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Марксизм и критическая теория (Marxism and critical theory)

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Логотип телеграм канала @marxismct — Марксизм и критическая теория (Marxism and critical theory)
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Язык: Русский
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Книги и статьи по марксизму и критической теории.
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Последние сообщения 31

2021-05-23 16:39:46 The Mayfair Set, E1: Who Pays Wins

The Mayfair Set, subtitled Four Stories About the Rise of Business and the Decline of Political Power, is a series of programmes produced by Adam Curtis for the BBC, first broadcast in the summer of 1999.

The programme looks at how buccaneer capitalists of hot money were allowed to shape the climate of the Thatcher years, focusing on the rise of Colonel David Stirling, Jim Slater, James Goldsmith and Tiny Rowland, all members of London's Clermont Club in the 1960s. It received the BAFTA Award for Best Factual Series or Strand in 2000.

Who Pays Wins

The opening episode, Who Pays Wins, focuses on Colonel Sir Archibald David Stirling, who was a Scottish laird, mountaineer, World War II British Army officer and the founder of the Special Air Service.

87 views13:39
2021-05-23 14:07:42 Patrick Goode - Karl Korsch: A Study in Western Marxism
62 views11:07
2021-05-23 12:31:25 Владимир Ткаченко - Иллюзия деглобализации

25 апреля коллектив «Научной лаборатории современной политэкономии» во главе с Олегом Комоловым выступил с докладом «Деглобализация: кризис неолиберализма и движение к новому миропорядку». Тема острая, не проходите мимо: если изучить глобальные тенденции в отношениях между трудом и капиталом, марксизм сделает шаг вперёд.

Коллектив заинтересовывает людей в политэкономии — это его безусловная заслуга. Тем же занимается Олег Комолов на ютуб-канале «Простые числа», где он популярно и качественно вскрывает пороки капитализма.

Качественный анализ есть и в докладе, но, к сожалению, лишь частично. Сомнительны эмпирическое исследование, теоретические доводы и основной тезис о «дезинтеграции мировой экономики» после кризиса 2008-2009 годов. Этот тезис даже сложно назвать выводом исследования: скорее авторы заранее поставили диагноз мировой экономике и больше его обосновывали, чем проверяли его истинность. А зря. Всё не так очевидно, как кажется на первый взгляд.

72 views09:31
2021-05-23 10:12:26 Константин Митрошенков - Призрак мировой литературы

О книге «Эстетика Коминтерна»

Коммунистический интернационал (III Интернационал, или просто Коминтерн) был основан Лениным в 1919 году. Казалось, что до мировой революции рукой подать и новая организация должна была всеми силами приближать ее, распространяя социалистические идеи и поддерживая революционные движения по всему миру. Коминтерн просуществовал до 1943 года, когда Сталин принял решение распустить его, чтобы не смущать западных союзников. Организация не выполнила глобальных политических задач, однако стала культурным феноменом, масштаб и влияние которого по-прежнему становятся предметом исследований. Один из последних примеров пока не переведенная на русский книга «Comintern Aesthetics»

79 views07:12
2021-05-22 19:29:48 The Living Dead, E3: The Attic

In this episode, the Imperial aspirations of Margaret Thatcher were examined. The way in which Mrs Thatcher used public relations in an attempt to emulate Winston Churchill in harking back to Britain's "glorious past" to fulfil a political or national end.

The title is a reference to the attic flat at the top of 10 Downing Street, which was created during Thatcher's period refurbishment of the house, which did away with the Prime Minister's previous living quarters on lower floors. Scenes from the psychological horror film The Innocents (1961) (a film adaptation of Henry James's novella The Turn of the Screw) are intercut with scenes from Thatcher's reign.

63 views16:29
2021-05-22 17:30:16 John E Roemer - How We Cooperate: A Theory of Kantian Optimization. Yale University Press, 2019. 236 pp.

Reviewed by Martina Valković

Roemer’s How We Cooperate, as the title suggests, is an outlier. The main trigger behind the work is Roemer’s recognition that economists have largely neglected cooperation in favour of competition, even though humans are a ‘cooperative species’, meaning that we largely cooperate because we understand the value of doing so, rather than because we are afraid of sanctions. And, indeed, this includes cooperation in great many economic contexts, by which we achieve better results than through competition (think of taxation or public goods provision). Roemer considers it fairly obvious that cooperation, in our everyday use of the word, does not exist in economic theory, nor does anything that could count as social action. Therefore, he concludes that general equilibrium and game theory are not designed to deal with the distinct human ability to cooperate, and proposes an alternative to the standard Nash optimisation in the form of Kantian optimisation.

52 views14:30
2021-05-22 15:58:28 State, power and society in Latin America: an interview with Raúl Zibechi

From state violence and neoliberal extractivism to Colombia’s general strike and Zapatismo: militant journalist Raúl Zibechi reflects on the state of Latin America today.

68 views12:58
2021-05-22 13:56:45 The Living Dead, E1: On the Desperate Edge of Now

The title of this episode comes from a veteran's description of the uncertainty of survival in combat. It examined how the various national memories of the Second World War were effectively rewritten and manipulated in the Cold War period.

For Germany, this began at the Nuremberg Trials, where attempts were made to prevent the Nazis in the dock, principally Hermann Göring, from offering any rational argument for what they had done. Subsequently, however, bringing lower-ranking Nazis to justice was effectively forgotten about in the interests of maintaining West Germany as an ally in the Cold War.

For the Allies, faced with a new enemy in the Soviet Union, there was a need to portray World War II as a crusade of pure good against pure evil, even if this meant denying the memories of the Allied soldiers who had actually done the fighting, and knew it to have been far more ambiguous. A number of American veterans related how years later they found themselves plagued with the previously-suppressed memories of the brutal things they had seen and done.

169 views10:56
2021-05-22 11:32:00 Fabien Escalona - François Mitterrand Gave French Socialists Power at the Price of Their Soul

Forty years ago today, François Mitterrand became the first socialist president of France’s Fifth Republic. But after his early attempt at left-wing reforms was defeated, Mitterrand’s tenure helped turn the Parti Socialiste into a pillar of the political establishment.

78 views08:32