39 млн т, что на 39% ниже прошлогодних (2,28 млн т).

В связи с дефицитом маслосемян, а также трудностями с продажей запасов подсолнечного масла, изготовленного из дорогого сырья некоторые маслозаводы Украины остановились на планово-профилактический ремонт ранее обычного. Обычно заводы работают до конца июля.

Согласно мониторингу FE, в текущем сезоне казахстанские маслозаводы начали останавливаться в начале июня по причине отсутствия маслосемян (обычно работают до середины июля).

Индонезия вновь вносит изменения в структуру налогов при экспорте пальмового масла

Планируется сократить размер налога при экспорте сырого пальмового масла до $175 за тн (сейчас $255). Масло будет облагаться налогом, когда его цена превысит $750 за тн, и будет повышаться на $20 за тн с каждым приростом цены на продукт на $50 за тн.
Ранее налог повышался на $15 за тн при каждом повышении цены на масло на $25 за тн.

Источники: apk-inform.com, knews.kg, belta.by, FE
31 views06:17
2021-06-29 06:45:11 Canadian heat wave drives ICE canola futures up daily limit

WINNIPEG, Manitoba, June 28 (Reuters) - ICE canola futures surged to daily price limits on Monday, fuelled by a heatwave and dry weather on the Canadian Prairies.

Some farmers are "fearing a crop wreck," with canola plants struggling to develop, a trader said.

Most-active November canola RSX1 jumped $30 or 4.1% to $769.50 per tonne.
Statistics Canada is scheduled to report on crop plantings on Tuesday. Trade expects, on average, Statscan to estimate canola sowings of 22.5 million tonnes, up from an April estimate of 21.5 million.

November-January canola spread traded 1,318 times.

Chicago Board of Trade corn, soybeans and wheat rallied, with traders focused on forecasts for heat in the western U.S. Midwest that will quickly dry out soils in major production areas.

Euronext November rapeseed futures /COMX1 rose and Malaysian September palm oil futures /FCPOU1 eased.

China rejected a Canadian request for a formal World Trade Organization panel about China's restrictions on canola seed imports from Canada.

*All figures in Canadian dollars unless noted
37 views03:45
2021-06-29 06:40:40 GRAINS-Soybeans at 1-week high on hot U.S. weather forecasts

SINGAPORE, June 29 (Reuters) - Chicago soybean futures rose for a second straight session on Tuesday to a one-week high, as forecasts for heat in the western U.S. Midwest raised concerns over potential yield losses.
Wheat and corn also gained.

The most-active soybean contract on the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) Sv1 rose 0.3% to $13.16-1/4 a bushel by 0039 GMT, after climbing to its highest level since June 22 at $13.26 a bushel earlier in the session.

Wheat Wv1 added 0.4% at $6.53-3/4 a bushel and corn Cv1 rose 0.1% to $5.47-3/4 a bushel.

Even though rains over the weekend were heavy in some areas of the U.S. Midwest, other spots received just enough to protect the crop for a short amount of time. Forecasts for hot weather next week are supporting prices.
Traders are awaiting key U.S. acreage and stocks data due on Wednesday from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Russian wheat export prices were largely unchanged last week, supported by a new floating duty in Russia and improving crop forecasts ahead of the start of the new marketing season, analysts said on Monday.

Egypt's state grains buyer, the General Authority for Supply Commodities, said on Monday it had bought 180,000 tonnes of Romanian wheat in an international tender.

Consultancy Strategie Grains has raised its forecast for this year's European Union rapeseed harvest while trimming demand expectations, projecting reduced supply tightness next season.

Commodity funds were net buyers of CBOT corn, soybean, wheat, soymeal and soyoil futures contracts on Monday, traders said.

Global equity markets reached new highs for the second straight session, boosted by U.S. equities, while Treasury bond yields eased and the dollar was little changed as investors awaited jobs data that could sway Federal Reserve monetary policy.
37 views03:40
2021-06-29 06:37:14 European vegoils- Palm easier on demand concerns

ROTTERDAM, June 28 (Refinitiv) - Palm oil on the European vegetable oils market mostly eased on Monday following weaker Malaysian palm oil futures on the back of concerns over dwindling demand after the U.S. high supreme court ruled in favour of small refineries on biofuel waivers.

Asking prices for palm oil were mostly between $2.50 a tonne up and $7.50 down from Friday after Malaysian palm oil futures closed between two and 21 ringgit per tonne lower.

At 1600 GMT, CBOT soyoil futures were between 1.10 and 3.41 cents per pound higher, following a rally in Chicago soybeans on short covering and bargain buying. Worries about dryness in parts of the northwest U.S. Midwest and northern Plains also underpinned futures.

EU rapeoil was mostly quoted between 15 and 30 euros per tonne higher, tracking the rally in Chicago soyoil futures and because of a strong dollar, which supports euro-priced products.

Lauric oils were mostly quoted between flat and $15 a tonne lower because of a stronger dollar, which weighs on products quoted in that currency. Slack demand also weighed.
34 views03:37
2021-06-29 06:31:42 VEGOILS-Palm oil falls tracking rival soyoil, crude weighs

KUALA LUMPUR, June 29 (Reuters) - Malaysian palm oil futures slipped for a second consecutive session on Tuesday, tracking rival soyoil, pressured by weaker crude prices ahead of June export data.

The benchmark palm oil contract FCPOc3 for September delivery on the Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Exchange slid 39 ringgit, or 1.11%, to 3,467 ringgit ($835.42) a tonne during early trade.

