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Who can contain you without restricting you? And who can ca | KellyBroganMD

Who can contain you without restricting you?

And who can call you out, put your in your place, and redirect your bulls#!t without wounding you, making you feel attacked, or injuring your relationship?

Believe it or not, my divorce attorney managed that last one without my lady-hackles raising — in fact, I kind of liked it.

When you’re in the presence of a man of discernment, who has a strong spine, and whose judgment you trust and respect — you want to feel that containment.

Even if it’s a professional relationship in a sterile conference room while you’re talking about your divorce. 

Check out my latest podcast to hear what I learned about masculine containment from my lost-in-time fantasy bf Jamie Fraser.

& If you want to take the juicy exploration even deeper, sign up for my Breakup Breakthrough Masterclass, where we explore how your breakup can actually be your rebirth.

Link's right here, lovely human.