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Brace yourself, winter is coming! Провожаем последний день осе | Slang Bang! / Слэнг Бэнг!

Brace yourself, winter is coming! Провожаем последний день осени подборкой зимних идиом.

1) In the cold light of day – если вы думаете о чем-то при холодном свете дня, вы рассуждаете трезво и спокойно (обычно после того, как действовали на поводу у своих эмоций).

We had a few glasses of wine last night, and we came up with an idea that seemed great. But now I’m looking at it in the cold light of day, and maybe it’s not really what we need.

2) Black ice – тонкий слой льда на дороге, который создает трудности при вождении.

She was scared stiff as her car had hit a piece of black ice.

3) Cold snap – короткий период похолодания.

We usually have pretty mild winters, and there hasn’t been this kind of cold snap in quite some time.

4) Pure as the driven snow – сама невинность.

I am not the only one to blame for our divorce. My husband’s not exactly as pure as the driven snow himself.

5) Run/blow hot and cold – бросаться из крайности в крайность.

She keeps running hot and cold all the time, so it’s impossible to tell how she really feels.