Traders are awaiting June 1-30 export data from cargo surveyors due on Wednesday.

Indonesia will impose new palm oil export levies starting on July 2, the Estate Crop Fund Agency said on Tuesday.

The world's top palm oil exporter last week said it will change its levy structure for palm oil exports, cutting the ceiling rate for crude palm oil levies from $255 per tonne to $175 per tonne.

European Union palm oil imports in the 2020/21 season were at 5.21 million tonnes versus 5.79 million a year ago, data published by the European Commission showed on Monday.

Oil prices slipped on worries about slower fuel demand growth, making palm a less attractive option for biodiesel feedstock.

Dalian's most-active soyoil contract DBYcv1 rose 0.1%, while its palm oil contract DCPcv1 gained 1.1%. Soyoil prices on the Chicago Board of Trade BOcv1 were down 0.7%.

Palm oil is affected by price movements in related oils as they compete for a share in the global vegetable oils market.

Palm oil may test a resistance at 3,602 ringgit per tonne, a break above could lead to a gain at 3,691 ringgit, Reuters technical analyst Wang Tao said.

Asian shares edged lower on Tuesday on concerns new coronavirus outbreaks in the region could undercut an economic recovery even as robust momentum in the United States prompts the Federal Reserve to contemplate a quicker exit from accommodative policy.
37 views03:31
2021-06-29 06:31:37
38 views03:31
CPO export Duty $116 and export levies $175 per MT.

*Indonesia CPO Export Tax + Levy for Jul'21:*
116 + 175 = US$291 pmt

Vs. Jun'21
183 + 255 = US$438 pmt

Market expectations:
116 + 175 = US$291 pmt
34 views14:32
2021-06-28 13:45:58 Malaysia’s palm oil output to rise marginally while exports pick up -state agency
in Commodity News 28/06/2021

Malaysia’s crude palm oil (CPO) production is expected to rise only marginally in the next few months, while exports are expected to pick up, state agency the Malaysian Palm Oil Council (MPOC) said on Thursday.

“Our estimate for the price is to remain between 3,500 ringgit-3,800 ringgit ($840.54-$912.58) in the next three months,” MPOC chief executive officer Wan Zawawi Wan Ismail told Reuters.

The benchmark CPO price in the world’s second largest producer has plunged about 23% since peaking at a record high in mid-May. It traded at around 3,463 ringgit ($831.65) a tonne on Thursday afternoon. Exports are expected to pick up in July and August following the price correction, which should encourage purchases from key markets China and India, Wan Zawawi said.

Malaysia’s crude palm oil production is expected to grow in the next few months, but only marginally due to a pandemic-induced labour shortage and movement restrictions, he added.

Wan Zawawi said that CPO prices will also be swayed by weather patterns in major soybean exporter United States, as well as news flows about changes in biodiesel mandates and incentives in the United States.

“If hot and dry weather conditions manifest themselves in July in the U.S., further rallies in price is possible.”

Fitch Ratings said in a note it expects CPO prices to fall to $600 a tonne by the fourth quarter, as output of palm oil and soyoil is expected to increase with the end of the La Nina weather pattern.

However, it also cautioned that Malaysia’s output will be “below normal” due to the labour crunch.
Source: Reuters (Reporting by Mei Mei Chu; Editing by Jason Neely and Kim Coghill)
28 views10:45
2021-06-28 10:55:47 VEGOILS-Palm falls as U.S. court ruling stokes demand worries for rival soyoil

• Palm posts sharpest intraday drop in nearly two weeks
• Purchases by key importing countries sluggish - broker

KUALA LUMPUR, June 28 (Reuters) - Malaysian palm oil futures slipped on Monday, tracking a sharp drop in rival Chicago soyoil on Friday after a U.S. Supreme Court ruling on biofuel blending stoked demand concerns.

The benchmark palm oil contract FCPOc3 for September delivery on the Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Exchange slid 36 ringgit, or 1.02%, to 3,484 ringgit ($839.52) a tonne by the midday break.

Earlier in the day, palm dropped as much as 2.8% in its biggest intraday drop in nearly two weeks. Palm rose 2.8% last week, marking its first weekly gain in three.

With the help of bullish Chicago soyoil futures, palm prices had been rising despite expectations of rising output, but that support has been easing, said Anilkumar Bagani, research head of Mumbai-based vegetable oils broker Sunvin Group.

The contract could face more pressure unless a significant demand recovery is seen from key markets India, the European Union and China, which are currently not making any meaningful purchases, Bagani said.

Further weighing on palm prices, state news agency Bernama reported Malaysia would extend a national lockdown beyond Monday to curb the spread of COVID-19, which may hit consumption of the edible oil.

Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court made it easier for small oil refineries to win exemptions from laws requiring them to blend increasing levels of ethanol or other biofuels into their products - a major setback for biofuel producers.

Soyoil prices on the Chicago Board of Trade BOcv1 were up 0.7%, after dropping 4.8% in the previous session. Dalian's most-active soyoil contract DBYcv1 gained 0.4%, while its palm oil contract DCPcv1 rose 1.2%.

Palm oil is affected by price movements in related oils as they compete for a share in the global vegetable oils market.

Palm oil may fall to 3,351 ringgit as it faces a resistance at 3,506 ringgit per tonne, Reuters technical analyst Wang Tao said.
47 views07:55
2021-06-28 10:55:44
40 views07:55