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Марксизм и критическая теория (Marxism and critical theory)

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Логотип телеграм канала @marxismct — Марксизм и критическая теория (Marxism and critical theory)
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Язык: Русский
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Книги и статьи по марксизму и критической теории.
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Последние сообщения 11

2021-06-26 13:50:26 Антон Йегер - Почему концепция постработы не работает

За последние десять лет появилось совершенно новое направление в антикапиталистической теории – так называемая «антирабочая» политика. За её развитием можно проследить начиная с «Посткапитализма» (PostCapitalism: A Guide to our Future, 2015) Пола Мэйсона, «Изобретая будущее» (Inventing the Future: Postcapitalism and a World Without Work, 2015) Ника Срничека и Алекса Уиллиамса, заканчивая «Полностью автоматизированным роскошным коммунизмом» Аарона Бастани. В отличие от старомодного рабочизма, эти «новые» новые левые стремились дистанцироваться от «культа труда» предыдущих социалистических партий, скромно оправдываясь за праздность, как и Совет до них.

62 views10:50
2021-06-26 11:25:17 Peter Osborne - More than everything. Žižek’s Badiouian Hegel

The reigning champion in Žižek’s imaginary heavyweight contest is, of course, his good friend Alain Badiou, whose door-stopping Being and Event (1988) expanded into the cultural space created by its 2005 English-language reception to spawn Logics of Worlds (2006) as Being and Event, 2 – the cinematically abbreviated subtitle of which hints at its author’s bonding with Žižek over the revival of Lenin. Less Than Nothing more or less exactly matches for length the extended version of Being and Event. Of course, size is just the mundane guise of the idea of the ‘big book’ here, the book with the big ideas, the book that will become part of the history of philosophy in its canonical mode, the book by a thinker who is more than a man (although apparently never a woman), ‘a figure like Plato or Hegel’, who ‘walks here among us!’ – as Žižek is repeatedly quoted as writing of Badiou, with barely concealed aggression. Us … mere mortals. ‘Can this really be the Son of Plato?’ we are invited to ask. And what of the son of Hegel?

191 views08:25
2021-06-26 07:22:34 On the Arrests of Italian Militants in France

An interview with Enzo Traverso

On 28 April, seven militants of the 1970s Italian revolutionary left were arrested in France, in the so-called "Red Shadows" sting operation. The Italian justice system accuses them of a series of crimes, allegedly committed between 1972 and 1982, ranging from subversive association to murder. Grey-haired men and women, each between 60 and 78 years of age exiles who have been living in refuge in France for years they were put in handcuffs at dawn and taken off to anti-terrorist strongrooms. La Repubblica tells us that this was about "closing the book on the twentieth century" is that the case?

82 views04:22
2021-06-25 17:34:58 Felipe Antunes De Oliveira - True Colours

The hopes of the Brazilian left were dashed earlier this month, when the national football team published a statement which criticized President Bolsonaro’s decision to host the Copa America during the pandemic, but confirmed that it would nonetheless participate.

For many in Brazil, this was the latest step in a progressive separation from their fabled national team. Few images are more emblematic of the country than the bright yellow shirt worn by Pelé and the 1970s generation. When Brazilians abroad are asked where they come from, the answer usually invites comments about famous goals and matches. Yet the connection between Brazilians and their seleção is more complex than this might suggest. Football is not easily disentangled from politics, which currently means an affiliation with Bolsonaro.

33 views14:34
2021-06-25 15:31:14 Peru’s Socialist President-Elect, Pedro Castillo, in His Own Words

Pedro Castillo, the rightful president-elect of Peru, describes his journey from elementary school teacher to trade union militant to the cusp of state power.

Peru’s presidential campaign between leftist Pedro Castillo and right-wing Keiko Fujimori has been an epic struggle. When it was clear that Castillo would win with a razor-thin margin, Fujimori like Donald Trump cried fraud and is now trying to carry out an electoral coup. While international observers, and even the US State Department, agree that the elections were free and fair, Fujimori’s legal maneuvers have managed to delay the official declaration of the winner, sow even more division among the public, and embolden the far right.

55 views12:31
2021-06-25 11:44:08 Goran Therborn - The Ideology of Power and the Power of Ideology

Goran Therborn's study is an original and decisive contribution to the contemporary debate on the central Marxist concept of ideology. Beginning with some critical reflections on Louis Althusser's writings of the late sixties, Therborn develops a theory of the formation of human subjects; considers the problem of ideological change and the ideological construction of classes; and turns finally to questions of state power and political struggle.
47 views08:44
2021-06-25 07:18:13 Maurice Bloch - Marxism and anthropology: The history of a relationship

This book examines the uses made of anthropology by Marx and Engels, and the uses made of Marxism by anthropologists. Looking at the writings of Marx and Engels on primitive societies, the book evaluates their views in the light of present knowledge and draws attention to inconsistencies in their analysis of pre-capitalist societies. These inconsistencies can be traced to the influence of contemporary anthropologists who regarded primitive societies as classless. As Marxist theory was built around the idea of class, without this concept the conventional Marxist analysis foundered.
143 views04:18
2021-06-24 17:19:53 The Neoliberal Fracturing of LGBTQ+ Identities

An Interview with Peter Drucker about how lesbian and gay identity emerged alongside the welfare state. LGBTQ+ communities now face social polarization

In the political and theoretical debates about oppression based on sexuality and gender identities, two major schools were consolidated during the neoliberal era. The first is what we could call the “identitarian” school, which sees identity (related to ethnicity, sexuality, gender, age, etc.) as determining the interests of a certain group, such as “women” or “Black people.” This leaves other material aspects, such as class, in the background, even though class conditions the experience of oppression in capitalist societies. The identitarian school saw its ultimate goal as the conquest of equality for gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and trans people (in comparison to the civil rights of heterosexual people). The method to achieve this was to expand rights within capitalist democracies here there is a convergence with the agendas of neoliberal parties that integrated demands for “gender equality” or “diversity” into their platforms. On the other hand, and partly as a response to these sectors, there arose a school associated with queer theories, which includes Judith Butler’s theory of performativity.

75 views14:19