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Марксизм и критическая теория (Marxism and critical theory)

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Логотип телеграм канала @marxismct — Марксизм и критическая теория (Marxism and critical theory)
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Язык: Русский
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Книги и статьи по марксизму и критической теории.
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Последние сообщения 12

2021-06-24 15:35:30 Мария Энгстрем - Ресайклинг позднесоветской контркультуры и новая эстетика «второго мира»

Статья посвящена анализу различных форм ресайклинга эстетики и идеологии позднесоветского андеграунда и контркультуры 1990-х годов в современной массовой культуре. На примерах резонансных проектов Юрия Дудя, Монеточки, Михаила Идова, Гоши Рубчинского, группы «Little Big» и др. рассматриваются две конкурирующие стратегии работы со «свежим прошлым» метамодернистская и ремодернистская. Также анализируются «внутренний ресайклинг», т.е. предназначенный для российского потребителя, и «внешний ресайклинг», вписанный в глобальную эстетику «фейк/фальш-ностальгии».

52 views12:35
2021-06-24 11:43:57 Перу: в поисках социализма, в тисках неолиберализма

В последние месяцы в сводках латиноамериканских и международных СМИ большой темой стал предвыборный процесс в Перу. Совершенно неожиданный для многих взлёт внесистемного левого политика Педро Кастильо породил множество споров о том, появится ли в Латинской Америке «новая Венесуэла/Боливия/Куба» (нужное подчеркнуть) и является ли это событие началом «левого поворота» в новом прочтении. Однако происходящее в этом южноамериканском государстве далеко не является результатом некой случайности. Для современных марксистов события в Перу выступают ярким индикатором изменений в классовом сознании трудящихся на периферии мировой экономики.

90 views08:43
2021-06-24 06:31:57 Michael Denning - Everyone a Legislator

Michael Denning rereads Gramsci as a theorist of political organizing

My introduction to Gramsci, decades ago, was when Stuart Hall returned to him to help us understand the ‘great moving right show’ of Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan. Considering the experience of the past decade, we might begin a reflection on Gramsci with those same sections from Notebook 13: one on the Boulanger movement, the other on crises of representation that generate Caesarist responses. Both passages drew on Marx’s own reflections on the sequence of election and emergency, plebiscite and coup, that brought Louis Bonaparte to power. Both passages warned us against a simple economism that reduced the emergence of counter-movements on the right to narrow economic motives. But perhaps we have learnt that lesson well enough; indeed, Giuseppe Cospito has argued that, as the Notebooks developed, Gramsci himself came to find Caesarism a concept of limited value, noting that it ‘was introduced into the political language by Napoleon iii, who certainly was not a great political historian or philosopher.’ Here, I want to ask whether Gramsci’s conception of politics is useful for the resistance to these regimes and movements of the right, for our precarious work and life. After all, it has long been assumed that, as Eric Hobsbawm put it, Gramsci’s ‘major contribution’ is ‘to have pioneered a Marxist theory of politics’.

179 views03:31
2021-06-23 17:24:03 David Klion - American Fables

George Packer seeks refuge in political myth

George Packer is the quintessential establishment liberal intellectual: a staff writer at The Atlantic, and before that The New Yorker; the author of a dozen books of both fiction and nonfiction; a National Book Award winner and a Pulitzer finalist; a co-drafter of last year’s infamous Harper’s letter in support of free speech and open debate; a repentant supporter of the Iraq War; and a self-described member of “the Orwell cult.” His previous two books, The Unwinding (2013) a kaleidoscopic reported account of the failure of the American dream over the previous several decades and Our Man (2019) a juicy biography of the late diplomat Richard Holbrooke and a history of American folly abroad from Vietnam to Afghanistan, which I reviewed for The Nation shared similar virtues and flaws. Both were elegantly written and peopled by memorable characters, famous and obscure, whose stories shed light on the contradictions of contemporary America. Both were also undermined by Packer’s insistent need to defend the mid-century American social contract and a set of high-minded ideals that he acknowledges America has never come close to living up to.

46 views14:24
2021-06-23 15:46:19 lko-Sascha Kowalczuk - Democracy without Consequences? From Catch-Up Modernization to Precipitous Radicalization

Reunification took place in accord with the classic pattern of othering. There was one dominant space: the Federal Republic. Here the norms were set the norms that have been apostrophized as universality. And these norms and values had to be transformed and transported into the “empty space” of East Germany. But this space was not empty, of course, though it was treated as if it were empty. And that only works if one reconstructs what existed there before in two different yet compatible ways.

One of these constructions homogenizes East German space. One pretends that everything in that space from north to south, from east to west is uniform. There are no differences. And here there are two amplitudinal swings. On the one hand, there are those who resisted this system until ‘89, whom one exploits to legitimate the new order, and on the other hand there are those who represented the old system and now continue to cling to it. One introduces these two human categories as living proof of the necessity of deligitimizing the whole of what was going on there, while the mass in between them is simply homogenized. And that is exactly what happened.

41 views12:46
2021-06-23 13:51:51 Nick Burns - The Politics of Fernando Pessoa

Internationally, talk of Pessoa spread in the 1960s, with a sweeping critical treatment from Octavio Paz at the start of the decade and another, narrowly formal, from linguist Roman Jakobson at its close. In the New York Review of Books the critic Michael Wood soon seconded Jakobson’s assessment of Pessoa as a great undiscovered figure of the generation of Joyce and Picasso. But the breakthrough came after the publication in Portugal of his incomparable collocation of prose fragments, O Livro do Desassossego, in 1982. Four different English translations of it as The Book of Disquiet appeared in 1991 alone, and three years later Harold Bloom saw fit to include Pessoa in the elite group of writers of his Western Canon (1994), on the merits of his visionary reading of Whitman. Today a cottage industry of Pessoa scholarship rivals the Joyce machine. Every several years since the 1970s has seen the publication of fresh poems and prose from the massive trunk the author left behind at his death, a treasure trove still unexhausted.

58 views10:51
2021-06-23 11:55:12 Ben Fong & Melissa Naschek - Nonprofits Can’t Save the World

On The Jacobin Show, Ben Fong and Melissa Naschek discuss the rise of the nonprofit sector and explain why NGOs are unable to challenge the basic structures of capitalism.

69 views08:55
2021-06-23 08:58:23 Ellen Meiksins Wood - Mind and Politics: An Approach to the Meaning of Liberal and Socialist Individualism
74 views05:58
2021-06-22 19:11:26 Heike Becker - Germany’s Namibia Genocide Apology: the limits of decolonizing the past

Heike Becker writes about the recent agreement between the German and Namibian governments for special “reconciliation and reconstruction” projects to benefit the Ovaherero and Nama communities that were directly affected by colonial genocide. Becker asks what are the possible international ramifications of the Namibian-German agreement? Will the deal possibly turn the tide more broadly for reparation claims from ex-colonies of the empires of European colonialism?

67 views16:11