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Марксизм и критическая теория (Marxism and critical theory)

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Логотип телеграм канала @marxismct — Марксизм и критическая теория (Marxism and critical theory)
Адрес канала: @marxismct
Категории: Политика
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 2.01K
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Книги и статьи по марксизму и критической теории.
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Последние сообщения 39

2021-05-10 09:24:12 Mitchell Dean, Daniel Zamora - The Last Man Takes LSD. Foucault and the End of Revolution

How Foucault, drugs, California and the rise of neoliberal politics in 1970s France are all connected. In May 1975, Michel Foucault took LSD in the desert in southern California. He described it as the most important event of his life which would lead him to completely rework his History of Sexuality. His focus now would not be on power relations but on the experiments of subjectivity and the care of the self. Through this lens, he would reinterpret the social movements of May ’68. He would also come to appreciate the possibilities of autonomy offered by a new force on the French political scene that was neither of the left nor the right: neoliberalism.
270 views06:24
2021-05-09 17:53:28 Хорхе Алеман - Наследие Фрейда

Наследие Фрейда сохраняет свою актуальность благодаря Жаку Лакану. Именно Лакан понял, что после 1920 года Фрейду удалось вывести из открытия психоанализа новую политическую мысль. Вывод Фрейда — управлять, обучать и психоанализировать невозможно — в полной мере был осмыслен Лаканом; логическая модальность невозможности требовала наступления своего исторического времени, чтобы наконец проявиться в полный рост. С этой точки зрения XXI век готовится обосновать данный вывод Фрейда различными способами. Политическое умозаключение Фрейда, пронзившее современную панораму подобно лучу, можно сформулировать следующим образом: Закон не есть то, чем он пытается казаться — инстанция суперэго, категорический императив или наследник эдипова комплекса; с каким бы символическим благородством он ни представлял себя, неустранима его структурная связь с влечением к смерти.

250 views14:53
2021-05-09 15:56:33 Jessica Blatt - Race and the Making of American Political Science

Race and the Making of American Political Science shows that changing scientific ideas about racial difference were central to the academic study of politics as it emerged in the United States. From the late nineteenth century through the 1930s, scholars of politics defined and continually reoriented their field in response to the political imperatives of the racial order at home and abroad as well to as the vagaries of race science. The Gilded Age scholars who founded the first university departments and journals located sovereignty and legitimacy in a "Teutonic germ" of liberty planted in the new world by Anglo-Saxon settlers and almost extinguished in the conflict over slavery. Within a generation, "Teutonism" would come to seem like philosophical speculation, but well into the twentieth century, major political scientists understood racial difference to be a fundamental shaper of political life. They wove popular and scientific ideas about race into their accounts of political belonging, of progress and change, of proper hierarchy, and of democracy and its warrants. And they attended closely to new developments in race science, viewing them as central to their own core questions. In doing so, they constructed models of human difference and political life that still exert a powerful hold on our political imagination today, in and outside of the academy. By tracing this history, Jessica Blatt effects a bold reinterpretation of the origins of U.S. political science, one that embeds that history in larger processes of the coproduction of racial ideas, racial oppression, and political knowledge.
70 views12:56
2021-05-09 13:53:44 Online Organizing Doesn’t Work

On The Jacobin Show, Paul Prescod, Jen Pan, and Cale Brooks discuss the shortcomings of social media as an organizing tool for socialists.

108 views10:53
2021-05-09 11:58:55 David Pavón-Cuéllar - Marxism and Psychoanalysis: In or against psychology?

The methods developed by Freud and Marx have enabled a range of scholars to critically reflect upon the ideological underpinnings of modern and now postmodern or hypermodern western societies. In this intriguing book, the discipline of psychology itself is screened through the twin dynamics of Marxism and psychoanalysis. David Pavón-Cuéllar asks to what extent the terms, concerns and goals of psychology reflect, in fact, the dominant bourgeois ideology that has allowed it to flourish.
The book charts a gradual psychologization within society and culture dating from the nineteenth century, and examines how the tacit ideals within mainstream psychology – creating good citizens or productive workers – sit uneasily against Marx and Freud’s ambitions of revealing fault-lines and contradictions within individualist and consumer-oriented structures.
The positivist aspiration of psychology to become a natural science has been the source of extensive debate, critical voices asserting the social and cultural contexts through which the human mind and behaviour should be understood. This challenging new book provides another voice that, in addressing two of the most influential intellectual traditions of the past 150 years, widens the debate still further to examine the foundations of psychology.
276 views08:58