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Striker Unfiltered

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Логотип телеграм канала @strikerunfiltered — Striker Unfiltered
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Последние сообщения 5

2023-04-30 22:54:54 As it currently stands everyone in Europe and North America who disagrees with what the ADL regards as acceptable speech is blocked from using Twitter anyway, so if Musk wants to pretend to believe in freedom of speech he should be called out

1.7K views19:54
2023-04-30 22:19:07 If you want to see what free speech absolutism really looks like, compare Twitter to Telegram.

That is why Telegram is targeted by intelligence operatives and bots/trolls who's sole mission is to prevent productive political discussions from ever occurring.

2.5K viewsedited  19:19
2023-04-30 22:14:41 If the Irish government passes their hate speech law, Elon Musk will happily and unceremoniously give them everything they need to locate and prosecute violators.


2.1K views19:14
2023-04-30 22:05:07 As far as raising awareness of the issue, I commend Keith for raising the specific provisions of Ireland's Bolshevik anti-speech law. That is necessary.

But everyone that isn't an MSNBC watching cat lady or mentally ill freak taking HRT is well aware that free speech in the West has effectively been canceled by Jews.

Musk is in a rare position to actually do something as an individual, and instead he is promoting cat turd.
1.4K views19:05
2023-04-30 21:54:56 If Elon Musk really supported free speech as an ideological absolute, why not threaten to pull his money and investments out of Ireland if they pass this bill. Or to simply block twitter in Ireland as it will inevitably be used against people under this law, and Musk will no doubt cooperate. This is how Jews manipulate governments into forcing mass immigration and LGBT on people. Yet when a conservative CEO offers a throwaway, noncommittal comment we are expected to clap like seals for him. Musk is doing the bare minimum to guard his own rep on the new schizo right Twitter he has created.

It's good to bring attention to the issue, but more should be demanded of Musk than just a tweet and nothing more.

1.3K views18:54
2023-04-30 21:41:11 LOL!

2.1K views18:41
2023-04-30 20:52:51 Musk does not support free speech. That's a fact, not an opinion. Anybody remember Kanye West?

If you think a throwaway response to Keith after his tweet goes viral means anything deeper, I got some Dogecoin to sell you.

2.4K viewsedited  17:52
2023-04-30 02:19:46 Musk is such a fan of free speech that his platform censors us the hardest of all social media companies while allowing our opponents to lie and defame us.

Whoever is in charge of his moderation team is obviously an agent of Big Con/Grift Right because they even banned the Justice Report's url, a relatively new news publication that regular libtards don't know about. JR has a much higher editorial standards than the Substack blogs and Cat Turdian clickfarms Twitter artificially boosts.

3.3K viewsedited  23:19
2023-04-30 01:50:08
3.1K views22:50
2023-04-28 04:32:22 https://therightstuff.biz/2023/04/27/the-strike-warren-report-episode-56/
923 views01:32