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Последние сообщения 4

2022-06-08 12:00:01
Driving the latest FSD Beta 10.12.1 around San Francisco

Techno World is awesome
350 views09:00
2022-06-07 11:07:23
Zackees Swivel Gloves

Zackees swivel gloves are the best gift for a cyclist after a helmet! No need to worry about charging, it lasts for a full 6 months.

Techno World is awesome
484 views08:07
2022-06-06 16:00:01
Gucci launches online academy for young gamers

Gucci fashion house together with cyber tournaments organizer Faceit launched the online academy for gamers Gucci Gaming Academy to "develop a new generation of cybersports talents."

Trainees will be provided with the right equipment, a monthly stipend and special mentor coaches.

Techno World is awesome
519 views13:00
2022-06-06 13:00:01
ABB Robotics presents the first art car painted by a robot

ABB Robotics collaborated with two world-renowned artists, eight-year-old Indian prodigy Advait Kolarkar and the Dubai-based digital design collective ILLUSORR, to create the first art car painted by a robot.

ABB's award-winning PixelPaint technology perfectly recreated Advait's swirling, monochromatic designs as well as Illusorr's three-color geometric patterns without human intervention.

Techno World is awesome
466 views10:00
2022-06-06 10:00:02
Microsoft made the meta-universe industrial - Kawasaki, Heinz and Boeing became customers

Workers at Kawasaki factories will start wearing HoloLens augmented reality headsets to help them in production, repair and supply management.

Microsoft suggested creating "digital twins" of the workspace to speed up production processes.

To fix a faulty unit, it is no longer necessary to call a repair technician to the Kawasaki factory - he will be able to communicate remotely with local workers, giving specific instructions in the form of visual clues in augmented reality.

Techno World is awesome
491 views07:00
2022-06-05 19:00:01
The first Crypto1 cryptosatellite will be launched on SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket on May 25

The Cryptosat satellite is a coffee mug-sized module and its launch into space will provide a physically inaccessible and tamper-proof platform from which to run blockchain and other Web3 protocol-based applications.

Techno World is awesome
530 views16:00
2022-06-05 16:00:01
Google unveiled the Imagen neural network - it generates images from descriptions at a higher quality than DALL-E 2.

The neural network recognizes text using large language models, then generates the first image of 64x64 pixels based on the received data. The diffusion models then incrementally increase the resolution of the canvas to 256x256 and 1024x1024 pixels, while simultaneously refining the details.

Techno World is awesome
508 views13:00
2022-06-05 13:00:01
Japanese astronauts will participate in U.S. Artemis lunar program

U.S. President Joseph Biden and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida agreed during a meeting this week in Tokyo that Japanese astronauts will directly participate in the Artemis lunar program that NASA is implementing with partners.

A Japanese astronaut will visit the Gateway space station, which NASA plans to build near the moon. Also, it is not excluded the participation of the Japanese in the mission to land on the surface of the Earth's satellite.

Also Japanese astronaut Koichi Wakata will be part of the crew that will go on the SpaceX Crew Dragon to the ISS this year.

Techno World is awesome
482 views10:00
2022-06-05 10:00:01
British traveler Chris Ramsey will drive an electric car from the North Pole to the South Pole

The expedition will start in March 2023, during the journey Ramsey and his team will travel in an electric Nissan Ariya e-4ORCE, they will have to overcome more than 27 thousand kilometers across several continents, crossing borders of different climatic zones, where temperatures range from -30⁰C to +30⁰C.

Techno World is awesome
118 views07:00
2022-06-04 19:00:01
Scientists created a diamond mirror that did not burn up under a high-powered laser

Usually the mirror for high-power continuous wave lasers is made of several layers of different materials. The slightest defect in any of the layers leads to instantaneous burning of the mirror.

Researchers at Harvard University decided to make the mirror from one material, which could simplify the production of optical components of laser systems, and suggested diamond for this purpose. But not a stone ground to a mirror layer, but a certain way etched nanostructure.

The researchers tested the new diamond mirror by placing it in front of a 10-kilowatt military laser, which they said was strong enough to burn through steel. The mirror was left completely unscathed.

Techno World is awesome
308 views16:00