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Марксизм и критическая теория (Marxism and critical theory)

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Логотип телеграм канала @marxismct — Марксизм и критическая теория (Marxism and critical theory)
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Категории: Политика
Язык: Русский
Количество подписчиков: 2.01K
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Книги и статьи по марксизму и критической теории.
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Последние сообщения 38

2021-05-11 20:51:39 Christoph Vogel - Colonial frameworks: networks of political and economic order

Christoph Vogel writes that the university is a site where colonial frames survive – whether in financial, linguistic, architectural, political or mental spheres. These frameworks are cross-cutting and create, shape and legitimise knowledge. He argues that Western raised and educated academics are trapped in self-made intellectual snares, complicating attempts to make sense of politics in most parts of the world.

81 views17:51
2021-05-11 16:50:55 Gabriel Tupinambá - The Desire of Psychoanalysis: Exercises in Lacanian Thinking

A groundbreaking interrogation of psychoanalysis by one of the world’s best newly emerging leading theorists. The Desire of Psychoanalysis proposes that recognizing how certain theoretical and institutional problems in Lacanian psychoanalysis are grounded in the historical conditions of Lacan’s own thinking might allow us to overcome these impasses. In order to accomplish this, Gabriel Tupinambá analyzes the socioeconomic practices that underlie the current institutional existence of the Lacanian community its political position as well as its institutional history in relation to theoretical production.
By focusing on the underlying dynamic that binds clinical practice, theoretical work, and institutional security in Lacanian psychoanalysis today, Tupinambá is able to locate sites for conceptual innovation that have been ignored by the discipline, such as the understanding of the role of money in clinical practice, the place of analysands in the transformation of psychoanalytic theory, and ideological dead-ends that have become common sense in the Lacanian field. The Desire of Psychoanalysis thus suggests ways of opening up psychoanalysis to new concepts and clinical practices and calls for a transformation of how psychoanalysis is understood as an institution.
58 views13:50
2021-05-11 15:17:18 Jérôme Baschet - The “Zapatista invasion” has begun!

After months of preparations, a delegation of the Zapatistas has set sail from Mexico towards Europe. The “reversed conquest” has well and truly started.

On April 10, the anniversary of Emiliano Zapata’s assassination, they announced the departure of the first party of the Zapatista delegation, destined to make its voyage by sea. We had expected to see them leave the caracol of Morelia that day, where the members had been preparing themselves for months. A formal ritual was performed for the occasion, with traditional music, incense and purifying acts (“limpia”), upon a life-size model of a ship’s prow

95 views12:17
2021-05-11 12:56:57 Pankaj Mehta - Big Tech’s Censors Come for Science

When we allow private organizations like Facebook, Google, and Twitter to police scientific discourse, we abdicate our commitment to free scientific inquiry.

The free speech controversies roiling Big Tech have now reached the scientific sphere.
In mid-February, the Wall Street Journal published an opinion piece by John Hopkins professor of medicine and public health  Martin Makary arguing that a combination of vaccines and natural infections would result in herd immunity in many parts of the United States by the end of April. Facebook quickly flagged the editorial as “misleading” and having “very low overall scientific credibility”

62 views09:56
2021-05-11 08:13:02 Simon Balto - Free as in Fred

The afterlife of a Chicagoland Revolutionary

From 1968 to 1969, Fred Hampton was the deputy chairman of the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party (ILBPP) the “deputy” qualifier an elision of the fact that he was the chapter’s unquestioned leader, both officially and not. Hampton was the son of Iberia and Francis Hampton native Louisianans and the descendants of enslaved people, who left for Chicagoland in the 1940s to pursue a better future for themselves and the family they would soon start.

103 views05:13
2021-05-10 20:09:41 Leonardo Padura - People in Havana Talk

Raúl Castro has relinquished his post as General Secretary of the Cuban Communist Party. The government speaks of continuity, and only continuity.

109 views17:09
2021-05-10 17:23:56 Beyond Digital Capitalism: New Ways of Living. Socialist Register 2021, The Merlin Press, 2020.

Completed ‘under the difficult conditions created by the pandemic’ (xiii) the 2020 edition of the Socialist Register seeks to ‘analyze the nature of digital capitalism and its contradictions’ (ix), doing so ‘within the history of technological change’ (x). In selecting this topic, the late Leo Panitch and Greg Albo’s goal was to highlight the extent to which ‘digital technology has become integral to capitalist market dystopia’ (ix), a necessary task given the prevalence of ‘cyber-utopian’ (ix) and ‘techno determinist’ (x) thought in the public and private realms. This kind of ‘celebrant’ ideology, which Robert McChesney (2013) outlined so well recently, provides a social license for centi-billionaires like Elon Musk, Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos to continue to have a disproportionate say in directing investments, allocating resources and setting the terms of production. In laying out this agenda, Panitch and Albo rightly place greater emphasis on ‘capitalism’ than the adjectival ‘digital’, effectively suggesting that regardless of the various affordances platforms, algorithms and code may provide, in the first instance they are shaped by the imperatives of capital. Theirs is a welcome addition of materialist and class analysis to the general literature within Science and Technology Studies through demonstrating how digitalization is used to expand and deepen capitalist social relations.

114 views14:23
2021-05-10 13:49:07 Славой Жижек - За Лакана, против лакановской идеологии

«Желание психоанализа» Габриэля Тупинамба новаторский шедевр: книга эта удивительна, и эффект этого удивления обязан тому, что она проливает свет на вещи, долгое время витавшие в воздухе.
Благодаря ей идеологическая игра, преобладающая в лакановских кругах, оказалась раскрыта, а определенная невинность навсегда утрачена.

Книга эта произвела на меня глубокое впечатление на двух уровнях, связанных между собой, но тем не менее различных. Первому соответствует строгий анализ нестыковок «лакановской идеологии», как это называет Тупинамба: речь идет о целых сериях ограничений, не позволивших Лакану в полной мере раскрыть потенциал его собственных теоретических достижений. Второму соответствует целый пучок достаточно пугающих призраков из моей собственной прошлой вовлеченности в лакановское движение, которые пробудила книга. Поскольку концептуальный анализ, предпринятый Тупинамба, заслуживает детальной проработки, для которой здесь нет места, я ограничусь лишь кратким воскрешением преследующих меня призраков.

86 views10:49
2021-05-10 11:23:22 Chris Randle - The Soviets Who Wanted Fashion for All

In the years after the revolution, Russian designers rethought style. Among them was Varvara Stepanova, who aimed to take fashion out of the realm of luxury and make it accessible to all.

129 views08:23