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Марксизм и критическая теория (Marxism and critical theory)

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Логотип телеграм канала @marxismct — Марксизм и критическая теория (Marxism and critical theory)
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Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 2.01K
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Книги и статьи по марксизму и критической теории.
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Последние сообщения 5

2022-04-26 15:25:19 Paul Prescod On Running a Working Class Campaign

Paul Prescod talks about the importance of forging electoral campaigns deeply rooted in the labor movement.

113 views12:25
2022-04-26 11:19:36 Neoliberal hegemony Is not undone in the space of a single election

Interview with Stefano Palombarini

Back in February, Stefano Palombarini, co-author of The Last Neoliberal, dreamt of a second round debate between Macron and Melenchon staging a confrontation between two opposing political visions. Melenchon did not make it to the second round of the 2022 French presidential elections, but is there still hope for the anti-neoliberal left?

128 views08:19
2022-04-26 06:11:38 Jonathan Crary - Scorched Earth

In this uncompromising essay, Jonathan Crary presents the obvious but unsayable reality: our ‘digital age’ is synonymous with the disastrous terminal stage of global capitalism and its financialisation of social existence, mass impoverishment, ecocide, and military terror. Scorched Earth surveys the wrecking of a living world by the internet complex and its devastation of communities and their capacities for mutual support. This polemic by the author of 24/7 dismantles the presumption that social media could be an instrument of radical change and contends that the networks and platforms of transnational corporations are intrinsically incompatible with a habitable earth or with the human interdependence needed to build egalitarian post-capitalist forms of life.
67 views03:11
2022-04-25 18:26:52 Frédéric Lordon - Animal Firm

Emmanuel Macron's campaign to be re-elected French President has come under increasing strain in recent weeks following the so-called “the McKinsey Affair,” named after the giant American consulting firm that was paid enormous sums by the French government for reports that were often completely useless. Frédéric Lordon asks what the controversy says about the state in contemporary capitalism, and what the affair's effects on the forthcoming French elections will be.

78 views15:26
2022-04-25 16:21:41 Мишель Онфре - Как построить диктатуру. Принцип 6: Посеять ненависть

Уровень ненависти в диктатуре неизбежно высок. Чтобы избежать восстаний и переворотов, режим должен перенаправить народную ненависть вовне, на специально назначенного для этой цели козла отпущения. Годятся любые методы — от агрессивной риторики и пропаганды до арестов и терактов.

454 views13:21
2022-04-25 14:00:17 К.ф.н. Антон Бархатков рассказывает о распространенной у религиозных антикоммунистов теории заговора, согласно которой Маркс поклонялся Сатане.

155 views11:00
2022-04-25 12:33:52В эту субботу — презентация книги Теодора Адорно «Minima Moralia. Размышления из поврежденной жизни» в магазине «Фаланстер»

В издательстве Ad Marginem вышел перевод культового трактата немецкого философа Теодора Адорно «Minima Moralia. Размышления из поврежденной жизни». Книга представляет собой сборник острокритических размышлений, написанных Адорно в эмиграции во время Второй мировой войны и в первые годы после ее окончания. Эти размышления отражают неутешительный взгляд Адорно на сферу потребления, культурную индустрию и повседневное существование общества в эпоху позднего капитализма, где человеческий опыт дробится, рассыпается и теряет всякие ориентиры. Философы Александр Иванов и Игорь Чубаров встретятся в Фаланстере, чтобы поговорить о книге.

Александр Иванов, главный редактор издательства Ad Marginem.

Игорь Чубаров, директор Института социально-гуманитарных наук ТюмГУ, проректор ТюмГУ, член редколлегии журнала «Логос».

30 апреля, 20:00,
книжный магазин «Фаланстер»,
ул. Тверская, 17.

Вход свободный.
127 views09:33
2022-04-25 11:18:55 Publishing Has a Role to Play in the Rebuilding of a Marxist Culture in France

Interview with Marina Simonin, who in 2018 with Clara Laspalas and Alexis Cukier, took over the management of French Marxist publisher Éditions Sociales. In it she discusses the history of the publisher and the role of publishing within the French left.

In 2018, Marina Simonin, together with Clara Laspalas and Alexis Cukier, took over the management of Éditions Sociales from Richard Lagache. This generational renewal marked the beginning of a new chapter in the history of this almost century-old publishing house. The current situation, characterised by a weakening of anti-Marxism and the growing demand for theoretical reference points on the part of young people who are politicised but orphaned from their political past, opens up fruitful perspectives for Éditions Sociales. To transmit, educate and promote debate: these are the missions that Marina Simonin set out for her work at Éditions Sociales. This optimism, both intellectual and organisational, is illustrated by the relaunch of an ambitious project to translate the complete texts of Marx and Engels into French and the development of selections of these for a general readership. In contrast to the dynamics of the previous century, when party Marxism conditioned the reception of scientific Marxism, the coming years could well trace the opposite path. Marx and Marxisms have everything to gain: rather than obsolete and demobilising fetishes, they are now critical and transformative weapons that need to be reclaimed.

150 views08:18
2022-04-25 08:41:32 Jean-Paul Sartre’s Anti-Imperialism Is Still Too Radical for France Today

An interview with Oliver Gloag

Jean-Paul Sartre’s uncompromising opposition to the crimes of empire makes him a taboo figure in French culture. The French political mainstream is still in denial about the bloody history of colonialism.

37 views05:41