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Марксизм и критическая теория (Marxism and critical theory)

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Логотип телеграм канала @marxismct — Марксизм и критическая теория (Marxism and critical theory)
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Язык: Русский
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Книги и статьи по марксизму и критической теории.
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Последние сообщения 29

2021-05-26 18:46:36 Aaron Tauss - Colombia Is in Revolt Against Neoliberalism

More than five million Colombians — 10 percent of the country’s total population have taken to the streets over the past two weeks to protest neoliberal policies, government corruption, police brutality, and the systematic murder of activists.

51 views15:46
2021-05-26 16:58:35 Жиль Делез о том, как стать разумным. Из сборника «Лекции о Спинозе»

Для французского философа Жиля Делеза Бенедикт Спиноза — фигура знаковая. Помимо того, что Делез посвятил ему две своих книги, он еще и прочитал курс лекций о Спинозе с 1978 по 1981 годы. Анализируя основные концепции нидерландского философа (отсутствие свободы, аффект и аффекция, смерть), Делез воспроизводит их через призму современного общества.

50 views13:58
2021-05-26 13:35:53 Geoffroy de Lagasnerie, Matthew MacLellan - Foucault Against Neoliberalism?

In the late 1970s, Michel Foucault dedicated a number of controversial lectures on the subject of neoliberalism. Had Foucault been seduced by neoliberalism? Did France’s premier leftist intellectual, near the end of his career, turn to the right? In this book, Geoffroy de Lagasnerie argues that far from abandoning the left, Foucault’s analysis of neoliberalism was a means of probing the limits and lacunae of traditional political philosophy, social contract theory, Marxism, and psychoanalysis. For Lagasnerie, Foucault’s analysis was an attempt to discover neoliberalism’s singularity, understand its appeal, and unearth its emancipatory potential in order to construct a new art of rebelliousness. By reading Foucault’s lectures on neoliberalism as a means of developing new practices of emancipation, Lagasnerie offers an original and compelling account of Michel Foucault’s most controversial work.
176 views10:35
2021-05-26 11:30:40 Mara Hvistendahl - Oracle Boasted That Its Software Was Used Against U.S. Protesters. Then It Took the Tech to China.

According to the documents and to video presentations, CPD used a tool called Endeca Information Discovery, a product from tech giant Oracle, to merge crime records, 911 calls, and other routine police information with protesters’ tweets.

Oracle claims that Endeca helps police and other agencies make sense of mounds of big data. Like the more well-known government analytics software Palantir Gotham, the software owes its rise to “war on terror” surveillance and to backing from the CIA venture capital firm In-Q-Tel. Oracle acquired Endeca in 2011.

80 views08:30
2021-05-26 08:50:33 Marco D’Eramo - A True Fascist

Certain words make you feel like you belong to another time. You think you’re at home in the present, but then you’re forced to think again. For me, one such word is ‘antifa’. For the entirety of my childhood, youth and adult life the term ‘fascist’ was the most injurious of insults: the shortened epithet ‘fascio’ in Italian, ‘facho’ in French recalling the similar abbreviation that gives us the word Nazi. Then, all of a sudden, ‘anti-fascist’ became a slur, repeatedly used by Donald Trump as a synonym for ‘left-wing terrorist’. My generation came of age in a ‘republic built on anti-fascism’, where unlike today that orientation was taken for granted. Now, the term has become a slogan for the subversive left, most commonly associated with black bloc anarchists, portrayed in the media as the specular image of the alt-right.  

What remains unresolved about this word ‘fascist’, which 76 years after the deaths of Hitler and Mussolini, continues to haunt our political imaginary? When it comes to fascism (and fascists), we struggle to see beyond cinematic representations. I remember the first time I listened to a recording of Goebbels at the film archive in Göttingen: to my great surprise, he didn’t bark! His mellow, judicious tone bore little resemblance to the image of the Nazi grandees spawned by post-war Hollywood. In this century, the figure of the ‘fascist’ has become an archetype. It functions as a damnatio memoriae: a sentencing of the past without appeal, and a plenary absolution of the present. For it’s unthinkable that anyone among us might share the patent mental deficiency of most fictional Nazis and Blackshirts.

74 views05:50
2021-05-25 20:13:23 Jonathan Russell Clark - How a California acid trip made Michel Foucault a neoliberal

Mitchell Dean and Daniel Zamora’s new book, “The Last Man Takes LSD,” focuses on Foucault’s final decade, from 1975, when he took the hallucinogen in California for the first time, until his death in 1984 of complications from AIDS. During this period, Foucault shifted from the leftist politics of the ’60s toward a more centrist position, a drift hardly rare for his generation under the Cold War. As Dean and Zamora put it, “Foucault and many other post-’68 intellectuals took part in the process of thinking about a Left that was not socialist, a Left that would wipe out the legacy of post-war socialism.”

64 views17:13
2021-05-25 18:25:37 Becoming Black: a conversation with Olúfémi Táíwò and Achille Mbembe

Mbembe and Táíwò discuss coercive state power from the “Code Noir” to “algorithmic racism” and the universal struggle for racial and ecological justice.

72 views15:25
2021-05-25 15:53:46 The Mayfair Set, E3: Destroy the Technostructure

The Mayfair Set, subtitled Four Stories About the Rise of Business and the Decline of Political Power, is a series of programmes produced by Adam Curtis for the BBC, first broadcast in the summer of 1999.

The programme looks at how buccaneer capitalists of hot money were allowed to shape the climate of the Thatcher years, focusing on the rise of Colonel David Stirling, Jim Slater, James Goldsmith and Tiny Rowland, all members of London's Clermont Club in the 1960s. It received the BAFTA Award for Best Factual Series or Strand in 2000.

Destroy the Technostructure

This episode recounts the story of how James Goldsmith became one of the richest men in the world.

155 views12:53