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Политическая теория и философия (Political theory and philosophy)

Логотип телеграм канала @polittheory — Политическая теория и философия (Political theory and philosophy) П
Логотип телеграм канала @polittheory — Политическая теория и философия (Political theory and philosophy)
Адрес канала: @polittheory
Категории: Политика
Язык: Русский
Страна: Россия
Количество подписчиков: 4.02K
Описание канала:

Книги и статьи по политической теории и философии
Для связи с администрацией канала leopolit@yandex.ru

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Последние сообщения 5

2021-09-29 17:30:00 Jacob Foreman - Whom?: On Frédéric Gros’s “Disobey!”

Frédéric Gros’s Disobey!, recently released by Verso in a translation by David Fernbach, explores forms of obedience to induce new styles of critical democracy and ethical resistance. He pulls together the ancient tragedy of Antigone, a consideration of the trial of Nazi logistician Adolf Eichmann, lessons from American transcendentalist Henry David Thoreau’s tenure at Walden Pond, and reflections on Plato’s Republic as object lessons to incite the civic dissident within each of us.

Gros’s analysis of why we are driven to obey is chillingly poignant. Our “unlimited responsibility” means — terrifyingly — that we are responsible for our faults, the meaning we give events, care of those who are fragile, and struggle in solidarity with people worldwide. This unlimited responsibility entails an immense burden, so we find myriad ways to skirt our obligations. Our desire to defer responsibility encourages obedience to laws because we can assign blame to those who write the rules. The defense of Eichmann resonates; we are simply obeying orders. Gros identifies a dangerous split here between our soul and body, whereby we can acknowledge that we physically act while claiming no moral fault. We reduce ourselves to limbs that carry out actions we can offer no defense of as we defer to the authors of laws and the givers of orders.

81 views14:30
2021-09-29 15:18:20 Benjamin Fraser - Marxism and Urban Culture

Marxism and Urban Culture is the first volume to reconcile social science and humanities perspectives on culture. Covering a range of global cities Bologna, Buenos Aires, Guatemala City, Liverpool, London, Los Angeles, Madrid, Mahalla al-Kubra, Mexico City, Montreal, Osaka, Strasbourg, Vienna the contributions fuse political and theoretical concerns with analyses of urban cultural practices and historical movements, as well as urban-themed literary and filmic art. Conceived as a response to the persistent rift between disciplinary Marxist approaches to culture, this book prioritizes the urban problematic and builds implicitly and explicitly on work by numerous thinkers: not only Karl Marx but also David Harvey, Henri Lefebvre, Friedrich Engels and Antonio Gramsci, among others. Rather than reanimate reductive views either of Marx or of urban theory, the chapters in Marxism and Urban Culture speak broadly to the interdisciplinary connections that are increasingly the concern of cultural scholars working across and beyond the boundaries of geography, sociology, history, political science, language and literature fields, film studies, and more.
43 views12:18
2021-09-29 11:32:52 Graham Smith - Can Democracy Safeguard the Future?

Our democracies repeatedly fail to safeguard the future. From pensions to pandemics, health and social care through to climate, biodiversity and emerging technologies, democracies have been unable to deliver robust policies for the long term. In this book, Graham Smith asks why. Exploring the drivers of short-termism, he considers ways of reshaping legislatures and constitutions and proposes strengthening independent offices whose overarching goals do not change at every election. More radically, Smith argues that forms of participatory and deliberative politics offer the most effective democratic response to the current political myopia, as well as a powerful means of protecting the interests of generations to come.
114 views08:32
2021-09-29 06:18:19 Суверенный рунет – нас скоро всех заблокируют

На фоне происходящего в Российском сегменте интернет вновь актуальной стала тема суверенного рунета. Блокировки Google Docs, информация о которых проходила на прошлой неделе, «прогиб» Google, Apple и Telegram, как его окрестили в сети: все это печальные звоночки.

Кто-то говорит, что появление суверенного рунета невозможно технически. Кто-то уверен, что это попросту разрушит российскую экосистему интернет и большая часть сервисов станет недоступна. Но является ли это аргументом против? Поговорим об этом с основателем Privacy Accelerator, со-основателем и техническим директором «РосКомСвободы» Станиславом Шакировым.

172 views03:18
2021-09-28 20:15:08 Niamh Dunne - The Antitrust Anti-Consensus

Decades after free marketeers gained an effective monopoly over the field of antitrust law, there is a new race to rethink this critical tool of economic governance. With a growing list of socioeconomic and political problems being attributed to the power of Big Business, the debate is as timely as it is controversial.

192 views17:15
2021-09-28 18:32:43 Raja Anwar - The Tragedy of Afghanistan: A First-Hand Account
174 views15:32