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Логотип телеграм канала @techno_worid — 🚀TECHNO
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Последние сообщения 7

2022-05-30 16:00:08
Aerobotix has partnered with FerRobotics to develop a three-head sanding machine and sandpaper changer

The FerRobotics sanding machine is classified as a large-area sanding machine, it covers three times the surface area of a traditional sanding machine.

Techno World is awesome
484 views13:00
2022-05-30 13:00:02
Performing high jumps to test the impact resistance of the Solo8 equipment of the Open Dynamic Robot Initiative project

Techno World is awesome
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2022-05-30 10:00:02
John Deere fully autonomous tractor will usher in a new era of agriculture

American company John Deere expects to start supplying fully autonomous R8 tractors by the end of 2022. The systems "see" 360 degrees, confidently avoid collisions with obstacles and perform tasks in a geofencing marked area.

Techno World is awesome
505 views07:00
2022-05-29 19:00:02
The Elios 3 drone for inspection, mapping and surveying quickly converts object data into digital information

Elios 3 is more than a flying camera, it's a powerful data collection tool equipped with computer vision and LiDAR.

Techno World is awesome
552 views16:00
2022-05-29 16:00:03
Influencer of the future? This girl doesn't exist, she was created by artificial intelligence

The basis of the virtual character created by a startup in the Pantheon Lab science park in Hong Kong is CGI technology (computer-generated imagery).

The process starts with a concept, then a 3D model is created. It is improved: textures are made, colors and details are added. At the end, the character is animated so that his facial expressions and movements are natural.

Techno World is awesome
569 views13:00
2022-05-29 13:00:02
Different flowers are sorted using camera measurements, then the arm of the Jamafa robot takes the flowers from the containers for each sorting and arranges them into a bouquet. Once the target number is reached, the bouquets are placed on the flower line by the robot.

Techno World is awesome
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2022-05-29 10:00:03
India has created nanobots to kill bacteria inside teeth

Scientists from the Indian Institute of Science have developed tiny devices to fight bacteria inside the dentinal tubules of teeth, where existing tools cannot penetrate.

Spiral-shaped constructions made of silicon dioxide with iron sputtering can move inside living tissues under the influence of magnetic fields. Changing the parameters of the magnetic field causes their heating. Excessive heat destroys bacteria, then the nanobots are removed.

Techno World is awesome
170 views07:00
2022-05-28 19:00:03
Switzerland has created an exoskeleton for rehabilitation after injuries

Specialists from the startup Emovo Care have developed a lightweight and handy manual exoskeleton for people who cannot pick up objects after a stroke or other accidents.

The device imitates human tendons, which are attached to the outside of the fingers. The device has been successfully tested in rehabilitation centers.

Techno World is awesome
352 views16:00
2022-05-28 16:00:04
A quadcopter flew up from under water and sucked on a building

Engineers from China, Great Britain and Switzerland have developed a dual medium quadcopter with a suction cup that replicates the organ of a cling-fish. The drone can fly in the air, swim underwater, and suck on objects in these two environments, even if their surface is curved or moving.

Techno World is awesome
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2022-05-28 13:00:03
This fully autonomous drone from Corvus Robotics constantly monitors inventory in warehouses.

Techno World is awesome
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