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When was the last time you truly surrendered to a man who coul | KellyBroganMD

When was the last time you truly surrendered to a man who could hold ALL of you?!

I don’t think I’ve *ever* felt safe enough in my man’s masculine containment  to be held and directed.

(Besides maybe my forays into the BDSM world – more on that coming soon! )

But I found what I’ve always wanted and didn’t even know was possible in Jamie Fraser…

My fantasy bf from Outlander.

“A man’s life springs from his woman’s bones and in her blood is his honor”


Patriarchal messaging aside, my favorite TV show is so popular because it shows women a man:

‍ Who has his woman’s back (and an even stronger village of men at his back willing to defend her against all attackers)

 Is strong enough to hold and protect her

 And regards her with such a clear gaze that it’s hard not to feel stripped naked on your couch as you binge watch their love story with kale chips and a glass of sparkling water w/ a splash of grapefruit juice (my mocktail of choice )

Hear more over at Reclamation Radio