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Striker Unfiltered

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Последние сообщения 7

2023-04-27 16:22:19
A man of impeccable taste.

2.0K views13:22
2023-04-27 14:35:42
'AREN'T TAKING CARE OF US': East Palestine resident Courtney Miller shares the health issues she suffers from after the train derailment that occurred in March.

2.0K views11:35
2023-04-27 13:54:42 Good article on the alt medicine movement, which is deeply embedded in underground political culture and a major source of income for e-right/alt light grifters.

Mainstream medicine is bad in many respects, but that doesn't make quacks and confidence men knowingly robbing desperate, naive and poor people with fake cures any better.

3.2K viewsedited  10:54
2023-04-27 13:45:09 US client state South Korea is being destabilized by Judeo-American sponsored feminists. The South should be grateful that North Korea still resists. Were it not for that this unique race of people would perish from its extrenely low birth rate.

2.5K viewsedited  10:45
2023-04-27 11:41:23 I am optimistic about Tucker now that he is free from the shackles of conservatism. His new project will be a massive success.

2.5K views08:41
2023-04-26 05:31:20
TDS 1026 - Hedge Funds Plan The Economy
It's (((their))) money printer that goes brrr. Mike and guys discuss. Also a minor segue into microbrew.

Full Show (lol at free fags!)

534 views02:31
2023-04-26 05:07:19 Casa Pound also supports gay marriage. If they support NATO now, which I bet is not the case, then all that means is they get a lot of things wrong. The Italian nationalist movement is overwhelmingly anti-US presence in Europe and anti-NATO, and the Italian population wants to end support for the Zelensky regime.
999 viewsedited  02:07
2023-04-26 04:52:30 As usual, nothing of substance here. No indication of an argument. Does not engage with my historical parallel. Your case is groundless and I could not care less if some faction of casa pound agrees with you.

1.1K viewsedited  01:52
2023-04-26 03:55:18 During the Spanish civil war, Basque racial nationalists were the most enthusiastic fighters on the side of the Republican regime, for petty jingoistic reasons.

They even complained that Franco's Muslim army was being used to invade Europe and called for a new Reconquista, a call only Jews from the Lower East Side (Abraham Lincoln Brigade) heeded.

Franco was a Christian conservative who rejected racialism.

None of this takes away from the fact that the Basques were defending an evil regime propped up by Maxim Litvinov, Leon Blum, Wall Street and the rest of world Jewry.

If James A was around in 1936, he'd be doing the same mental gymnastics required to support NATO/world Jewry's Ukraine project to back the brave Basque Aryan freedom fighters against the evil Francoist orc invaders.

1.5K viewsedited  00:55
2023-04-26 00:11:29 https://therightstuff.biz/2023/04/25/strike-mike-episode-261-live-at-530/
469 views21:11